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Sun Systems Blockbuster Reflector


Smokes, lets go
these are new, saw them in my local store they told me they cover a perfect 4x4 area... seems like these would work a lot better than my super sun2's in there, is it worth it to replace my super sun2's with blockbusters to maximize my yeild?
please buy it and let us know! seems like this is the compromise between the ss2 and the gigantic magnum. did you happen to compare them to the magnums when you were in the store? i like my lightweight, easy to manage ss2s and decided not to upgrade to the magnums but the blockbuster might be worth it to me. i think they are too new for anyone to have any solid opinions.


Can you find out the dimensions on the block buster?

I have a magnum and it works great it is light but awkward to handle.

I'm not a fan of the built in cords but it does make it easier on the airflow.

I also have a super sun it is good for a 2x2 I think you cast more light down with these new reflectors.


Power Armor rules
Those things are giants. They are about 25 inches long and wide. I bet the spread is nice and even.

how are they much different to the yield masters 2 supremes which are like a hundred bucks and 23"x24" roughly...imo more sunsystems hypity hype...ugh i gotta stop stuffing their pockets.


There are FOUR lights!
My hydro store had to send all the Blockbusters back to Sun Systems because
they wouldn't seal up all the way. I don't think they've fixed the problem yet.
I just got a coolsun2 and like it. It's almost square.
Love to get a magnum xxl though.


Active member
Ive dealt with every sun system reflector. My advice is for 3x3 go with a yield master 2supreme. For a 4x4 go with a magnum xxxl or blockbuster. For smaller than 3x3, go with supersun2
Bigger is better, thats the American way.

Is'nt there a thread on here where a member tested a bunch of different reflectors?
The Super Sun 2 crushed them all. In light output and distrubition for both 3x3' and 4x4' gardens.
Its funny that the smallest reflector tested the best but the customers always want the bigger one. Maybe thier trying to make up for something else thats lacking size.


As others have mentioned, looks like Sun System's answer to Hydrofarm's Radiant. Can't tell for sure from the pictures posted, but looks like it uses a pebbled specular reflective aluminum rather than the smooth diffused that the Radiant/Daystar uses.


Bigger is better, thats the American way.

Is'nt there a thread on here where a member tested a bunch of different reflectors?
The Super Sun 2 crushed them all. In light output and distrubition for both 3x3' and 4x4' gardens.
Its funny that the smallest reflector tested the best but the customers always want the bigger one. Maybe thier trying to make up for something else thats lacking size.
You need to catch up on that thread. :angrymod:

Don't worry, I used to run Daystar AC's and SuperSun 2's too...


New member
if its anything like a radiant you'll be happy...theyre built like a tank !! i recently ditched mine for a bare bulb vertical...


if its anything like a radiant you'll be happy...theyre built like a tank !! i recently ditched mine for a bare bulb vertical...
If tanks are known to have dangerous faulty electrical wiring once in a while due to quality control issues, I guess so.

bobbie banger

New member
these are new, saw them in my local store they told me they cover a perfect 4x4 area... seems like these would work a lot better than my super sun2's in there, is it worth it to replace my super sun2's with blockbusters to maximize my yeild?

how well do your super sun2's cover your 4x4 ? u have any problems with them ? i was gonna grab a couple tommorow


Weedomus Maximus
Bigger is better, thats the American way.

Is'nt there a thread on here where a member tested a bunch of different reflectors?
The Super Sun 2 crushed them all. In light output and distrubition for both 3x3' and 4x4' gardens.

Its funny that the smallest reflector tested the best but the customers always want the bigger one. Maybe thier trying to make up for something else thats lacking size.

It's not wise to rely on the testing in that thread, as the minimum distance was set at 18". If the light hangs closer to the canopy, the results don't necessarily apply...at all. Would it now be fair to say that the American Way involves looking for quick answers to complex questions? lol

DJ short claims hanging lights further away from the canopy increases the flavors present in cannabis buds.
My air cooled light is always over 18-24" above the canopy and my buds taste and smell much better than the same strains grown by friends who have their light closer to the buds.
But yeah, I probably should not have commented without re-reading that thread. Sorry.