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wtf is the point of this and what are we doing here.


You go to work - to buy a car - to go to work - to put gas in the car - to go to work.

I have pondered this exact equation countless times. But I continue on.

and lucid dreaming is fantastic. I cant, or have never really tried to be able to control when I do enter a lucid dream. But when I have, It was amazing. There is nothing like being aware that you are dreaming. Its like a moment of realization all in itself. Thanks for bringing that up.


by the way, I know im just the latest in a very long list of people before me to ask this question. Just looking for a little intelligent discussion. a little insight into others and their opinions.


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal



Active member
Here is what I did. It worked for me, it may work for you. Take it for what it's worth.

I took stock of my life, mainly my relationships with others and what I truly thought about myself, with all of the surface narcissism and machismo removed. "Friends" who were only in it for something (money, drugs, whatever) went to the wayside once they were cut off. I considered what I would spend my days doing if I didn't have the incessant nagging in the back of my head saying "come on, work another 20hrs/week, you're only doing 60 now, sack up pussy." Basically I did my best to ignore all of the extraneous crap that you don't really need to survive, and in doing so I found my passion (entrepreneurship and, to a lesser extent, gastronomy ) and a new career (opening a restaurant with a close friend). Reconsidering what relationships mean to you also will give you a new perspective on the friends and family you decide to keep around. I know that for me, after I did all this and looked at the short list of people I still had around me when the dust cleared, just the strength of those renewed relationships was enough to make me happy for at least the time being without even being worried about constantly climbing as I always am.

jmo, sorry if i was on a soapbox there, i'm really baked :laughing:


Active member
You don’t understand life because you’re not living it. You are doing something else. Participating in someone else’s game. You only see life through the lenses that other have put in front of you.
Do a Forrest Gump. Just walk out your door with nothing and don’t look back. If you do it 5 years from now you will have many ideas about the purpose of life.
My friend at the moment you are not the real you, you have to let it all go. You can only know the real you once you let it all go. Everything, leave it all behind and discover the real you and the real life.
You have to let it all go, Neo. Fear, doubt, and disbelief. Free your mind.
Watch this vid bro :ying:


You don’t understand life because you’re not living it. You are doing something else.
Good post JWP - this is how I often feel. I urge to just get up and go - explore the globe. Find what where looking for and what not. But I struggle with the act of doing that - leaving my great job, awesome family, obligations I have....to roam.

If I was working at a shitty job or had no family I'd be all over just getting out there going wherever it may take me, but right now I feel like I'd be just throwing away what most would kill for...to simply look for something I dont know.

It does intrigue me.

- -

On another note I have made it a point to aquire as little as possible with my hard earned gains. I want as little of possesions as possible...freeing myself from clutter and "stuff" has seemed to make being happy and peaceful much easier. Stuff keeps you stuck/


You need to find yourself a girl/guy. You will never board again... but you may be frustrated as hell still.


Andinismo Hierbatero
did somebody say they needed a good dose of psilocybin mushrooms? that sounds like what the OP is asking for, or rather needs?
happiness is an emotion. its not permanent.

The only reason so many people think or feel as though money is the end all be all, is mainly because so many people were born into such a controlled environment --shelter within populated communities featuring tv, music, school, movies, news, you know--propoganda! Their "senses" have been diminished because of mind programming--its not their fault, after all, how could they know when it has always been like this? Is not the meaning of life to find a good job, make as much money as you can, and pay all your taxes on time?

I seriously doubt any human being is going to be thinking about money on their deathbed and if one were, I hope reincarnation is true.


Andinismo Hierbatero
happiness is an emotion. its not permanent.

The only reason so many people think or feel as though money is the end all be all, is mainly because so many people were born into such a controlled environment --shelter within populated communities featuring tv, music, school, movies, news, you know--propoganda! Their "senses" have been diminished because of mind programming--its not their fault, after all, how could they know when it has always been like this? Is not the meaning of life to find a good job, make as much money as you can, and pay all your taxes on time?

I seriously doubt any human being is going to be thinking about money on their deathbed and if one were, I hope reincarnation is true.

a good way to shake the self out of its embodiment into such obscure forms of leading a life, is to take a nice dosage of a strong entheogen, sure thing, it delivers. primal technology if you will.



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
It sounds like you need a 4 year near death experience. May I suggest Leukemia. It worked wonders for me. I use to sound a lot like you.

Some practical advice I would suggest to make you appreciate what you have. Same as what Cheeb said. Travel around the world and experience all the different cultures. You need some perspective.

Life's a beautiful thing brother!



Active member
Good post JWP - this is how I often feel. I urge to just get up and go - explore the globe. Find what where looking for and what not. But I struggle with the act of doing that - leaving my great job, awesome family, obligations I have....to roam.

If I was working at a shitty job or had no family I'd be all over just getting out there going wherever it may take me, but right now I feel like I'd be just throwing away what most would kill for...to simply look for something I dont know.

It does intrigue me.

- -

On another note I have made it a point to aquire as little as possible with my hard earned gains. I want as little of possesions as possible...freeing myself from clutter and "stuff" has seemed to make being happy and peaceful much easier. Stuff keeps you stuck/

Ahhhhh the status quo. You dont want to mess with that, you never know what you might get. Best to play it safe then lol

Have you ever looked at the starving people of africa. The children of ethiopia and thought to yourself "why dont they just get the fuck up and go"? What do they have to stay for? The shak they built? They dont want the neighbours to steal the broom they made to sweep the dirt floor. The husband doesnt get up and go because he fears his wife and family will not understand.

I watched a doco abt these guys from a poor country. Life for them sucked so bad that the only way for them to escape was to build these shitty lil boats and risk life on the high seas until they got to a counrty on the other side. When they got there they would be taken in and looked after. Given food, clothing, shelter & citizenship. Then they could work to make enough $$ to bring other family members over. The only problem was that like 90% of them died trying to get to the other side! 90 fkn percent! Yet every day boatloads of people take the risk. Damn i wish i remembered the name of it.

My point is: Go to any old persons home in your neighborhood and ask them what they wish they did differently in life. Every single one will tell you that they wish they had taken more risks.

Tomorrow isnt promised to anyone brother. Take your risks today while you still have the chance. Fuck the status quo, free yourself from others expectations of you and live up to your own! When your inner voice is louder & stronger than those in the external world and you act instantly on this inner voice.. Then you have mastered life. Happiness will flow to you in amounts you never even considered possible.

I have been round the block a few times. I have made a mil, lost a mil and made a mil again. I was happiest & learned the most valuable life lessons when i had nothing. When i say nothing i really mean nothing. Sleeping in a storm water drain wondering where my next meal would come from type of nothing.

I was going out with this girl. Supper smoking hot! She realllly looked after herself and had a great appreciation for the finer things in life. She gets home and says "hun i'm buggered, i will just go to bed and recharge". What she didnt know was that i had arranged with a friend to take her to his jewelry shop after hours to pick out her own present for our anniversary which was the nxt day.
So i go upstairs and lay on the bed nxt to her and said. Whispering in her ear, babe i know you have had a long day but i have arranged with Jimmy to keep his shop open so you can pick a present for our anniversary & a car is waiting outside for us. Instantly her eyes opened wide and she jumped out of bed ready to roll.

People have endless amounts of energy for what they value in life. If you dont feel life is what it should be its probably because you are trying to live up to someone else's values and expectations. You have to take the time to step back from life and find out what your real values are. Or you will more than likely be one of those people in the retirement village saying "i wish i had taken more risks in life" :wave:


here's your answer....

here's your answer....

Treat yourself and others with respect. But first you must learn the true definition of those things. Once that knowledge has been aquired, teach it to others. Learn to have patience, admit when you are wrong, don't hold grudges, apologize when you have been an ass, and forgive others. Educate others and realize that you always have something to learn. We are all connected and everything that we do not only affects us but everyone everywhere. People will recognize this lifestyle, appreciate it, and learn to live by it. <<---Because it is not for praise or status, just because it is pure and it works.

Also be yourself and do the things that you like while respecting others.

Old man rant out

Hope that makes some sense.

Oh, and immerse yourself in as much Invisbl Skratch Piklz media as you can. ;)

I'd also add to learn to be a good listener.


Active member
this reminded me of a part in the queen song

Mama, oooooooh (Anyway the wind blows)
I don't want to die
Sometimes wish I'd never been born at all

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