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Air Cool or Adjust-a-Wing



What up guys... :tiphat: Ive been checking out the site for awhile and have learned a lot from this community. I have been on hiatus for a few years, but i'm ready to jump back in. I had a blast with my aeroflo60 under 2k, but I think i want to try a new approach this round. I'm going with a tent instead of building a room. I like the fact that you can tear them down quickly if neccesary. I like the grow lab 4x8, i was thinking 1 soil plant per sqf under 2k. I cant decide if I should use air cooled sealed hoods or adjust-a-wings and just vent the whole tent well. I've had heat issues in the past, I'm really hoping to avoid that this time. Do you think a Can Max Fan 8(675cfm) will be enough to vent the heat of 2k in adjust-a-wings. I really dont want to run a/c.


I heard really good things about these adjust-a-wings. Do you have any experience with them?


Active member
If you air cool the lights you just have one step better control. co2 is easier to implement and your plants can almost touch the bulb. You could do it the other way also but you wont have a sealed room the one big advantage to tents.


I do not plan to use co2, at least not until I have some good genetics dialed in.

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