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wtf is the point of this and what are we doing here.



Yes seriously. I find myself asking this question to myself alot lately. Im told that the point of life is to be happy. So I work as hard as I can every day to make as much cash as I can so I can eat food and buy whatever expensive hobby I happen to be into at the time. I seem to move from hobby to hobby, interest to interest, passion to passion. Once I get bored of something i just move on to something else.

Ive noticed the more money I make the more things I can aqquire and the more oppertunity for new hobbies and essentially, the happier I am. When money gets tight morale declines, and vice versa.

I drink alot. I smoke alot. I try and stay entertained.

Is this life? Is this what I am suposed to be doing? Or maybe even asking that question in itself is the reason for my wonder. Am I suposed to be like everyone else and make alot of money, get a girlfriend, get married and get a nice house, have kids, have grandchildren, retire and die?

Wtf is the point of all this. Someone please tell me without using the word Jesus or god, cause I cant figure it out. I just seem to exist, I wake up, go to work, eat three meals and take one good shit and go back to bed. Life is pretty simple.

Or mabye I just lack motivation.


this reads like a suicide letter:petting: , dude sounds like you're depressed
are you smoking enough? I think once you hit a certain age , we all eventually get this sensation , just temporary and should pass soon .
take some mdma


take some prozac

what ever you do .....dont take prozac..that shit will change you forever
work it out yourself , talk it out with a friend thats good with philosophy . you will come to reason with yourself and find that happy spot

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
If your not staying connected to poeple your wasting your time. I suggest a vacation. All the money houses, cars, women... don't make us happy. People make us happy. All of our fondest memories are shared moments with others.
Go to some warm island for a week or two and you'll come back refreshed.


Active member
its a neverending rat race man, when i sit down on my couch and contemplate what i REALLY want to do that would make me happy, it usually requires MONEY.

its all about chasing your dreams. mine is to own a shitload of acres with my own firing range in my backyard. wel thats gonna take at least a couple hundred thousand so i gotta start stacking! i also wanna travel to southeast asia and bang hookers and party for a few months, thats gonna take more money too!


Active member
its a neverending rat race man, when i sit down on my couch and contemplate what i REALLY want to do that would make me happy, it usually requires MONEY.

its all about chasing your dreams. mine is to own a shitload of acres with my own firing range in my backyard. wel thats gonna take at least a couple hundred thousand so i gotta start stacking! i also wanna travel to southeast asia and bang hookers and party for a few months, thats gonna take more money too!

careful what you wish for. friend came into like 600k. it sent him nutts!
He left his family and went to thailand to get his "teeth fixed cheap lol". came back and gave his mrs gonarea.
Now he is bak in thai nxt to no cash left and its all gone downhill.

like i said before man. values! if saving $$$ and building wealth isnt in like the top 5 of your values. guess what, no matter how much you get you will always end up with nothing.

what do you really value? ;)


i also wanna travel to southeast asia and bang hookers and party for a few months, thats gonna take more money too!

Wear protection and double check to make sure its a girl. Even if you don't see junk, if you have any doubts don't hit it. Unless of course thats your thing lol. :)


Active member
^haha yea i was kinda joking about the banging hookers part. but im definately tryin to do anthony bourdain style in at least a couple countries. and im definately a saver, most kids i know if they were making what i was making they would be rocking 22s and having the loudest flashiest system etc... i dont really care about shit like that so i usually find myself not spending lavishly.


In my opinion life neither ends or begins, there is only the past, present and the future. I feel they repeat in that we live and die to live again. Through our various lives we learn lessons and at risk of sounding religious, I believe that through these lessons and trails we seek to find true inner peace and understanding. I believe that the only true concept of hell is when you just get fucking tired of living over and over again and one day just realize...what the fuck! Well thats my outlook on things I hope that makes ya feel better. Peace and love



If your not staying connected to poeple your wasting your time. I suggest a vacation. All the money houses, cars, women... don't make us happy. People make us happy. All of our fondest memories are shared moments with others.
Go to some warm island for a week or two and you'll come back refreshed.

i would agree, no matter what we do or are doing with our lives,as long as its the main thing then that is what becomes mundane about our lives.

i dont care who they are, there is some one right now who is reading this and is truly tired of doing the same old thing they have been doing for the past however many years.

i know its true of me for sure, yeah life is great, marriage. . . .it is what it is, the plants are doing fine and still no matter who you are or what you do there is a " BUT" for us all.

change your surroundings, change your setting for a lil while and come back to it. just stepping out of your norm for a few days/ weeks (how ever long you can do it for) make s a hell of a difference


ICMag Donor
I agree with Friend.You could possibly need extreme mental stimulus,through travel or other unfamiliar situations.To be back living life,feeling satisfied,with a different perspective.Thats what alot of people do ,when lifes routine gets old.

The Phoenix

Risen From The Ashes
I can recommend a book for you called "Lifes Missing Instruction Manual, The Guide You Should Have Been Given At Birth" by Joe Vitale. It could help you straighten things out in your mind.