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HELP! AK48 looks like it might die tonight!

i just got this plant from my friend today.
it was grown in a sponge looking thing from seed in a cup with water underneath, i dont know i guess some kinda hydro thing.
but i got it and i transplanted it into soil cause i dont wanna do hydro and now its all limpy and falling over like its all about to just collapse!
what kinda info? the light above it is a 150 watt hps i dont think it was being fed too much when i got it but i just fed it some food more in the nitrogen side


fuckin superthrive that bitch right now. 10 drops in a spray bottle spray it and water it with super thrive..


You probably shocked the fuck out of it. Yes superthrive is a small item, you can pick up a small bottle for like 5 bucks. Walmart has it.

Uhm... basically your best bet is to leave it alone and hope it bounces back. Don't feed it. Superthrive at most.


Active member
You absolutely shocked the living shit out of the plant. You really shouldn't transplant during flowering let alone completely change the growing medium. My best opinion on what to do is let nature take its course water only with distilled water and hope she bounces back. You can try superthrive, i'd really recommend getting your hands on some advanced nutrients scorpion juice that might be your best bet at saving it.


yea, super thrive is like poppeys spinach when it comes to purking a plant back up. it stiffens the shit outta the plant. suprthrive is also at lowes and maybe home depot.

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