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Can't Stop the Flow! Two 4,000 Pound Marijuana Busts!


Active member
i love mexican outdoor. im all about the sativa, and mexico, columbia, jamaica is where they come from. ill take a good mexican sat over that tutti frutti, some kush, nycd any day of the week.

you gotta be kidding right??

brickpack hasnt touched my lungs in years, and i hope it never does again.

how could you honestly want to put some nasty brickpack smoke in your lungs??

i guess its like wanting to drink 211 steel reserve versus newcastle. whatever makes you happy.


Active member
you gotta be kidding right??

brickpack hasnt touched my lungs in years, and i hope it never does again.

how could you honestly want to put some nasty brickpack smoke in your lungs??

i guess its like wanting to drink 211 steel reserve versus newcastle. whatever makes you happy.
nice snobbery. lol. weed is weed, some of it looks prettier than the rest but at the end of the day its still weed. if it wasnt for this farce called the war on drugs, the mexican,jamaican,columbian outdoor, or brickpack as you call it, would be just as pretty as whatever you buy from whatever organized criminal you buy it from by the time it reached me.

Blue Dot

nice snobbery. lol. weed is weed, some of it looks prettier than the rest but at the end of the day its still weed. if it wasnt for this farce called the war on drugs, the mexican,jamaican,columbian outdoor, or brickpack as you call it, would be just as pretty as whatever you buy from whatever organized criminal you buy it from by the time it reached me.

so true

like pretty MMJ nugs aren't sourced by organized ciminals.


I have never seen any $500 ounces in the USA either. However, the beasters coming out of Canada are starting to be become just as shitty as the bricks that come up from Mexico.

A) You either buy compressed and heavily seeded Mexican brick weed.
B) Wet and more commonly now moldy beasters from Canada.
C)Grow your own or know someone who does.

I live on the East coast and I understand that some of the larger city areas can get away with charging outrageous prices, but than again everything in the city is pricey even if its a legal commodity. Still haven't ever come across $500 ounces tho. The most I've seen was $350/oz for dried dense nugs.

Well, first of all you should see some of the prices for good bud in some of the east coast cities. I've heard of NYC prices in the $600-$700 range for top shelf shit. That is fucking insane. But it's also because it's got to pass through so many god damn hands to get there. In my region, it's usually $300-$400 per zip for the same caliber of stuff if you're buying it in that quantity. $50-$70 an eighth in smaller quantities.

And yeah, I've started seeing some of the brick that supposedly comes from BC. (and some of it you can tell was actually good weed at one point) But who is to say that it actually comes from BC? maybe the cartels are just capitalizing on the name recognition. But the actual amount of weed in the states that comes from BC is a lot less than you think. So chances are it's not BC Bud.

But the real reason it costs more in the US is because there's more risk associated with it than there is in Canada... so I would ask our northern neighbors not to hold that against us. It's not our fault, and the market pays the price that the market will bear.


Out east, things are $20/g, $60-70/8th, and 400-500+ for an oz.

I don't buy in large amounts so I'm not 100% on the bulk deals, but $500/oz for something good isn't uncommon around here.

If I ever sell/grow, I'd never charge over $15/g or like $350/oz. I mean, let's be sensible!

And that's if I charge anything at all, since I'll likely only be providing to friends/medical patients.


stone fool
Leo got another 4000 lbs in the land of lincoln today, 2000 last weekend, all mexi brick.

I have had marvelous mexican brick weed, not in this century, but some of it was excellent.


Freedom Fighter
Obviously you haven't heard about california dispensaries.

At $65 1/8th that means that ounce costs $520.

And there are millions of dispensaries doing this.

That is only if you are buying eighths-- Want the Ounce price...buy an ounce--:tiphat:




I don't like seeing the po-po catch any one at all that is trading, growing or smuggling this wonderful plant-whatever there motives for the intended cash may be! A criminal will do what a criminal does-if Cannabis was legal the criminal would just find another way of raising funds.

Maybe if the governments around the world legalised Cannabis they would eliminate the criminal element behind the industry, therefore leaving people free from persecution to grow there own.

Also like someone pointed out before me the governments could pull a lot of taxes back from cannabis-exactly like tobaccHOE and alcohol.

I think that there is probably a good reason why they haven't started taxing it and making it legal yet though......maybe the whole Cannabis prosecution/incarceration process makes more profit now, than taxing would ever?

-prosecution/defence solicitors
-correctional officers
-drug councillors
-anti-drug campaign groups
-jail builders
+ probably many more that I have missed.

^^^^Obviously there is a lot of money to be made by the people above with regards to punishing Cannabis users, growers and smugglers.

And then what about the main groups that stand to lose out on Cannabis legalisation?

Pharmaceutical companies would lose millions, maybe even billions in pretty much a drop of a hat of Cannabis being legalised?
Millions of people would simply turn to growing their own Medicine which has no adverse side effects in their own backyard-watch out pharma' companies you scandalous robbing/killing bastards!

I actually wonder how much profit all of the pharma' companies around the world make in a year, and how much would they lose through Cannabis legalisation?

I would say Alcohol companies would stand to lose a decent amount of their customer base too if Cannabis were legalised. Note I said a decent amount, I'm not claiming that everyone will give up alcohol, but some people will-like myself for example.




Obviously you haven't heard about california dispensaries.

At $65 1/8th that means that ounce costs $520.

And there are millions of dispensaries doing this.

gotta remember, a lot of this price comes from "sitting" and changing hands. i doubt that they are selling packaged ounces for 500+. I have been into dispensaries that dont sell packaged ounces and therefore don't give you a discounted price when buying in quantity. These place generally arent trying to sell by the ounce because that promotes the drug dealers to come in and flip their shit.

what im getting at, is that the growers are not the people gouging these prices. the california distribution network has a lot of hands in it and all need their pennies out of the deal.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I must live in a fantasy world. All of my prices are 250$ oz or 10$g This is what all of my friends offer as well. We don't sale to dispensaries so I guess we are out of the loop.


Active member
thats $200 more than im willing to pay for an ounce of weed. whats so special about weed that demands those kinds of prices? besides someone somewhere a long time ago telling everyone it was bad to have it? its a plant, it grows from seed, and needs minimal care. so why the outrageous prices? if i ever sold weed i would sell it for the same prices i expect to pay for it. no more then $100-150 an ounce. selling one ounce would cover my nutes and lights for about 6 months. my current setup anyway. shit if i could grow it legally there would be no expenses as i would grow in my backyard. i would even sell it cheaper than $100 an ounce. maybe as little at $30 an ounce. i figure i could fit about 10 really large plants in my backyard and if i can harvest 1lb a plant. thats 160x30=4800. almost 5 grand in profit every season. and all i have to do is plant some seeds, and water if it doesnt rain enough.