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If there was a technology that prevented unwanted pregnacies, would the power elite allow it's existence?

If there was a technology that forced both the man and women to disconnect an implanted contraceptive device in front of witnesses, inorder for a women to become pregnant, would "they" allow it?

This technology would insure that every birth was "wanted."

Would "they" allow it?

"They" are the power elite the so called illuminati,those thaty actually run the world.

many people say that "They" want a huge population reduction.

I disagree.

I believe that "They" need a population surplus.
Who will flip the burgers, and work in the sweat shops?

What do you think?


Interesting question, I don't know if "they" if they have that power, But I believe the Earth has been overpopulated. What ever happened to ZPG(Zero Population Growth) back in the 70's?

If it keeps going there won't enough for everyone even if everyone shared. The Earth had been here a long time before humans and will probably be here long after.


half cat half man half baked
"They" needed laborers two decades ago. Now we have automated robots and no longer need a large population in order to feed their greed.

As far as perfect birth control, they would without a doubt allow and encourage its use. Just consider the private lobbyist who fund organizations like planned parent hood.


male birth control is actually in the works!! BUT, try depending on a man to take his birth control? eh, not so much.

lmfao! How many woman have LIED about being on the pil or "Whoops I forgot to take the pil"!

Researchers at Edinburghhttp://www.askmen.com/fine_living/destination/edinburgh.html University's Centre for Reproductive Biology have finally found a way to suppress daily sperm production while maintaining normal testosteronehttp://www.askmen.com/sports/keywords/testosterone.html levels. This was not an easy task given that men emit millions of sperm in each ejaculation, while women only produce one egg per month.

From the results of these studies, Organon, a pharmaceutical company in the Netherlands, has developed a pill that is set to go on the market by 2005. The pill has proven to be 100% effective in preliminary clinical trials.

A larger study, involving 120 men between the ages of 18 and 45 from Europe and the United States, is currently underway. The participants have tiny rods implanted under the skin of their arm that deliver a form of progestogen (commonly found in the female birth control pill) to block sperm production.

In order to maintain their sex drive and their "male characteristics," the men receive testosterone replacement therapy injections every four to six weeks over the course of the yearlong study. The results should be available by the end of 2002.

The results of a smaller study conducted in the year 2000 using similar methods showed a completely reversible blockage of sperm production in all 66 participants.

How does it work?
The pill contains desogestrel, a synthetic hormone that is the main component in the female pill, as well as the male hormone testosterone. This combination blocks the production of sperm while maintaining male characteristics and sex drive. As with the female contraceptive pill, it must be taken daily.

In terms of effectiveness, the male pill seems to be the best. In clinical trials, all of the participants' sperm counts dropped to zero, which means that the male pill would be more effective than the condom and even the female pill.

According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the condom has a failure rate of about 14% under typical conditions, while the failure rate of the female pill is less than 1%. Although the male pill has been proven 100% effective so far, the results of the current clinical trial are necessary before any definite conclusions can be drawn.
"They" needed laborers two decades ago. Now we have automated robots and no longer need a large population in order to feed their greed.

As far as perfect birth control, they would without a doubt allow and encourage its use. Just consider the private lobbyist who fund organizations like planned parent hood.

Catman has a good point here!!

I'm watching "how it's made" on the Science Channel, and every day or so they'll include a few new items. Everyday things that we consume or use. Today's episodes were Wonderbread, Buttons, and Springs.

Wonderbread with all kinds of computers talking to each other would roll dough, add flour, add sugar, add water (all in their respective amounts) and be taken down the assembly line, cut by different machines, then rolled into an oven, then out to be packaged (by a machine) then ready to be sold.

Buttons were the say way, one machine grabbing a dull surface, another machine grabbing it, another machine smoothing away the face, another machine drilling holes, and really the only hands-on they needed from an operator was to take the 'all-white' buttons and dip them in whatever dye they needed to go in to match a certain color. (Black dye, purple dye, red dye) to get different color buttons.

When you see the way the future is leaning to robots and computer help, humans are a thing of the past! We only needed manual labor some 20 years ago, soon everything will be automated! Including cleaning bathrooms, cutting the grass, and taking out the trash. So really if the Elite wanted it, they could have it so. Whether we like it or not, they're the ones that run the world.


If there was a technology that prevented unwanted pregnacies, would the power elite allow it's existence?
You mean birth control... ? It's been around for a pretty long time now.

And they're already doing everything they can (barely) get away with to make us plebeians infertile...
I think we're on a crazy path with reproduction, way too much of it going on, and unfortunately those who shouldn't be reproducing are reproducing the most. I also think that man, not Mother Nature is going to fix things for us; maybe by nuclear war, but more likely by unintentionally poisoning our enviroment somehow to where most of us die off or maybe just turn sterile. Who knows, a big Chernobyl, some virus mutating out of control, your basic sci-fi movie nightmare disaster. Oh well.


Active member
I think the powers that be, for good or bad want for lack of a better word "surplus" population. Robots and machines may soon replace humans in some industries, but I think that day is far off in the horizen.

If every human birth had to be approved and signed off on, this would create a huge backlash. It's human nature. Some People who never intended to have kids, would just because they were told they couldn't.