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so, I get this box in the mail.....


Dude. No need to move. The cops can't just come by and kick your door in for no reason. This isn't Iraq you know.

Hah!! It's going to be pretty damn close to it the longer Obama stays in office... The guy already borders on the Tzar/dictator side.

I'm sorry to hear that Speedcat.... I know EXACTLY how you feel because I had the same thing happen to me. I'll go ahead and mention a company who does this and did it to me. It could very well have been the same company who did it to speedcat.

insidesun. Don't EVER order from him. I say him because it's a one man show out of his garage. He doesn't keep anything in stock except for the reflector/ballasts he makes. I had a 4x4 T5 fixture sent directly to my door without it being wrapped. The UPS lady looked at me wierd and asked what it was for. I told her It was "A high bay lighting fixture to hang in the rafters of my garage". It's all I could come up with right then and there... But the damn things says GROW LIGHT all over the huge box with plant leaves as part of the design...

God that guy really pissed me off.

I ordered an air cooled reflector off ebay from a guy who advertised "All orders are discreetly shipped in plain brown corrugated boxes!" When the box came it was mostly plain but on one side it said SUPERSPEC/COOLSUN. Kinda pissed me off. It was from Suncoast Hydro (ponics LLC).

Also a few years back the elicent I ordered had a huge fugging picture of the fan on the box, and my long haired ass is signing the form for the UPS guy. I don't think anything ever comes/has come of this sort of thing though.


Same shit happened to me a few months ago. I ordered a sunhut xl off of ebay. And when i ordered i made sure to put "please package in NON DESCRIPT packaging. Well, needless to say, when the ups kid rings my doorbell, for my SIGNATURE, i look at the box and all four sides say Sunhut grow tent with pics all over it! Luckily it was the christmas rush and he was in such a hurry and probably didnt pay much attention. So, i emailed the co i ordered from, expressing the poor shipping methods and got absolutely no reply. Btw, this too was dropshipped. I didn't even open the damn thing for nearly a week, from being so paranoid!


I didn't finish reading this thread, but perhaps you should send the company a FRIENDLY email addressing the issue.

You never know, yours could be the email that resolves the situation for the rest of us.


weed fiend
it's not illegal to grow plants.... tho some discression is appreciated heh

but if its free, and i KNOW its not a plain brown box, then i'd just ship to a different address... its really only a problem if your addy is too warm for receiving youve setup - remember this can happen, we order from humans somewhere in the chain and humans make mistakes :D

Hindsight is 20/20....just letting others know about GH. I don't consider it a mistake, just a fact of life.


Here is what InsideSun sent me. I think I've got you beat cause this thing is slightly larger than your tent only the box is fluorescent green and says "horticulture" on it about 6 times...


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
yea i ordered all my botanicare aerojets to a friends house. when i arrived there were like 10 massive botanicare boxes in the middle of the driveway. thats not obvious.


Active member
I always specify that my order be shipped in "Plain Brown Boxes... No MFG's Boxes"
I understand that may be difficult to do with a tent.... but there is such a thing as brown wrapping paper.... ya know? :D

Stay Safe! :tree:


Active member
this place i use....4hydroponics or something to that effect goes as far as to cover up all identifying markings on the boxes with shipping tape; very nice... i got a light rail 5 from em and they had covered up all the advert stuff... taped a piece of cardboard over the logo even... i was really really really impressed... i live in a med state.. had it shipped to my safe addy... packaging was the icing on the cake; didn't request it or anything... so i guess that's how they normally roll

good drown

wow, i think you should mention their name opt1c. that kind of care is going the extra mile to ensure safety for your customers. i love it


yea, I dont know about having em beat. I have a GROW TENT in a 7 foot tall box. your light fixture could be for anything. I mean lights are explainable, But a grow tent means your growing shit in your house man. And I dont know many vegtables farmers who will be growing in a tent thats 9 feet long and 7 feet tall.....


so wtf do i do. Im parinoid as shit man. Any one think ill be safe. I have zero traffic to my house. Fuck the only person I hang out with is my wife latley. Once in a blue moon will my buddies come over. Also I wear nice clothes and have a job. Stuff got sent to a diffrent house I used to live at. also do they have like policies at UPS to report shit like this???? I wonder how many fukcing hands got exchanged with this box before it got to me...probley like a fucking million....should have put the name dildo blaster as my order bname with a gift credit card...

good drown

i thought i read on page 2 it was not sent to the house you are growing in, is that true?
otherwise, i think i would do my first run with tomatoes. then you can dial in temps and stuff, you'll have a few months of higher power usage as well. then you can start up. how many watts are you going to run in that big mamma jamma?

edit: i just had a great idea. you need to play that dark room off as a PHOTOGRAPHY dark room. try and set it up so next time ups guy comes(hopefully you have the same guy) he sees a whole bunch of photography stuff. think about it


Speedcat, I wouldn't sweat it so hard, my man.

Stealth is nice, we all like it. But there is a difference between being paranoid, and being cautious. Paranoia is irrational, caution is rational. I'm sure UPS ansd Fed-ex guys have all sorts of stories about things they've delivered, if they care to think about it at all. Your package is just one of many they delivered on that given day, in that given week. I doubt he/she even cares, or gave it a second thought, let alone ran back to the office to call the Po-po's.

It's like the electric companies. They don't care why they are selling electricity, so long as they are selling electricities.

If the Po-po's are on to you, then they could use some of that against you, but if the Po-po's are on to you, then you have much bigger problems then a box with a picture on it.

Put down the weed, crack open a beer, chill out, and enjoy your new tent.

The key to not looking suspicous, is not acting suspicous.

There is nothing unlawful about buying, transporting, or owning a grow tent. No harm - no foul.

Now, if you answered the door in your pajamas at three in the afternoon with blood shot eyes and dreads hanging out from your rasta hat, and you had Sponge Bob turned down and Bob Marley cranked up, and you had a two foot white widow in one hand and a pair of Fiskar's in the other.... if you did that.... I'd skip town.


I just re-read your last couple posts. UPS has no policy regarding the suspected delivery of grow tents and the like. They do have policies regarding unlawful materials, i.e. actual drugs, mislabeled Hazmats, kiddie porn, that kind of thing. 500 lbs. of fertilizer and a can of diesel fuel might raise a few eyebrows, for instance. But a box with a picture of a box on it? He was probably glad to get rid of it and be one step closer to home, and maybe even a little pissed off at having to be piss tested.

But maybe you should change your name to dildo blaster just to be on the safe side.

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