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The $50 Investment Thread

I was wondering what and how some people would choose to invest fifty bucks if they were given it under the condition of investing it somehow. What would you do with it?

Assume nothing. Anything YOU do with the $50 is what YOU do, not what one would have to do (ie, if you have grow lights, then you dont need to buy any)

I personally would buy an eighth of my friends super duper, gram it out at $25 a gram, and buy another eighth and dinner. Weak, but its what I would do. The money was invested, turned a profit (i prolly even had a half gram left over), and thats my $50.

What would YOU do with $50?
two stroke oil and fuel for my scooter to go back and forth to work for a month. stash the cash i would use to fuel my pickup for that month and take the ol lady to dinner....might get a piece of ass outa the deal...hell of an investment (i get to ride for an entire month) and profit (good grub and maybe some lovin) in my opinion


Active member
Buy more brownie mix, icing sugar, butter, and maybe a cheeseburger.


just do it
i would buy another pack of SOL adventure mix, i just got a pack and they look SWEET, i labeled them #22 thru #31 and consecutive numbers 22 thru 28 were females with some real nice plants in there fo sho


weed fiend
I was wondering what and how some people would choose to invest fifty bucks if they were given it under the condition of investing it somehow. What would you do with it?

Four years ago, I was sick of paying $50 a quarter for swag. Too many dealers selling quarters only. I was even sicker to hear two-bit flippers say "it's good", only to realize it's the same old brown clown. Somebody, somewhere has a ton of crap weed and it takes forever to filter out of the area. I bet I vowed (to myself) a thousand times I'd start growing and put an end to my misery and expense.

One day I was web surfing and found ICMAG!!!!! That's where I discovered growers using hps lighting to grow. I looked in the garage and saw my old pro-audio transport cab. With this cab, a $35 security light and a $15 exhaust fan, I built mt first grow cab. Several rounds of indoor growing frustration followed but even then I managed to harvest great smoke.

Since then I've spent several hundred to get more successful hauls. It's only pennies on the dollar compared to what I was spending on the street for personal smoke. But it all started with $50 and I never looked back. As a fiend and a (micro) grower, I occasionally run out of the good stuff and have to buy. That's ok....I still managed to save a load of cash and the occasional reminder is sweet, even if the street weed isn't, lol.

Without all you guys to help and encourage, my $50 hobby/experiment would have probably turned out lackluster. It would have taken much longer to figure out the technical necessities and grow skills. Frustration might have even thrown the towel.

first security light - $35
first exhaust fan - $15

help and encouragement from a great community - priceless. I love you all. Peace.


Active member
Assume nothing. Anything YOU do with the $50 is what YOU do, not what one would have to do (ie, if you have grow lights, then you dont need to buy any)

I personally would buy an eighth of my friends super duper, gram it out at $25 a gram, and buy another eighth and dinner. Weak, but its what I would do. The money was invested, turned a profit (i prolly even had a half gram left over), and thats my $50.

What would YOU do with $50?

Buy some pseudo, some iodine, some.. *kidding*

I'll go get some clones. I'm kinda partial to AK47 These are _clean_ clones, no bugs to worry about. 50 bucks should get me 3-4 clones.
Lol last batch of clones I got were freebies.

Grow those clones out, make some cuts, throw them into flower.

Throw those in my cabinet (250W), and get roughly 250 Grams of some smoke.

Split it out into 1/8ths.. You get the picture :)

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