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DIY Tent


So I am in the process of building a diy tent as I am rather unsatisfied with the constraints of trying to grow in a pc case. Not knocking it just not my scene. I am planning on using dwc in it and running a 600W HPS as it is what I have laying around. Any suggestions on how to construct so things would be great. Here are some pics so you may be able to add your inputs. Thanks everyone trying to make this a success.

The Tent is 21" wide, 20" deep, and 48" tall.



Thankls for the advice, I was planning on tarp zippers just would prefer to find them somewhere local, wonder if home depot carries them? I have added a single crossbar to the top to aid in hanging light/ducting, etc. I am more concerned with ideas for intake/exhaust/air cooling the light. Not really sure what would work best here, I have a cooltube to use but it is a bit too long so thinking about making something different. Also have a 6" fan rated at 435CFM little bit overkill gonna look into ideas for a speed controller.


Active member
48" tall is kinda short for a flowering cab. Considering your light will take up 12" and your dwc res will take another 12", that only gives you 24" for your plants before they are touching the light.

Just a thought!


I was researching fan speed controls last night, not sure on the choices yet, prob pick up something solid state from the home depot when I go for the tarp zippers.

Also, I know about the height constraints of this tent but I am not worried about it, I will be using the scrog technique and I am comfortable with small space/large lights. If you check the link in my sig line labeled old username you will see that I have managed it before.


Active member
48" tall is kinda short for a flowering cab. Considering your light will take up 12" and your dwc res will take another 12", that only gives you 24" for your plants before they are touching the light.

Just a thought!

Aye, you'll need to make it taller. Even a scrog won't help.... you'll be fighting yourself when you're trying to work in there.

Stay Safe! :tree:

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
Looking good. I made a similar tent earlier this year and it worked for the time being, by no means permamnent. They work well and the tarp zippers are a great addition. This way if you ever choose to upgrade to a different stealthier cab you can reuse the panda film to block light.


Cannabis 101
cool man I think they sell the zippers at wal-mart
good luck with your grow!
keep it green and simple.


you could cut the resevoir size in half and save yourself a few inches.


Good luck on that.

thats almost the size of what I put a 250 to, I can't imagine a 600watt crammed in there.
Mine is about 5'3 too and I'm running out of room (though I have the fan on the inside as well).

Maybe you've done it before and I'm the newb, but I would be taking the advice to get as much extra space as you can muscle out of it. I feel like no matter how sick the scrog is, you will have branches popping out the sides with a 600 in such a small area.

On the real though I think you'd have more luck putting a 250 or 400 in that one and use it as a veg tent and let the 600watt spread its wings in a tent 2-3 times as big.


OK so please dont get me wrong I do appreciate all of the comments and advice. But I feel that I will not have a problem with the space constraints. I have used the same light in a smaller space, an armoire top, with a smaller/lower CFM fan.

I would love to run a smaller light, something around maybe a 400W but a 600W is what I have and I have no plans to go smaller as this is temporary. My housing situation will change and then I can more appropriately use the 600W.

And finally, thank you all for stopping in and making your comments I do really appreciate it, this is a great place for exchange of info. And please do not feel that I am ignoring your advice, I am just being alittle bullheaded about making this work, I love the puzzle of making things work that simply shouldn't.


Have you considered growing vertically?

That'd allow your 600 to fit in the cool tube which would allow your plants to get closer to the lamp, thus giving you a few more inches to grow. You can SCOG vertically as well.

As for a horizontal grow, I'm rather impressed by the attempt. I managed to just barely keep a 400w HPS cool in a 20"x30"50" cab. Anyway, I'd definitely find a way to make that cool tube fit. The issue I see is running too much extraction to keep it cool, while necessary, it creates a strain on your plants.

You'll need some additional side support because that fan is going to suck the sides in quite a bit. Also, reflector? That's some wasted light going straight up and to the sides. Which again, is why I suggested vertical. No wasted light.


I have actually never considered vertical until you brought it up here. I have looked into it and while I do think it is neat, I am not sure that it is for me quite yet.

I have been testing temps for a couple hours now. When I started I had an immediate issue with temps, it was getting to around 85*F with light and fan going. I decided to see if the problem was warm trapped air under the reflector and I think that was it. I added an PC fan to blow air across the bulb. This has allowed the temps to now sit around 76*F (the temp is currently 74*F).

I was unaware that there can be damage to the plants from stress related to over use of air extraction, could you maybe shed some light on that? Need to figure out how to handle that.


Tent finished with the exception of the air intake, need to build something stealth but it is not an immediate issue so I am taking my time. Temps sit between 76-78*F.



B420 - excellent design, and a DIY on the cheap, love this stuff. Thanks for posting up your build, best of luck. Peace.

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