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2 dozen plants 1800 watts plus


good looking setup.

by the way I would let neighbor and drunk buddy think the setup got moved to another persons house.
yea dude just dont talk about with your bros anymore let its kinda fade away. I know it sounds like were being bitches but you gotta understand were trying to look out for you thats all. We are all in the fight together and you cant fight when your in jail. Im not sure what state your in an what not but i know where i live if you get cought with what you have its stright to prison. For a few YEARS ok get that YEARS IN PRISON and your "bros" might have your "back" but that shits in your house. So guess what thats your ass and i dont give a fuck how tight you and your boys are. When their looking into the eyes of the 40 cops raiding them you have the biggest name they know so if its going to keep there ass clean their giving them yours. I mean a cops job is to catch people like us 8am to 5pm monday through friday there trying to catch you. Stay safe dude. Just dont let them money signs put you behind them bars.

Appreciate all the advise. The facts are that yes ppl know about my grow and yes there are a few ppl "involved" in the operation. But I really do trust my friends and maybe I'm wrong but I feel I can trust their deep character.

As far as the law goes, I'm chillin, don't worry a thing about the law.

The physical location of the op. is VERY secure.


this post has gotten side tracked. weedman, you obviously don't need anyones help on here, so why bother posting?


Sometimes these things you can call as you see, but others are people you can't even call out. Had a co-worker discover my setup and he seemed alright about it, then I find out 2 weeks later he's deep in crack and had just stolen a half O and $700 from his girlfriend.

Had another friend who usually had small buds and he got jacked by 3 big black dudes at gunpoint. Its not always your mistake of trust, but if you tell a friend who tells a friend who tells a friend, there's always a chance that someone in that line will say, "yo lets go rob that fool"

Its always wise to just keep your partner list to a minimum.
LOL that is not exactly the norm. Why are you giving advice off a crazy sounding scenario. I mean a cool coworker somehow finds out about your grow, but he is a crack addict (how you could not notice a crack addiction before you said he is cool I dont know lol). Then your friend gets jacked by three big black dudes at gunpoint??? First off why would your friend even meet or do business alone with that many people, second why would 3 big black dues need a gun to jack your lone buddy? LoL Those are some interesting stories. Sound advice my friend hahah.


Tom 'Green' Thumb
I think another 1000 watter and I hope you trigger soon! If not, sorry, its late and i'm a little fried. Looking good though!

Ok boss so here is a real opinion, I don't give a shit who you tell about your grow. That is your business and not mine. My honest opinion on how your grow is set up goes like this, MOST people I see growing their first few times create more work for themselves than need be. Especially when taking into consideration there will be a learning curve along the way. I strongly feel that this has happened to you for these reasons :

A) you have too many plants for the amount of light you are using. I think it is commonly thought "more plants , more production" when in reality more LIGHT is more production. I am of firm belief that, strain and knowledge willing, you can grow about 1lb per 1000w whether you have 1 plant under that light or 10. Why water 10 smaller plants rather than 1 large plant? *We currently use 10gallon pots with 1 plant per 1000w and avg 1/2lb - 1lb plant depending on strain and other variables*

B) I agree with the gentlemen that commented on your odd pot sizing. I understand WHY you did it due to availability and funding , but in turn this has added to your work load again. Not only do you have a lot of plants to care for, but now they will be needing water on different intervals and in different amounts.

So I guess the moral to my ranting is Work Smart , Not Hard. Keeping things simple will not only help keep you sane but will most likely improve your results. Good luck with your grow bro. I like how you are doing the best you can with what you have to work with. If you ever have questions feel free to pm me.

P.S. - a tip on the clone trays, use the dome covers for them and spray them once or twice a day to keep the humidity around 90-100% doing this they shouldn't ever need to be watered while they are rooting if you pre-soaked your rockwool cubes or rooter plugs. you can get cheap humidity gauges at the pet store for reptile cages.

Tarus Bulbar

LOL that is not exactly the norm. Why are you giving advice off a crazy sounding scenario. I mean a cool coworker somehow finds out about your grow, but he is a crack addict (how you could not notice a crack addiction before you said he is cool I dont know lol). Then your friend gets jacked by three big black dudes at gunpoint??? First off why would your friend even meet or do business alone with that many people, second why would 3 big black dues need a gun to jack your lone buddy? LoL Those are some interesting stories. Sound advice my friend hahah.

:laughing: This is hilarious!!
On another note...can we get some more pics bro!!!

Tarus Bulbar

Lookn like a beautiful jungle of MJ!!!
Nice job trimming the under growth!!
That outta help put out some fat
top buds!! Thanks 4 da pics bro
cheers maing!!
spots of mildew

spots of mildew

I saw a couple spots of mildew the other day and a couple more spots yesterday, very little. The humidity fluxuates around 62% and goes down to 50 and up to 68 sometimes.

-I added two more fans for foliage ventilation.

-I was thinking about picking up a de-humidifier but am lazy and I got other shit to do. I've heard of de-humidifier strips, do they do anything? Does it matter what kind of dehumidifier?


love machine
ICMag Donor
Every thing looks good but i suggest you ditch those 400's

With spaces like that you're wasting a lot of precious time with the 400, please do yourself a favor and your buddy's to pick up a couple 600's or 1000's.

More plants does not mean more production, more lights mean more production,

Your grow, your house and your friend is none of my business nor anyone on here, they give you advices because they want you to keep continue growing not hating.

We're all human, we all get greedy from time to time and we do say things we dont mean, i hope you keep your grow room safe and keep pumping out beautiful buds,

cheers m8


New member
word to the wise money is the root of all evil and cannabis isn't excempt so with that said i have seen many ( friends, close bro's ) go into these growops and end up shot or busted ratting to leo because of money or shit like ( where did that oz go? or fk you their was more product here your ripping it off etc ) if you want to grow and stay out of jail and worry free grow yourself stealth is the #1 key to being free, your close & best friends are the first ones to fuck you over!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah couldn't afford 600's this time around, but there's always a next time. Didn't plan for that many plants but it just sorta happened like that. Next go around, 5 gallon pots minimum. Veg um out more even status. We're actually at 2600 watts now :)

Crazy 10 fingered freak.

We're at 3200 watts now :)

There are still some signs of mildew. Our humidity is at 40 %. Will mildew continue to spread? Even with 5 fans and a de-H. I should probably cut off the leaves that are infected? And our temp is pretty high at 83F. What is the threshold temp for MJ? I am spraying them with PH9 water once a day when the lights turn on. It's crazy how the green crack is very suseptable to the PM and the bubbah and the fruity delight is not so much. Note takin!
Thanks for the help
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Nice job with this...the problem you will run into is the same one I am going to. With so many varities, you will have different flowering times. My next grow, maybe 2 varieties..that's it. You can learn a particular strain and get really good at it...why not??