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Heavy metals/carcinogenic chems in ZigZags?



Heard yesterday that my favorite rolling papers have some bad chemicals in them that supposedly make smoking weed in them more cancerous than lighting up a cigarette. If there is any truth to this it is no doubt exaggerated, but if there's a healthier paper to toke through I'd love to hear about it. I love zigzags cause no matter
how stoney I am the joints always burn perfectly, even with the retarded stoney roll.


google finds nothing regarding zig zags and heavy metals so this sounds like b.s. there is no way, if this was true, a company that relies on hippie stoners to succeed would still be in business imo lol

roll with a rolling machine and you will have a perfect roll every time!


I hope not! I only use bowls or bongs anyway-but plenty of my mates use them-so I hope it is BS.

More cancerous than a cig? It doesn't seem likely, sounds like a rumor a competitor would spread.

Where did you hear it? Was it a source you can trust?


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
smoking brand papers got into a scandal some years back for saying that their papers were "hemp" and "organic" when in reality, they weren't.... at least that's what i've heard :joint: i'll look around for a link



Active member
All I heard bout ZIGZAG is that they are some of the purest you can get, along with Elements, DLX, RAW, which all are HBI papers. Dont know if this is true tho, the only Zigzags Ive tried was a discount lookin "package", not like the gold, orange and white US-packages. Used a lot of silver Rizlas, OCB, and I find Elements is best.


Active member
I heard they USED to put asbestos in the zig zags

from healthyrollies.com

Rolling papers greetings, this website is dedicated to 3 things. The first is to bring you high quality rolling papers aka skins, the second is to save you money and the third is to save your lungs for more years of smoking. Most cigarette rolling papers or marijuana rolling papers have flavored dyes, colored dyes, asbestos, toxins, glue, and harsh fire retardant chemicals. Do you realize these ingredients are killing you faster than the smoking does itself?


zig zags are bleachd if im not mistsken. So if you want to smoke bleach than use a zig zag

i like the "Raw" brand papers. They are unbleached and are very thin. Its obvious when yuo seee them b/c they are brown not bleached white




It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
no this was early 2000's, at least when i heard about it :joint: i smoke about 5-10 smoking brand joints a day, they're ok dude
