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Camera mounted in Cabinet


Anyone else have a cam in their cabinet? I had a web cam laying around that I wasn't using and my cabinet is in my office where my computer is so ran the cam inside my cab. Now I can monitor the plants with out opening the doors. I just switched to 12/12 so it came in handy to make sure my timer is working correctly. It's lights out so I'll post some pics of my setup tomorrow. I was just wondering if anyone else was using a cam in their cabinet?


It would be cool if you could make a time lapse video of them growing..


I have actually been looking for some good software to do time lapse. That was partially why I put it in there. I found this one called Flix but it's $10 and I want to try something free first. Anyone have any suggestions?


half cat half man half baked
I couldn't manage to get a higher quality of image than this with a 150w HPS. Some super cropping in action. I can't remember the name of it, but I did find a free program that captured at programmed time intervals.




well its a damn good idea, but all that I can tell from the vids is that the fan you have in there is working, looks like a lot of rustling around. I would love to seem some time lapse...



So I found a free program called Perio for time lapse and I started running it today. I have it set to take a picture every hour and its set to 5 frames/sec. So that works out to a 144 second video of a 60 day flower cycle. 144 seconds seems perfect to me and so now we wait. Anyway Keep an eye on this thread an I will post the finished product around harvest. Oh and here's some pics of my modified Closet Maid 48x19.5x71 cabinet from Home Depot.

Tagged, cause I wanna see how that time lapse works out. :)

I've run a cam off and on, but it's currently off. What I'd rather do is set up video surveillance of the room and house, with alerts if there's movement in certain spots.


I had a webcam hooked up in my cabinet streaming to uStream. Worked pretty good other than browser crashes.


I would never stream my grow live on the interwebs, way too much of a security risk, that's just asking for trouble. I just have a cam in there connected locally so I can monitor my plants without having to open my cabinet every time. Plus I can try out some time lapse stuff too. I work from home so it's nice to not have to stop what I'm doing to open the 6 latches/bolts that keep my cab closed just to look at the plants. I just open a window and there they are.

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