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Sugar May Be Bad But This Sweetener Is Far More Deadly


Active member
HFCS doesn't register with the bodies glycemic index the same as natural sugars.
I've read it doesn't register at all, other studies say 20% of what natural sugars register, so the body never receives the "I am full" signal, thus people drink more fake sugar crap.

+1 Pepsi Throwback

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
I don't really buy into the idea that HFCS is any "more deadly" than sugar.

Here's a writeup from a respected diet & nutrition blog that gives some worthwhile counterpoint to the hfcs hysteria:


Sounds like a lot of hype to me, and the supposed dangers are not being reproduced under controlled studies.

As for fructose itself, it seems like mostly one dude is stirring up the worst of the controversy on the matter... Here's a pretty comprehensive writeup about the problems with his claims:


Anyways, I'm no food expert, but it seems far from a closed case about these substances, especially fructose, so I'll drop some alternate perspectives into the discussion :D


My local costco is now selling Coca-cola from Mexico that is sweetened with real sugar in addition to US coca-cola sweetened with HFCS.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor

Watch the documentary King Of Corn like the above poster said.

Your carbon structure is subsidized by the US government. They own your molecules. It's pretty perverted.

Diabetes is going nail the younger generation.


Shocking really, They feed this shit to the next generation.....

Fluoride in the tap water is another one by the way, Originates from the Nazi's I believe.

Thanx for the heads up :)

fluoride is good for you in our tap water and cavities are on the rise recently for the first time since the 1970s when we first put fluoride in american tap water. The reason cavities are on the rise? people are drinking way, way more bottled water and not getting that boost of fluoride in their daily diet.


This thread should be asterisked. The information quoted in the first post is general bullshit from a holistic doctor trying to sell his wares, go to the website

I love how people will read anything on the internet and as long as it highlights what they would like to believe they will pass it on as truth.

Too much HFC is bad for you? This is shocking news? YOU CAN OVERDOSE AND DIE FROM DRINKING WATER. Nothing is good for you un-moderated.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
fluoride is good for you in our tap water and cavities are on the rise recently for the first time since the 1970s when we first put fluoride in american tap water. The reason cavities are on the rise? people are drinking way, way more bottled water and not getting that boost of fluoride in their daily diet.
Utter bullsh*t. Try the late 1940's just for starters.

Thanks for sharing regardless.


Clackamas Coot

Active member
mistyped while high, cavities are on the rise for the first time since the 1970s, but that wasn't when fluoride was first added to water (and it wasn't the 40s either)
Uh huh...............

Do a Search on the phrase 'Colorado Brown Stain' and the studies conducted by Dr. Frederick McKay

After that digest this FACT: By 1951, the U.S. Public Health Service fluoridation program was a part of federal policy which is at LEAST 20 years prior to your claim about the 1970's being the BEGINNING of the use of fluoride in the water system.

I'm NOT defending/apologizing about the use of fluoride in the water system but it pisses me off when people can't garner FACTS to buttress their argument. Keep in mind that not everyone is a stoner. Some people actually have cogent skills and deal in lucid arguments.

Try it! It's fun!

Thanks for sharing regardless.



Uh huh...............

Do a Search on the phrase 'Colorado Brown Stain' and the studies conducted by Dr. Frederick McKay

After that digest this FACT: By 1951, the U.S. Public Health Service fluoridation program was a part of federal policy which is at LEAST 20 years prior to your claim about the 1970's being the BEGINNING of the use of fluoride in the water system.

I'm NOT defending/apologizing about the use of fluoride in the water system but it pisses me off when people can't garner FACTS to buttress their argument. Keep in mind that not everyone is a stoner. Some people actually have cogent skills and deal in lucid arguments.

Try it! It's fun!

Thanks for sharing regardless.


Yes you are a stoner.

Colorado Brown Stain study found that naturally occurring fluoride in the water was the cause of mottled teeth. Another thing the found was that the fluoride prevented cavities.

In 1945 the U.S. National Institutes of Health tested fluoride in the public drinking water in Grand Rapids, MI. After 5 years they found that the released their results showing the added fluoride reduced cavities. In 1951 it became federal policy to add fluoride to public drinking water. In the 1970s over 50% of Americans were finally receiving fluoride-enhanced water, thus preventing the rise of cavities for the first time (it takes time for government to get going on projects).

So no. The government was not putting fluoride in our drinking water in the early 40s. In only one town in the entire country did they add fluoride to the drinking water, and it was in the mid-40s.


Now why don't you just take it easy, Group Captain, and please make me a drink of grain alcohol and rainwater, and help yourself to whatever you'd like.

You know who first tried to offer up "evidence" of the supposed Nazi plot to poison people with flouridated water? E.H. Bronner, the crazy inventor of "Dr. Bronner's Magic Hemp Soap." Ever read his label? Yeah, a nutcase--not even a Doctor of anything. If it's not the Nazis, its the Illuminati, or communists, or New World Order, or military-industrial complex, etc. The conspiracy changes to reflect the mood of the times. It pops back up every so often and people who like to believe weird things occasionally pick-up on it.

For a bunch of people who like to use the science of plants to their benefit, a lot of people around here sure don't have much use for anything else science has to offer.



On the topic of HFCS, I agree that there is some evidence to support the idea that the human body was meant to consume sucrose in large amounts, but not fructose. Fructose and glucose are created during photosynthesis, and are combined as sucrose. Plants store sucrose as starch for energy. Fructose by itself is probably not meant to be used in quite that way. It has nothing to do with bad teeth, though. Sugar doesn't rot teeth, bacterias and acids do. It is true, also, that in moderation, HFCS is probably not especially harmful.


The Voice of Reason
On the topic of HFCS, I agree that there is some evidence to support the idea that the human body was meant to consume sucrose in large amounts, but not fructose. Fructose and glucose are created during photosynthesis, and are combined as sucrose. Plants store sucrose as starch for energy. Fructose by itself is probably not meant to be used in quite that way. It has nothing to do with bad teeth, though. Sugar doesn't rot teeth, bacterias and acids do. It is true, also, that in moderation, HFCS is probably not especially harmful.

in moderation would mean getting all of your fructose from fruits and veggies... one soda pop has more fructose in it than you should consume each day...


"Flouride" is just a term used to get people used to having tons of stuff dumped in their drinking water....

Just look at a recent fox news piece where they straight up say they're considering putting lithium in our water to "calm us down."
What other things is lithium in? What kind of medicines?

People like certain dentists or scientists that are FOR flouridation will tell you that it's a topical treatment - something that works by putting it on the surface, NOT by going through the rest of the body...
Remember being told eating too much toothpaste could kill you as a kid?

Do you think drinking your sunscreen will protect you from sunburn?


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
I'm growing a nice stash of stevia this summer..should hold me off for the winter..