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Whats up with Tropf-Blumat's?



I've heard of these blumat things, but I have never seen one in a garden nor have I heard much about growth results.

I'm looking for 3 things in my next grow: automated watering, a 24/7 perfect oxygen/water balance in my coco, and being able to better remotely manage my system.

From what I've heard these blumats can do all those things.


at the hydro store a dude told me that they dont emit enough water for vigorous plant growth. he said more than one per pot is required.

im a noob just relaying what i heard.


check out sunnydogs threads...as well as lapides....those dudes run them religiously, and only use 1 per pot. I think Sunny suggests running more, if you go above a 5 gal. Not exactly sure, but there are PLENTY of folks that sell them.

And i wouldn't listen much to those hydro shop guys...they'll rag on anything they don't actually sell...as they aren't making money on it. So, yeah they'll tell you they suck, to get you to buy pumps, drippers, tubing, etc. from them. Just my .02



Active member
Daddy-O - There really isn't a lot of information on the Tropf Blumats. I know how to use search and I think I've read just about every thread on the forums that mention them.


Yeah I've skimmed through all the threads and it seems really new school. There was one thread were a dude and his wife were doing a side by side comparison between handwater, drips, and blumats, but I don't know what happened with it.