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Moldy base of plant!! WWJD? help.

Fresh Start

Active member

The humidity dome effect of my rubbermaid grow box and utter amateur-ness has set me back. The biggest plant I have has begun to mold at the base of her trunk. I can wiggle her around and the base is slimy if not ready to give away... *sniff I had such hope for her.

she was so dense that the air flow must have not been enough to dry her out. help me make the call.. should I give up on her and give her the chop for clones then compost the rest, or should I stick it out and see if she pulls through this? As of right now she has been separated from the rest of my three plants to prevent anything. As you can tell in the pictures she still looks very healthy. dammiT!

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Are you talking about the calloused streaking coming up the base stalk, above the soil line???

Isn't that hard to the touch? That is the stem aging, or is at least how I've interpreted it, i.e., normal.

What's under the soil that you've piled up the stem? Is that soft/slimy?

Fresh Start

Active member
The stuff around the base stem just above the "soil" is the puck it was rooted in. I fucked up the planting job and left it above the coco coir top oil. It stays pretty moist and locks moisture close to the stem. It is definitly more compact and retains more moisture than the rest of the coco.

The base that is pictured is VERY weak. The bark around it will rub off if I scratch it slightly. And there is white mildew around it. I took it out of my grow tub and put it on a sunny shelf in my room to maybe get more air flow and watch it closely. I think I'll just take clones from it and discard the rest.. spending money on "dust" is not in the cards for this one. She looks so healthy still, it's really hard to conclude this. I've also spotted little bugs crawling around the top soil on her, but not the rest of the plants YET. I might have another headache going on here soon


Taking the cuttings en mass sounds to be a solid plan, jic.

Peace brother, hope it improves ;-)


I'm with BigTop. I don't think that's mold or mildew. I would be worried about the bugs. If it's gnats try a layer of contractors sand on top of the soil.

Stop watering so much! I have a strong feeling you're overwatering. Yes you can overwater coco.

Fresh Start

Active member
bugs?! gnats?!!

bugs?! gnats?!!

there has been a gnat or two flying about when I open the box, but I thought that gnats are fuckin big enough to see? These little fuckers are tiny as hell! Can't really see them too much unless I water and catch one scuttling about... what the hell is contractors sand?

Besides, if the other plants have them, they are not doing any damage to the others at all. I mean check the others out...


Fresh Start

Active member
Some bullshit. I'm blaming the kitty for escaping one day and bringing bugs some how into my grow.

The little brown bugs (soo tiny!) are on the base of the plant. They hide in the part of the plant that is moldy/slimy. I was poking the base with a pencil last night and a couple scuttled out from the actual base of the plant! I'll try to get good pictures of the fuckers but they are seriously tiny.

I'm thinking: Neem oil+pyrethum


Sand will suffocate and and cut up the babies as they hatch and crawl up through the top of the soil. Do yourself a favor and run a search on the bug you have, I'm sure you'll find tons of solutions including mine.

Fresh Start

Active member
Thanks for the advice.

Only problem is: there are way to many fuckin bugs out there making it very difficult to identify.
But I will have some pictures tonight! Then everyone can help me from there. But at any rate, I'll end up neeming the bugs.


No prob. I'm not too sure about products you can use for those, but I'm sure there's something out there that can eradicate them.

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