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Mass/RI/Con Growers here!


Killin' Zombies!
ICMag Donor
im going to be grabbing some smart pots this next week. my store just got them.
im getting a new reverse osmossis filter tomorrow too :D. get some better water for these ladies.


Well-known member
Hey chaco. no need to worry on the mites. Ya gotta hit them over an over once to twice a week for 4-5 weeks in a row. everything. Another thing is floramite works for 28 days it claims. i've seen treated leaves that they reappear on. whether they were able to reproduce or not im not sure of.

apparently floramite stops the molting process, which allows them to mature, the reproduce again.

well the 28 days thing lasting i can see being good on old leaves. but the thing is, in 28days our plants can triple or quadruple in size, therefore there is 2x-3x the amount of fresh leaves or surface area that hasn't been treated. and thats perfect for the mites to live on an flurish. mites usually always move up, and thats where the fresh untreated growth is, up on the outskirts of the plant.

Apply into the 12/12 stretch. i have brought dippings and sprayings to 30-35 days recently. and i can finally say these ones at 60+ days do not have mites on them.

Gotta break the reproductive cycle and treat long enough to let all existing eggs hatch. Gotta cover that new fresh growth. An important, remove all damaged leaves, cause there's probably eggs under that leaf.

7 days later the plant could have grown 7+ inches, thats 7+ inches that hasn't been treated. So hitting it through the 12/12 stretch is good tactic i believe as well.

Another way is to bring everything back down to small moms. clean the shit out of everything, nothing in flower. treat moms for a month and clone and start over. I haven't tried that route , yet. gotta clean everything. going this back to mom route this summer if things don't work out.

Damn shame you through them in the fire......... Why may i ask? to many numbers or too many things going on?Why. would have never in a million years thought that with your dedication.



Well what happened was....back in late Oct I was settling in and my electric bill never showed up....Nov, no bill again and some hydro gear I had shipped was all opened up and repackaged by fedex...all of this on the heels of some unfortunate brushes with law enforcement. I figured well it has to be a coincidence, but something tells me otherwise so I cut my plant numbers down for a month, no logic to my feeling safer with 10 than 90 but I figured if I was nailed with 10 it would be better than 90. I could have 90 easy anytime, you all know it's not hard. Never received a bill so I set up online payment. I had been receiving a bill at the same addy for almost 15yrs. I lost some $ on that one!!! I have a house that I don't live in but I walk there everyday and it has electric heat so I cranked up the bill there to like $500/month, playing games with whoever might watch me, stash my weed there anyway aside from anything else I need to hide, nothing ever happened so I jumped back on the wagon...the mind is a terrible thing to taste, right?...been growing forever and I've stayed out of trouble, well most trouble, by being properly paranoid, but I smoke lots too.HaHaHa...what a hangup!!!


Just to break it up a bit because old Chaco could go on until the website was full up...The mites are ...for now not in my big garden..I have 2 gardens because of the damn things. I hit the plants with floramite and Capt Jacks Deadbug over and over until day 12 of 12/12..and scrubbed, bleached everything, built a new floor...but not in the bathroom, maybe they come from the sand underneath the room or my shoes. I brought in the SSH from a friend but I hit that several times before I brought it over. Truly I'm at a loss. The Larry is absolutely mite resistant, so is my SSH but you could use ecsd as a mite catcher.......so I've found that I always should have some mite resistant plants so I don't lose everything, so now I have 40% Larry, 40% ecsd and 20% SSH. The "resistant" plants will have mites on the leaves sometimes but never full blown bud destroying webs everywhere. It's a helpless feeling putting so much effort into a plant to watch it shrivel up!!! That's why I love Hazes!!!! Mites hate them....


Color me gone
Hey Chaco,

If i were you on top of spraying them down with the floramite and Capt jacks, hang a couple of those No Pest Strips. When you spray them down they jump into it stick and die. I (knock on wood) have gotten rid of mites in my garden with a steady diet of GH's Azamax, Ed Rosenthals Zero Tolerance, and safer insect killer in the spray can, and hanging No pest strips in all my rooms. I still every week in my Veg room spray with one of the products to keep up with it.

best of luck man


Color me gone
This plant came from a seed, when I visited a friend in NYC and we got a couple strains from one of the pricey delivery services.

Black Bubba Kush day 22

It was a while ago when I got the seed so I vaguely remember the actually bud, but from what I can tell she has some purple to her she didn't stretch very much. I've never really have the privilege to grow any dank "kush" and the the "kushes" I have smoke I've never really thought highly of. I hope that this girl will change my mind.


Thanks dude, I'm going to try everything..I almost made it this time..This garden has no mites...yet..so there's a good side to everything................


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Chaco, the no-mite garden is crankin'!

Good luck w/ the other rm. :rolleyes:

Hey HL, I meant to ask ya a while go did you get/try your smart pots???

Otto, I got some #2 Smart Pots (1.9 gal) and some 3.4 Gal Air Pots, but I doubt I'll have a verdict on them for another yr.
I have a couple of F13 cuts in the S pots, along w/ same cuts in bigger and smaller conventional pots, and the old pots are kicking ass on the S pot there.
I've read that dif. strains do better than others in them.

The others were used in my last and final transplants of my afro sativas. I think this will be the way to go w/ the long-flowering sativas I plan to run over the next few yrs.
These plants aren't doing great and I finally figured it out I think.
They're in a Hydrohut that I believe is off-gassing, and I'm shit-canning it this weekend, cramming everything into my other rm.
They're just over 50 D flowering, 1/2 way done, hopefully I can pull them around. Am still having to spray for PM, so they're not very photogenic.

Both pots demand more watering, and you have to water slow w/ the air pots or it'll come out the holes. Next yr. I might cook up a drip system to run w/ them.
I like how the air pots break down, I think it'll be easy to clean them w/ my powerwasher. :D
Let me know how the S pots fair in the washer, was wondering how to go about cleaning them.

F it, here's a shot:

LMN's Mexican/Thai X Banghi in the Smart pot, ACE's Golden Tiger in Air pot.

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The Mad Monk
What's good everyone? Digging the views in here as usual. Just in between flowering runs right now, letting the ladies fatten up in the veg room.

Highlighter, how are you liking the air pots? I'm going to pick some up from growers-inc.com in a few weeks, likely get the 3 gal equivalents. Seem sturdier than Smartpots.

CHACO - nice shot man, looks full in there!


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Highlighter, how are you liking the air pots?

I pretty much got them because DJ Short's raved about them.
I got them there too. ;)

The bottoms are kinda too wide a grating, and I added some weed barrier fabric.

The #2 Smart pots I have fit perfect in a 10" plastic saucer, makes moving them around a breeze.

Has anyone else noticed that Gardener's Supply is selling their version of Smart pots? They don't mention sizes, just 'the tomato bag' or the 'potato bag', lol, really pricy!



Color me gone
HL, I bet using a drip system would work well with the pots I've actually think I am going to give it a shot but Im so use to hand watering its hard for me to convert.

washing the s pots were easy, I turned them inside out and dumped the rootballs out. I let them sit for a few days until their bone dry then wipe the dirt and roots with my hand and beat them on the ground. At that point you got most of the big stuff off, I then leave them inside out and bring them over to the laundry mat and use a cup full of oxy clean as the detergent. Laundry mat washer are strong as hell and are ideal to use. I then take them straight from the washer and HANG DRY them. Putting them in the dry will destroy them, good luck! :wave:


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Good to know they cleaned up good, Otto! :D:yes:

Feeling good, moved the afro's into my other room and brought their light w/ them, so now everything's under two 600's. :dance013:

Hopin' that'll kick my sativa's into a new gear. :smoke:

Couple of shots from today, their 52nd.

Golden Tiger

Mexican/Thai X Banghi

melting....in new england :D
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Active member
Hey Everyone,
I thought I'd stop by the ol' thread.I see HL is still rockin his gorgeous sativas.Los Manos Negros would be proud HL.Way to carry on his legacy.
Chacos gardens look tight as usual..Muy bonita.
Ottoman..I hope that kush brings you something STONEY!!
You guys'll be the first to know when I start my grow after the hiatus...peace BL


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Buddle, always a pleasure!

Yes, they will live on, all the plants had a branch dusted w/ A-11 pixiedust. ;)

My F13's got the full treatment. :smoke:

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So nice to see some great buds coming along, it always seems like a long road.............


Then there's my SSH, it's been awhile since I've run her but I know why I picked her now, the haze scent is soo deep and sleazy it gives a gag reflex.................


Color me gone
Buddle, thanks a lot I don't want to get too excited but she is starting to look like she might be nice :dance013:

HL, they cleaned out alright and all the stitching stayed together nice and tight, they seriously look like new. I do assume they will ware over time tho, but I am a satisfied with them. That golden tiger looks nice and covered in thc, what is her background? Also good luck with the F13 cross, hope you end up with lots of new beans!

Chaco, what strain was that in the first post (lemon larry?) that ssh looks like the pure FUNK! my hats off to you man :tiphat:

well here is some of the F2's i made, i got a couple hundred seeds left, I only popped three to make sure they were good and well I think they will turn out nice. I can't wait to pop 100 beans and find the best of the best. This is just one of the three and I didn't keep any because I plan on finding a freak later. My fault on the tips being burned I need more experience with her.

I also go around with some old friends and put two of my favorite hobbies to use, ice fishing and smoking some chem d and bubble hash joints all day. We really toughed it out in the 16" thick ice (we were driving are cars on the lake!) on 45 degrees day, having to pull the keg, grill, and deer meat to the middle of the lake. It was a good day everyone caught a bunch of pickerel that we don't keep or eat.

stay high everyone


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Otto, I think you're being pretty secretive w/ these F2's!

They came from some beans I have and decided to cross with because they seemed like good plants to keep alive and going.

That golden tiger looks nice and covered in thc, what is her background?
It's ACE's Malawi crossed w/ CannaBioGen's Meao Thai, father of Destroyer.
Dubi sez the Malawi is the most potent thing they have.
I popped 5 seeds and got 5 girls! :woohoo:
Also have 3 Guawi girls, the Malawi X Guatimala sativa.

This is really a prelim run for next yr. when I run the following:

I will do an open pollination w/ male 'Golden Tiger's and VB X M.Thai males.
The breeder pk. you can't read is Vietnam Nah Trang x Meao Thai
( Spicy lemony se asian aromas, very up clear and motivating high. 16 weeks flowering time.) :D

'11/'12 looks like this:

I hope to say my ice fishin' days are thru!
Couple of friends went down to fish Norwalk last month, said there were guys out in kayaks! It was freezing miserable. One kept saying to the other, "My eyes are icing up". The other kept replying, "Keep blinking!" He'd meant the eyelets on his rod! :biglaugh:

Chaco, all I can say is, you just deliver. You humble everyone in here and your getting another :tiphat: !
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Active member
I also go around with some old friends and put two of my favorite hobbies to use, ice fishing and smoking some chem d and bubble hash joints all day. We really toughed it out in the 16" thick ice (we were driving are cars on the lake!) on 45 degrees day, having to pull the keg, grill, and deer meat to the middle of the lake. It was a good day everyone caught a bunch of pickerel that we don't keep or eat.

stay high everyone

no wayyy! ive been tryin to get my boys to go on the ice for a minute noone has busted out there drills or tents this season. how'd you guys make out? i see the little guy in the pic but wheres the fatboys hiding at hehe

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