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126 Watt LED Test Featuring Ice

cre8iv fuel

Wow Sleepy. Everything you did in Veg to get them so dense, compact, and even, not to mention so many tops and budsites is looking like it's really going to pay off. I'm interested in seeing if LED growes feel that this will be the preferred approach over SCROG for the even-canopy needs of LED. For now I'm liking your approach. Next update will you please start stating how many days flowering you're in? I am losing track and too lazy to dig through to try to figure it out.


I am watching...with interest!:)

Good going Sleepy...

Ya gonna make ya own strain?...I'd like a strain called CowBell:)



Active member
Wow man, what a turnaround! Those are lookin' very healthy now.

Guess those plants might win the Cy Young Award!


Can't wait to get my hands on some cash...i'm definately turning Ledro,this is just beautiful No heat,less wattage,it just worth the investment,even if it comes out to be less productive than the HPS.
I apologize if this is a stupid question in any way but I have been wondering about LEDs and what they could possibly allow me to save on, if I were to go that route.

With LEDs is there a significant drop in temperatures to where I could save on air cooling costs/equipment?

Would I save on reflectors?

Does one still need a ballast with LEDs?

Is the cost of electricity that much lower to where a noticeable decrease in my public service bill would allow me to spend less on electricity?

could I use LEDs for both veg and flower?

-If all these things are true, then I would figure LEDs could save a person a great deal of hassle as far as buying/install equipment goes and possibly even money in the long run because all of these things add up. But with an LED that is equivalent to 1000w HPS costing upwards of $1200 I'm not quite sure how much it would actually save.

Any info would be much appreciated, thanks guys!


Its like getting solar panels to your house,in the end,you come out a lot better,so the investment is better.

Now,i can't give you facts,but this is how i think about it:

1st , Sleepy actually had problems keeping temperatures UP in his grow room not keeping them DOWN.This might be debateable because you would actually end up spending money on heaters(LOL).

2nd Read this

It says its 66% less power consuming than an e7uivalent HPS

AND its plug and play,means no ballast no igniter,you just plug it in(PURE HEAVEN)

3rd It has e8actly the right amount of red white and blue specters for a healthy grow.

I can't see no downside,at this moment.

What i wouldn't give to test out a LED system...need to get some work. :)


Active member
i'll try to answer some of those questions...

i'll try to answer some of those questions...

cre8iv fuel!!>> today is day 36 of flowering...flipped the timer on:1/12/2010.
medi-useA!!>>...hey, where'd he go??!! i hope you are ok out there!
DK2670_01!!>>thanks much!! it is getting interesting over here!
teddybud!!>>...thank, teddy!! so am i!
Txsbigtymer!!>>...awww...c'mon now you ol' flatterer!!:tiphat::thank you:
Skip!!>>...glad to see you again, skip!! yep, they are looking a lot better!
hamstorg!!>> you hit the nail on the head...now let's see if i can produce some decent colas.
EstimatedProph!!>>no apology necessary!...

you asked:

With LEDs is there a significant drop in temperatures to where I could save on air cooling costs/equipment? answer: yes, they run with a very low heat signature...you can place your hand right on the light and it is barely warm.

Would I save on reflectors?
answer: yes, no need for one.

Does one still need a ballast with LEDs?
answer: no ballast needed.

Is the cost of electricity that much lower to where a noticeable decrease in my public service bill would allow me to spend less on electricity?
answer: i think so, but i can't guarantee it.

could I use LEDs for both veg and flower?
answer: absolutely!!

hamstorg!!>>thanks for the assist!

all four have been fed again (last night)...all are doing well.

pics with next update!!


Active member
Those turned into some good sized bushes. Hard to tell in the pics, do you trim out the lower stuff?


Sleepy: Medi-User got mad cuz Yummy was banned, and deleted his account, along with Dongle69.

son of a bitch! damn!

Sun Ra

Sleepy, those plants look great. Keep up the strong work. Very nice dense looking bushes. I have one of those 126w's in my veg cabinet and it kicks ass. We eagerly await to see your final result.
Wow, thanks for the quick responses guys! Man, it seems like this might be the future of growing. I have been following a bunch of different LED threads and I have not noticed any significant difference in quality of buds. In addition, since Cannabis absorbs primarily red and blue light out of the spectrum it would almost seem better that LEDs only cast these colors. I mean if I'm saving $250 (appx.) on a 1000w Ballast, $400 on an air-cooled reflector/light setup, $100 on a bulb and this thing is going to last me WAY longer than an equivalent HPS...Shit, why not just go for it?

Nonetheless I will be following Sleepy's grow closely, observing this great side-by-side test.

Thanks again guys!


From the picks posted on 2/13 I'd say the plants look pretty small for being at approx 32-33 days flowering. Average size looks to be about 13" give or take. After 33 days under my CMH my plants are usually triple that size!

Might be strain related, but I would think they would be at least double the size of what yours are showing after almost 5 weeks flowering? Even with some training and whatever heat problems you were experiencing they should have recovered by now, and then some. Wasn't the temp problems like in mid Jan.?

Not trolling, just watching, from a distance...
From the picks posted on 2/13 I'd say the plants look pretty small for being at approx 32-33 days flowering. Average size looks to be about 13" give or take. After 33 days under my CMH my plants are usually triple that size!

Might be strain related, but I would think they would be at least double the size of what yours are showing after almost 5 weeks flowering? Even with some training and whatever heat problems you were experiencing they should have recovered by now, and then some. Wasn't the temp problems like in mid Jan.?

Not trolling, just watching, from a distance...

I too use CMH, and I am going to point out, the optimal temperature for a grow room as quoted by the Canna Bible by Cerventes is and I quote.

"Under normal conditions, the ideal temperature range for indoor growth is 72-76F. At night. the temperature can drop 5-10F with little noticeable effect on growth rate"

Given this, yes his room has been out of optimal temp, this will effect growth rate, and he admitted to this.

So I feel this is unfair criticism.

CMH is the king of HID, an LED that can beat MH and HPS is more than ready for prime time without dethroning it.

My 2 Cents, beautiful grow btw, absolutely gorgeous healthy growth.


Active member
kwik update....

kwik update....

hazy!!>>...glad to seeyou, man!! yep, i trimmed a lot of lower growth during the entire grow. they seem to look pretty good.
VerdantGreen!!>> thank you, VG!! i have been lurking your grows, and i like your style!:tiphat:
LolaGal!!>>damn, that is a shame, even more of a shame since yumster is back...wtf? thanks for letting me know, its always a drag when someone disappears like that.:fsu:
Sun Ra!!>> thanks for posting!! happy to hear you like your light, too!
NiteTiger!!>>hey man...i see you back there!!:pet the cat:
EstimatedProph!!>> i am glad you are happy with my test so far, but i must point out: this is not a side-by-side grow...i started seeds and they have all been under the LED fixture the whole time. i am comparing the results i get from this test with my past results of an ounce +/- per plant when using my 400 watt HPS fixture in the past. i consistently get the same yields under the 400 watt HPS, so that is what i am comparing this to. i know this will make many 'nay-sayers' conclude that it is not a fair evaluation, but we shall see.
KosmoKramer!!>> i agree with you entirely. i am in no way going to sugar coat my results. the parameters of my test are the following:

copied and pasted from my first post:

"this test will be as objective as i can possibly be...a test of the 126 LED light to show wether or not it can produce as much bud and as dense of buds as my 400 watt HPS does.

here are some examples of what the light has to live up to, and my usual results under the T5 for vegging and the 400 watt HPS for flowering:

i usually run between 8-10 plants under the HPS...and get roughly an ounce or so per plant..."

the time to finish the test was never discussed, the nutes used were left up to me, as was the strain used for the test...clones are not obtainable, so i used seeds. the only obligations as i understood them were the following:

*use the 126 watt LED light engine to complete a grow cycle from start to finish.
*update my progress here on ICMAG.COM
*provide a finished, dry weight to compare it to my typical results in the past.

i do not see your post, as trolling, nor offensive. you have accurately identified my shortcomings. when i received this light to test, i figured that i would simply plug it in, hang it where i usually hang my light, and i would have no problems.

was i in for a rude awakening!!

my past methods would have killed these seedlings. i have never had to supplement heat in my grows, and several other issues that came up surprised me along the way...for each setback, i figure the plants would take a week or so to recover each time. that being said, i think they have recovered nicely and i am now confident that they will all finish. when they finish will be up to them. optimal finish time is 8 weeks, i will not make it in 8 weeks, i know that.
yes, normally these would be 3 times taller. i agree, again...even for me, in the past, these would be 3 feet or so tall at this point.

a couple keys to growing with the LED i have observed are:
**keep the canopy even.
**do not overwater. they need to completely dry out between waterings. (this should be done under any light, in my opinion, but it is critical with the LEDs.) you are welcome to post here, and i appreciate your honesty. i will give the same with my test.

TheFallenLion!!>> thanks...


for this update, i took some random shots under the light...they are pretty much done stretching...

just trying to show some bud development...

click a pic if you like a larger view.

thanks for all of the posts!!!

see you next update.:wave: