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noob needs advice


New member
ok so i just scored some clones with some AMAZING rootballs
so my question is my light schedule on for 24/7 or a 20/4?
thier kind of old most of the leaves are wilted will this affect anything?


Active member
ok so i just scored some clones with some AMAZING rootballs
so my question is my light schedule on for 24/7 or a 20/4?
thier kind of old most of the leaves are wilted will this affect anything?

get em under light, either 24/7 or 20/4 will work. they should pick back up, the get em in what ever you're gonna grow em in and get after it! You'll get em goin. Then read a lot and pay attention... can't go wrong...

mgk :blowbubbles:


New member
oh i have placed them in my medium
im just wating for them to take off
i didnt know if a little bit of dark would encourage some more root growth
but thanks much appreciated


i would just go straight for 24/7....make sure to keep them watered but allow the soil to get dry before you do this. also make sure you keep an oscillating fan on them probably the low setting.
when you switch to flower from 24/7 it takes longer for buds to start to form...there are endless debates on this topic, just my view.
Another noob question.. does placing a heat mat under little rooted clones help them transplant better? Or since they already have roots you don't need any warmth (yes I know you don't need heat in the first place but it helps).


Active member
It depends on how warm or cool they are to begin with. Too warm and the roots will rot, too cold and they'll grow slowly.


If they have a good root system do not place them on heat unless as mentioned before,they happen to be in a very cold location. With good soil and a bit of water they will be fine. Dont baby them to death. When you are new to this, some of us tend to do way too much to our plants ( too much water or food, moving them a lot, etc) instead of just providing the basics and letting nature do it's thing.


when you switch to flower from 24/7 it takes longer for buds to start to form...there are endless debates on this topic, just my view.

I just got flowers in 4 days after switching from 24/0 photoperiod, to 12/12

I'll have full on nugs in less than 3 weeks

and probably almost 2 z's per 30" plant (grape ape, in moonshine's mix)

been growing 24/0-12/12 for almost 35 years now, NOTHING brings on budset faster,......

but your right, there are more arguments on this subject, than "the BEST way to clone!" :D



as for the heating pad debate it probably depends on your room temps. If they are in the 70s a heating pad probably wont do much. but if its lower a heating pad probably is in order. Ive been doin 24-12/12 also and never had any problems...although ive never tried less than 24 because i assumed my plants would get all strechy.


New member
well my clones have great rootballs already
thier kinda old and most growth on the plant has died so im jsut waiting for some new growth before going to 18/6
im using ff planting mix with POM fruit and flower for flower

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