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Illinois Pot


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
Pot and Marijuana has been all over the radio here the last few days. Polls asking whether seniors should be able to use pot medicinally. Advocates speaking out. It was quite the rush.

I have two things here. First is a list of clues to spot us growers according to police. 2nd is a news article about Illinois going to pot legally and quickly.

From an Illinois Newspaper:


Sorry for not posting the read. It's about the budget.

Warning Signs!:


Infrequent visitors to a seemingly unoccupied house
No snow on the home's roof
Signs of tampering with an electric meter or stealing electricity from neighbors
Windows open in the winter
Covered windows
Mold on the outside of the house
A large amount of garbage
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This is the money you could be saving if you grow
Must be crowed...

It's crowed here too. more about Greening the planet than anything these days
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This is the money you could be saving if you grow
Well, I can't delete it....

There's going to be a March at the Federal Plaza in Chicago in support of Legalization of Medical Marijuana May 8th, 2010???

There's also an Illinois NORML meeting March 27th, 2010. There will be a viewing of the Documentary "Waiting to Inhale" followed by a short discussion.

Other events are planned including a day of lobbying at the State's Capitol. Please follow the link to find out more. Patients need our help to get this done.


Hoping a few people will attend these 3 free events organized by NORML, Illinois.


Active member
Mold on the outside of the house
A large amount of garbage
Wow... you mean ALL those houses and apts hit by Katrina are grow houses? WTF! They should get this info to those neighborhoods right away!

NOBODY has the right to tell you what you can grow and consume on your own property. Not me, Not my neighbor and definitely not people with fancy hats and titles.

Educate Yourself! Then Educate Your Neighbor!


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
The meetup was pretty nice. 18 or more people attended. There were two speakers who were knowledgeable, than the Documentary was interesting.

I'm planning to take part in the Global March, and strongly considering lobbying at the Capitol.


Thanks to all who read the post and to those who may have joined.

That list was not my list. It came from the article. One day, every house in America may be full of marijuana plants.


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
It's legal, just fight for your right to responsibly partake in the use in it. Defend Liberty from Tyrants.