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Blue Cheese SoG


Thought I'd do a few pics of this grow as it progresses.

Currently @ day 18 bloom

Grow specs-

60 x 4 Liter grobags 100% Canna coco
3 x 1 Liter pots 100% Canna coco
(may see a bit of pearlite- this was from when they were sitting on a bed of it while in cups)
4 x 120 x 55cm trays
2 x 600w w/ basic reflectors
680m3/hr exhaust
420m3/hr intake
hooked up to climate controller
800w radiator/ heater hooked to thermostat controller
Oscillating fan for air movement

The plan was to flower out 48 plants in this space, but I 'd had more clones n was gonna pick the better ones out. The rest a friend wanted for a experiment, but has had to hang up his grow gloves for a lil bit, so I gave them shelter :D Some of them were not the healthiest lil things yet they should still help fill the space as they haven't stretched as much as I would have hoped for.

I haven't tried this clone out yet so don't know too much about her... they were rooted into jiffy plugs, then had a bout a week to root through into party cups of coco, maybe 2-3 days in the grobags, and then flipped to bloom. As mentioned stretch has been minimal tallest plant is circa 15" shortest prolly 1ft. 2' was what I was shotting for, maybe they will still gain a bit of height?? Not sure though as bloom seems to have started in earnest now.

The eagle eye'd among you may notice some small pots of coco & 1 plant that looks a lil different than the rest (mango clone) the ones in wee 1L pots are hand watered and were going to be trown out, but this run all clones were welcome, no discrimination here man!​


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Looking a lil droopy as she hasn't woken up yet (few mins b4 lights fired up).
This is one of the better looking clones currently 14" tall as u see in pic.

These plants are receiving:

2ml/L Canna Coco A+B
0.5ml/L Rhizotonic
1.25ml/L Cannazyme
1.25ml/L Molasses
4 drops/10L nilnat (Bacillus thuringiensis)

I am going to start giving them 4ml/L Canna boost via foliar feed as the shit is mad expensive! @ $100/£50 per L... Adding it to the rez would have me use 200-400ml each time I filled it! Naaaa buddy!! I can absolutely soak them with 5L of spray I reckon m'be even 3L of spray that will only use 12-16ml/ 3-5L saving me a shit load of boost/$£$£... Makes financial sense and I read it works the same when sprayed on this way so hey!

From week 4 or 5 bloom I'll stop foliar feeding them as I am not so comfortable spraying flowers in mid bloom... From then I will add it to the rez and, fingers crossed, I maybe able to get away with only having to buy another small 250ml bottle of it.

Have been hand watering nearly daily :D but missed a few days here and there... Drip sys was the plan but as using molasses was a lil skeptical, have since done research and observations have reassured me into setting drip sys set up - will get that done next week.

Pretty much following Canna's schedule watching to see what it produces, first grow in a bit so getting back in the drivers seat n all

Anyways comments, advice criticisms all welcome :D


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Last couple pics for now of general set up, the plants need a good rearranging now stretch is coming to a halt, so they look a bit jumbled :D OK, OK I am lazy and it's a wee bit ghetto :hide:

In the 2nd pic u may see some rust on my tents frame, this has since been sorted ;)


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Not really sure now, as the stretch was minimal and I haven't grown this cut before... I think less than 31oz would be a fail with these no's, first time running so many in SoG stylee. But at this height I am thinking 14g+ a plant? Dunno tbh though!


Fookin bastard! Looks like my plants have thrips!!!

Had a look at the sick plants section, mynamestich's guide, and the confirmed I have plants have thrips... Bollocks! Good thing is that they are not spider mites... seems they have taken quite a shining to the mango clone, and started to ravage here leaves a wee bit

I was looking at the pics I posted above earlier, before going in to have a peek at the plants and noticed what looked like insect damage in this one:


can see it on the leaf in the bottom left corner, toward the flower... So I had a good dig about and quite a few of the lower leaves on em have the same damage that looks like a small caterpillar has been having a go at them, leaving a silvery trial and shit on underside of leaves! Dirty fookers!!

See the pics below for damage and one of the little bastards.... There shit looks like spider mites and, there was a moment when I thought I had both of the feckers!:lightning: I haven't been as vigilant :watchplant: as I usually am as I am working quite a bit lately, but will get back on the case after releasing one or two permethrin fog bombs in there, I also read that the stuff I am using to kill the gnats with will kill the ones in the coco... fooking gnats, thrips comes with the territory I suppose... at least the gnats are very minimal and under control.


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Another of the same plant pictured above.... and a few of them catchin some rays after being rearranged.

Feed has been raised to 2.5ml per L of Canna's Coco A+B. All the rest remain the same with the exception of molasses being only added to res 2 days prior rez being refilled as it breaks down too quickly and causes alot of residue on pumps etc just bloomin messy really :D I have started with the boot as well... have decided against the foliar feeding this time although I fully intend to try it, just too much bother as the lights come on when I am out working.... they go off when I am in the land of NOD :D so no chance getting in to spray em (before lights out or just before lights on).


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Hey Shhh, apart from the problem that you look like you have under control, things are looking really good. I spray any problems I have with "Plant Vitality", check it out at plantvitality.com It defo works on evferything, and if anything else comes a munching after they`re gonna die. Safe for use at any time. Its the only thing I`ve ever found that works.

If I get gnats I find the best thing is the yellow sticky plastic cards at the top of the pots catches them everytime and they soon diminish.

Great to see yer plants coming on mate.

Toke ;-)


Thanks for the tip mate, had a look at the website but it seems to be down at the moment, I will have a look around for the spray....

Was advised to not use the fog bomb with plants in the room, and told that a pyrethrum based insecticide was what I needed so ordered some from a local garden store. Will arrive tomorrow so the thrips will have there 'last supper' tonight before their exoskeletons start to turn to mush in the morning :D Fookin bugs ay...

I think my love affair with the blackstrap molasses has turned into a whirlwind romance, lol, I am going to shelve it as the rez cleaning is just something else I really do not need to be doing every 2 - 3 days, as well as having to clean out pump, heater etc... Just a right PITA.

Well that's actually a bit of a fib, as I have bought something called Earth Juice 'sugar peak' catalyst... pretty cheap @ £11 a bottle and has Molasses, oat bran, wheat malt & kelp, yeast as listed ingredients. Upon inspection it looks like watered down molasses doh! Feel kinda stupid as point of buying blackstrap was to avoid silly mark ups on carb/ molasses based products from grow shop. BUT... this is not the silly £35-40 they are asking for bud candy etc and has what I want in it with some extra bonus stuff that is designed for hydro/ coco & should not go funky or break down in rez which is most important to me.

It has a kelp smell akin to bio-bizz's alg-a-mic. I read it has some amino's and other good stuff too, Here's the company speil-

Works in combination with your feed and acts as a booster encouraging additive compact branching, stimulates optimal fruiting sites, triggers early yields. Conditions soils and hydroponic solutions for superior nutrient assimilation. Can also be used as a finishing formula for determinate plants

Says to add @ 1.5ml per L from DTW applications and 4ml per L for recirculating systems. You can use it to flush with at 15ml per L! Wow that's some jump from the 1.5ml for daily DTW feeding... It also has a little chart with growth stages and recommended application for said stage next to it on the bottle. 2ml/3ml etc so there is some scope with this stuff... I'll try it at 2ml/L as that is what they suggest for bloom

As I said it's probably just some water down molasses in something the enables it not to break down so fast, and that's pretty much what I was looking for.

Will use it on next rez fill.


Well still battling the fooking thrips man! but have gave them the first beat down with some savona... The hours that I set the lights to run is now appose to my new shifts, so it's making it a right PITA to get them all sprayed down properly. Anyway, I as said they have had the savona, and will get a synthetic pyrethrin based insecticide which will wipe the fookers right out.

About 1/3 mostly smaller weaker clones have shown signs off stress after the spray down though... I gave them the spraying last night after lights out, and this evening when I went to turn extraction back on quite a few had alot of orange hairs :dunno: bloody hell man this grown is given me a few things to think about I can tell yas...

Anyway some pic of the good the bad and the... well not ugly but not so pretty either.

Feed not changed since last update...

2.5ml/L Canna Coco A+B
0.5ml/L Rhizotonic
1.25ml/L Cannazyme
4 drops/10L nilnat
Will add the catalyst I mentioned above (Earth Juice molasses based boost) in place of that sticky mess molasses :D


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As you can see in these pics the pistils have started to go orange, die, I am sure new ones will replace these in a few days time, but they have had a shock non the less which can't be good ay?! The leaves will need a good wash down probably on Monday after they have had the ole insecticide to kill the bastard thrips off, any marks u can see on the leaves are from the dried savona.


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Inside the tent... The bigger plants are a couple I was going to make mums of, but haven't got the space so gave a few cuttings to a mate instead... If it's any good I'll get one or 2 back for a mum and sort out some space somewhere although it's at a premium at my place at the minute.


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New member
Was thinking of doing the blue cheese on my next run will be interesting to see the yeild you get. subscribed and looking forward to next 30 days or so! Keep up the nice work.


Nice one PIE, good of you to stop by... been a lil quiet round these parts :tumbleweed: guess peeps like to see the buds in full bloom and my tents a lil ghetto too :D so...

Small update...

The plants that had the pistils die off (go orange) have started to put out fresh white pistils, but I fear these ones have been put back a few days from the stress. I sprayed them down with Westland plant rescue (bug killer) yesterday to finish off anything that may have emerged since the last spraying of savona. Fingers crossed this kills of everything. We'll see... I'm taking them out of the tent to check over thoroughly tomorrow. Will probably finally set my drippers up then so no more hand watering!!!

I started to foliar feed these plants Canna boost last week (beginning of week 3) for a 2 days, but the because of pests stopped since they would be getting sprayed down with the thrip/insect killer. Not sure it will be as beneficial as adding it from emergence of pistils (day 18 bloom) but I have given them there 1st dose of boost @2ml per L into the rez. So now they are getting

2.5ml per L Canna A+B
2ml per L Canna boost
0.5ml/L Rhizotonic
1.25ml/L Cannazyme
4 drops/10L nilnat
2ml per L Sugar peak catalyst (molasses, kelp etc)

Will have a few pics tomorrow...


:tumbleweed: lol!

Here's what they're looking like outside the tent, had a good check over em today and looks like the thrips got fooked over good and proper, some of the plants are yellowing a tad quite a bit which sucks considering they have 5 more weeks to go... They're still growing at the same speed as there sisters and I don't wanna really give em any Nitrogen during bloom so they'll have to crack on!

They pistils have stopped dying off and new white pistils have replaced the ones that died. I would say that the whole stress of pest attack and spraying down with savona (no extraction on for 8 hours) has set them back 3-5 days of growth... Still I am not sure as I have not grown this cut before, but I think the Canna boost may have given em a kick up the arse :D As they seem to be cracking on fairly well all things considered. Anyway enough wafflin, here's the pics


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few more...


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Last 2 pics here are of the Mango clone I aquired, just finished her stretch... she is 2 weeks behind the others in the tent. Getting very frosty already!


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