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this bong is unbreakable


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
are you still recording?
just shut it off, man.
just shut it off....


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

he's just some nipple that got himself a new ROOR, PHx or Illadelph and hadda waste a minute of everyone else's life by busting up his old unit, which by the way would've made a GREAT spare as I gotta believe somebody that dumb will surely bust his high end glass right away.......



he's just some nipple that got himself a new ROOR, PHx or Illadelph and hadda waste a minute of everyone else's life by busting up his old unit, which by the way would've made a GREAT spare as I gotta believe somebody that dumb will surely bust his high end glass right away.......

so true, always gotta keep the spare


cant stop wont stop
i shit you not. true story.
listen to this - i was at a 'newer' head shop, right across from like 'the main guy in towns' shop.. well they had cheap prices i guess a big grand opening and crazy nice pieces. this guy was showing me a ,, i'd say pretty average glass bowl . ran around 50 bucks or so. nothing too impressive, but nice non the less. he swore up and down it was the best glass EVER made and demonstrated this EXACT display - hey threw the pipe at a wall about 5 feet from him and it shattered. i nearly shat myself laughing..
dude swore up and down thats never happened but i didnt care!! i actually still bought a cheap glass piece there, i was actually only there to buy a new digi for the sale they had goin :D