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Wisconsin Medical Marijuana Legislation



I read that list of steps so it seems march 3rd it has to make it out of committee then it could still be a while before it becomes law? Holy geebus if any of us every took this long to get work done we would be fired.

I bet the only laws that fly threw are pay raise votes.


New member
Just want to say thank you to everyone is the forum that has taken the time to spread the word! lets all keep are fingers crossed and do what we can to make this happen:thank you:


Wisconsin Medical Marijuana Activists will not rest until their Medicine is Legal

Wisconsin Medical Marijuana Activists will not rest until their Medicine is Legal

MADISON: With time running out in the 2009-2010 session, Wisconsin medical marijuana activists are playing offense, scheduling new events and srengthening efforts to spread the word and generate popular support for the Jacki Rickert Medical Marijuana Act (JRMMA). The JRMMA, sponsored by Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Madison) and Sen. Jon Erpenbach (D-Waunakee) is also known by bill numbers AB554/SB368.
On Monday Feb. 22, at the University of Wisconsin Waukesha, Students for a Democratic Society and Wisconsin Residents for Assembly Bill 554, a popular Facebook group, present "A Grass Roots Evening".
This event will bring together four people closely associated with Wisconsin's medical marijuana bill. That would be the Assembly and Senate sponsors of AB554/SB368, the Jacki Rickert Medical Marijuana Act, Rep. Mark Pocan (D- Madison) and Sen. Jon Erpenbach (D-Waunakee), bill namesake and IMMLY Founder Jacki Rickert, and longtime patient/activist Gary Storck, IMMLY's director of communications and the president of Wisconsin NORML.
Also appearing will be singer-songwriter Rick Harris, like Storck a Waukesha native. Harris will perform his song, “Legal Medicine Blues”, which was inspired by meeting Jacki Rickert in March 2001. Legal Medicine Blues has become the anthem of Wisconsin’s grass roots medical cannabis movement.
“A Grass Roots Evening” happens from 7-9pm in Room N133 at UW-Waukesha. This is a free event. Seating is limited to only 178 people and demand for seats is very high, so arrive early to guarantee a seat. Doors open at 6pm. There will be informational tabling and donations to help the effort will be accepted.
The second event comes two days later on Feb. 24 in Madison at the Wisconsin State Capitol. A second Statewide Medical Marijuana Lobby Day is being held. Al Baker, the Ojibwe singer and drummer will begin the day with an outdoor pipe ceremony at 11:45 am, weather permitting, followed by a quick march around the Capitol before entering for a 12 noon rally in the Capitol ground floor rotunda. The rally will feature speeches from Jacki Rickert, Gary Storck, Al Baker, Jay Selthofner (Berlin T.H.C. expo), Charles Wachtel of Wisconsin Veterans for MMJ Access (VMMA) and others. Following the rally, attendees will visit lawmakers offices. A table in the first floor rotunda will provide both information on the bill and volunteers helping attendees to locate offices or find out who represents them. Those planning to attend can find who represents them in advance here.
Wisconsin activists remain hopeful a version of the JRMMA will be passed this session. But they caution, for that to happen, citizens need to continue to keep the calls, letters and office visits coming.
For more info: List of qualifying medical conditions included in



Good day WI.:tiphat: Thanks for the updates Buddydro :thank you:.... maybe they are just waiting for Spring or April 20th for some reason :smokeit: ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? you know politicians :scripture:, they try to have a sense of humor :crazy:, little do they know this is not funny anymore...:cuss:


Yeah - They Real Funny!

Yeah - They Real Funny!

Good day WI.:tiphat: Thanks for the updates Buddydro :thank you:.... maybe they are just waiting for Spring or April 20th for some reason :smokeit: ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? you know politicians :scripture:, they try to have a sense of humor :crazy:, little do they know this is not funny anymore...:cuss:

Here's a sample of their humor, I think?

Copy and paste from 02/23 Senate Schedule.

Mr Kanavas - showing plenty o compassion for ancient Macedonians :laughing:

Tenth Order. Consideration of motions, resolutions, and joint resolutions not requiring a third reading.

QUESTION: Shall the joint resolution be adopted?

Senate Joint Resolution 60. Relating to: proclaiming that the ancient Macedonians were Hellenes and that the inhabitants of the northern province of Greece, Macedonia, are their Hellenic descendants. By Senators Kanavas and Plale; cosponsored by Representative Danou.

You can't make this stuff up LOL!

There's plenty more important items scheduled the very same day LOL



Do Something Meaningful Today!

Do Something Meaningful Today!

I see this from time to time and what a great idea! No doubt utilized in other causes also.


Who Are My Legislators? http://www.legis.state.wi.us/w3asp/waml/waml.aspx Call and leave your legislators a voicemail this weekend. "This is ..... I am a constituent. I support AB554/SB368, the Jacki Rickert Medical Marijuana Act. Please vote for this bill. Here is my contact information. Thank you, goodbye." Click. It is that easy!

I would imagine it would be easy to let other people know to do this also, anyone agree?

I agree! :wave:

So Easy like: texting or calling or emailing your friends and telling them to call the capital and leave a voice mail today!


Big Week Big Night Timely Quote!

Big Week Big Night Timely Quote!

Watch the sunset tonight,take a walk,breathe some fresh air,tell the fam how much you love them,gather your strength,and gird your loins,you are the point of the sword,the voice of those who cannot speak for themselves,and you are mighty,for you act from rightness.You have already won,show your mercy,your opponents act from fear and ignorance,and need only your calm healing compassion to come to the light.

Everyone - follow this quote and bring your voices, your swords, and your passion about compassion to the Capital this Wednesday.

Be merciful warriors! fierce but merciful! Bring it!


Good luck guys!!! Hope WI can do it sooner than latter, Being your neighbor to the west i hope so!! Than you guys will no longer be the green bay packers.. you will be the green bay smokers! peace


So Where Was Everybody Yesterday?

So Where Was Everybody Yesterday?

We had an awesome Lobby Day yesterday.

Distressing to me was the lack of people. WTF?

You know, I understand the fear - I live it everyday - and so do the others that were there yesterday.

I was there.

They were there

Where were you?

Probably lighting up the phones all day- right?

If so, then sorry I blew up!


well this thread got buried way back in this state shit now. I am trying to find and search for something about march 4/5 the bill making out of committee of getting killed any news on that?

I just want to find out more. and I hope this goes to vote and makes it to law.


It is now March 7th and the bill did not make it out of committee, but hope is still not dead. T-minus 45 days and counting though, every second counts. From what I have heard, WI legislators are working hard on the bill, Democrats are working on the actual bill, Republicans are realizing how important this is to them and their constiuents also, so they have their input also, biggest thing is phone calls, emails, faxes and office visits to your individual legislators is needed, everyday, 2 or 3 calls on one issue is a great deal, make that happen everyday!; then committee members, and you need to hold them accountable, either "yes" or "no". There is only two choices when you vote. Canna


that sucks it got stuck in committee. Well I may be going to MI then if this doesn't get voted on. WI norml has a count down on how much time is left I tried to put a live countdown in my sig but it won't let me.


43 days left, IMMLY Bulletin **URGENT**
March 2nd, 2010
Act now to help pass the Jacki Rickert Medical Marijuana Act!

AB554/SB368, the Jacki Rickert Medical Marijuana Act remains in committee as sponsors attempt to assemble the votes to pass the bill. At the current time, while many Democratic Assembly representatives and Senators are ready to vote for the JRMMA, the problem is, so far, no Republican members have formally said they would vote for the bill.

As Democratic majorities in both houses are slim, the JRMMA needs supporters of both parties to pass the Legislature this session. We need to get the word out that the JRMMA is about compassion and that Wisconsinites deserve the same freedom to legally access medical cannabis as Americans in the 14 states that now allow this option.

As of today, we have 43 days until April 22, 2010, at which point the JRMMA’s chance of passage will likely expire.

We need to act with urgency now:

* Contact your Legislators:

* Send pre-written, editable letter to Legislators:

http://capwiz.com/norml2/issues/alert/?alertid=14115736 or http://bit.ly/JRMMA
* Find out Who Represents you:

* Call your Legislators: Toll-free Legislative Hotline: 1-800-362-9472
* Send a Letter to the Editor of your local paper:

* Call local Media and ask them to support the bill
* Ask your local place of worship to join our Statewide Day of Prayer for Compassion, Date TBA
* Attend our events

* Attend Madison NORML meetings: 2nd and 4th Mondays at 7pm: see our Take Action page.
* Wisconsin Residents for Assembly Bill 554 “Wisconsin Residents for Assembly Bill 554 http://bit.ly/cmd4eI
* Print your own fliers:



I heard the bill was ammended to make it so users can not grow it themselves. It must be purchased from the government run dispesaries. Is this true? I see this is in the New Jersey bill too. In AZ, their says you can't grow if within 25 miles of a dispensary. I find this trend rather disturbing. You know the government is going to charge a lot for it, and it will prolly be shitty quality too. I would not want that to become law.
KalEl: Tim Carpenter's amendment to remove home cultivation is one reason the bill is held up in committee. There are still negotiations as to what exactly the bill will say. He had not drawn a hard line, and was open to other suggestion. The bill more than likely will not end up with the proposed 12 plants per patient, 5 patients per caregiver.

I'm going to work to update this forum as I can, and am happy to see the activity around this bill.

"Just Do Something"
"This Bill, This Time"

Here are some events:

Mon, Mar 22, 2010: Madison NORML meeting http://www.madisonnorml.org

Tue, March 23, 2010: Statewide Day of Prayer for Compassion http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=10150099890885034#!/event.php?eid=10150099890885034&index=1

Sat, March 27, 2010: statewide protest at Walmart / Support JRMMA
day @12 noon every city with a Walmart, bring your own signs, post the
pics and signs on facebook and Jay Selthofner [email protected]
is judging them.

Wed, March 31, 2010: Marijuana Forum, UW-Whitewater 5:30pm - 6:30pm Location: UC 275 (Old Ballroom)


Thu, April 1, 2010: THC Tour in Lodi, WI Lodi Public Library 5pm-7pm

Sat, April 3, 2010: THC Tour Plymouth, WI 12-2:30 Plymouth Public
Library http://www.plymouthgov.com/Library/

Sat, April 3, 2010: Wisconsin NORML Benefit, Miramar Theatre, Milwaukee

Sat, April 10, 2010: Gary Storck speaks at the Libertarian Party of Wisconsin Conventio. Olympia Resort in Oconomowoc, WI

Sat, April 10, 2010: 1-4PM THC Tour, Appleton, WI library

Sat, April 10, 2010: Silver Spur Saloon just outside of Appleton,
Awareness Event and concert: Organik Entertainment presents Brok'n Arrow and Baghdad Scuba Review.

Mon April 12, 2010: Madison NORML meeting http://www.madisonnorml.org

Mon, April 26, 2010: Madison NORML meeting http://www.madisonnorml.org

Sat, May 1, 2010: International Marijuana March, Noon State St. steps of Wisconsin State Capitol, 1PM Parade to Mifflin St. Block Party

What is meant by "The bill more than likely will not end up with the proposed 12 plants per patient, 5 patients per caregiver"? Does that mean less than 12 plants per patient or does that mean no home cultivation at all?

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