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ever been dog bit ?


Well-known member
had a neighbor yell at me this morning, asked if i had a cat. went over & talked with her for a few minutes, turns out her 12 yr old pussycat had died yesterday. walked into her attached garage with her to get the litter & cat chow. as we were turning to go back out front, her deranged german shepherd broke open the inner door, burst through the screen door , & leaped at me. i stuck my left arm out to protect my face/neck, & he got me good on the forearm. got teeth punctures all the way to the bone, & arm feels like bone is broken. if i had known he was a biter, i'd have finished him then while i had a grip on him. now she is scared that i am gonna sue her. hell, i don't want to sue her, but strangling her idiot dog is starting to sound better all the time. first chance i get, baby...


Report the person and the dog to Animal Control.Did you have to go to the ER? Because they have to report dogs bites. I suggest you get on some antibiotics real quick. That dog could kill a kid,you were lucky to be able to fight him off. Fuck the owner,call AC now.


I have a friend in his 50's that was bit on the wrist by a little dog. It tore open the inside skin where you could see inside at the veins, which took a long time to heal. Even though it was his brothers dog, my friend was pretty mad about it, he said he was putting a hex on the dog. Turns out a couple months later the dog was getting busy all day with a bitch and all of a sudden it just killed over and died. It was an older dog but it makes you wonder.


German shepards were bred as attack dogs, she obviously has no business owning a shepard if she can't control her dog. It's your responsibility to report this to animal control, I bet you'd feel really bad if this dog does end up killing someone and you never reported it.


tell the old lady

tell the old lady

Oh you got it made now!

Blackmail the little old lady for free cookies for life... lol.

Sorry you are Puppy Chow! Hope you feel better soon.

I think that old dog thought you was a burglar, and was protecting his old lady.

Maybe give dog a break? Old ladies need protection from killers.

I ain't never been bit by a dog, but I got bit by bobcat one time for trying to steal one of her babies. Ouch. I know where you are coming from.

get well soon


about 20 years ago my neighbors dog(100lb sheperd mix) got hit in the road .I tried to help him load the injured dog on a truck.When I started lifting , the dog bit my hand and clamped down on it like a vise. The dog wouldnt let go, so I grabbed the top of his snout with my other hand and pried his mouth open, he snapped at and got 2 fingers on my other hand before i could get my hands clear

I had never been afraid of any dog before that and I had been nipped a few times. This was very different , the pressure/force of those jaws alone cause me to go into shock a bit. Ive never felt anything like that pressure and I have had alot more respect(not fear) for dogs since then.
so almost 20 years has gone by and I am now having trouble with my thumb that got chewed on .The dog had my main Thumb knuckle in the back of his teeth with full bite and hold
I'm gonna have to see a doc soon cause whenever i use the chainsaw and a few other things my thumb is sore as shit and completely useless for days after

i feel for you bro, A big dog chomp aint no joke ...speedy recovery to you man

btw you totally did the right thing by offering the arm, and he will always take the arm when you offer it
so next time (hope there aint one, but...)
1)offer the arm
2)he takes the arm
3)quickly place your other forearm on the back of his neck
4)lift the arm in the mouth up using his fixed upper jaw/skull as a lever
5)break his fucking neck
standard special ops training on attack dogs


Oh you got it made now!

Blackmail the little old lady for free cookies for life... lol.

Sorry you are Puppy Chow! Hope you feel better soon.

I think that old dog thought you was a burglar, and was protecting his old lady.

Maybe give dog a break? Old ladies need protection from killers.

I ain't never been bit by a dog, but I got bit by bobcat one time for trying to steal one of her babies. Ouch. I know where you are coming from.

get well soon
Holy shit lola,a BOBCAT??? Thats really scary!:hide:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I have been bit 5 times. I work outside for a utility and am in peoples backyards now and then.

You have to report it, for safeties sake

basically the quarantine the pooch, and if they show no symptoms of anything it is released, on a first offence


Active member
simple answer yes i was bitten I had layer draw up a written notice ,dogs put down or suit will commence. Dog was put down. An animal that attacks in such a vicious, maner should not be allowed to live. It could have been a small child.


i had a route years back had yard dog on chain. wierd dog spooky biter/nipper. i had made friend of him sort of got in his circle pet given goodies ect every time i came, but never trusted him. 1 day i get there in walled back yard dog not on chain not an issue. im in i doing my thing dog comes by once or twice. i say hi pet him its cool, comes again gets that look shows a tooth and lunges. i give him a hand and grab him w the outher, now w 40-50 lb dog by the neck sitting on it i see owner lady standing by door. i yell come get your dog it just bit me (she kwows who i am seen me with the dog before too no supprise) she didnt so much as move just froze... hmmm now what looking at my bloody hand sitting on the dog neck by bouth hands ( yea hes pissed now ). looking around hey im 10 feet from a swimming pool, now by the neck and the butt yank step and toss in pool. show the owner my hand, boot dog back in pool before it got out , rinse hand boot dog in agian and go. she never said a word didnt move 3 feet the whole time. man i was pissed... the bite wasnt bad and i wanted to get payed so i didnt do any thing. husband apologized and pays on time till they moved.

note i love dogs i have 2 now they are family not just pets.


Well-known member
i'm starting to calm down now. arm still feels like bone is broken, but swelling is going down pretty good. "good friend" scorched some pain killer with me a couple hours ago, felt MUCH better!:) actual owner of animal came home a couple of hours ago, not so much as a "how are you feeling?" i'm starting to seriously consider choking HER instead of the dog. lady that was there when it happened (her mother ) was mortified by the attack, i felt sorry for HER. hate to report it, they are relatives of the nicest folks on the block here. most everyone else has been a dickhead at one time or another when MY dog got loose. but then, the worst he has pulled was running up to folks wanting to be petted. even the older ones don't flinch when they see him coming, even though he's over 100#. feel sort of sorry for the dog, lady said he was a friendly dog until they moved to a border town in arizona. apparently the local junior thug league took great pleasure in tossing sticks, rocks, firecrackers etc into yard with him. what asswipes....oh well. talk to animal control tomorrow i reckon...thanks for letting me bitch out loud! :wave:


get the hand checked out dude ! got bit by a bullteriar once straight threw my thumb shit it hurt old guys next door was fixing the fence came from nowere bit me i was looking down at my hand in its mouth scary shit! jumped thr fence to have a go again we had a 2 yr old boxer excellent dog soft as shit familey pet she run out gripped the staff threw it around and let go it run for its life told the old guys son if he did not get ridd i would do it for him got two young kids it could of been very bad . report that dog so it dont get someone else .
It's a bit of a hassle but you really should report it and get your wounds looked at. I work for a telco and I've been bit a few times I always report it and no animals were snuffed because of it but they used up their free one. I had a buddy whose dog bit about 7 people and every time it was "Oh he's never bit anyone before", when the dog finally bit it's owner it was over.

Dog bites that pucture skin, and especially a joint.... MUST BE SEEN BY A DR.!!! You hear how clean dogs mouths are.....but, just as a cut on the hand from a punch to someones teeth can get VER infected VERY FAST!!!

SALIVA in cuts near and in to the joint are NOT to be taken lightly!!!!! you could loose the entire finger/arm to infection.

Happened to a great friend of mine in 1995.



stone fool
Did ya get rabies? My bitch bit me in the nose a couple days ago, reckon she thought I was gettin in her grill hehe.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Sorry about your bite man, that's harsh....but I think you should be strangling the bitch, not the dog. It's always the owner's fault imho. I would ask that you not pay a dime in medical or lost wages. I'm sure she was really sorry though. Don't break her heart and hurt her dog. She's probably a dumb ass dog owner that has a dog she shouldn't ever have had. Shepards are typically one of the meanest dogs, they're not for everyone just because they're pretty and smart. Some people shouldn't ever be in control of an animal that can hurt or kill a person.

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