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Fish Tank!


I am glad this thread was resurrected. :) I have been keeping fish tanks for 15 years. I kept freshwater tanks for about 10 years and took the plung into saltwater tanks about 7 years ago. I have had many tanks from 10g up to 55g. Right now I have a 55g mixed reef with 6 fish(a mated pair of Amphiprion frenatus, a Cryptocentrus cinctus, a small Naso lituratus, a small Ctenochaetus strigosus, a Paracheilinus mccoskeri), a pistol shrimp(Alpheus armatus) which is not paired with the shrimp goby(Cryptocentrus cinctus). I think this is because the shrimp is from the Caribbean and the goby is from the Indo-Pacific. If I had an Indo-Pacific shrimp, they would probably live together. I have a good bit of coral as well. It is mostly small polyped scelractinians with a few Acanthastrae sp., a Caulastrae sp., a Xenia sp., 2 different Clauvaria sp., and 8 different color morphs of Zoanthid sp. This tank has been set up for about 2 and a half months so it is still very immature. I just got through the algae bloom but there is still some left around. Here are some pics I took yesterday with my mobile phone.
These go from right to left if you were standing in front of the tank.






I forgot to mention I have 3 different Tridacnidae clams. I have a Tridacnida crocea, Tridacnida derasa and a small Tridacnida maxima. Keep it danK!


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
great tanks guys, i'm blown away :joint: if i had tanks like these, i'd never watch tv



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
The New tank

The New tank

The pics I posted are of my LPS/Softies 75g Saltwater reef tank. I had allot more pics but lost them. Under the stand is a 30g Reefugium that holds all of the equipment heaters,cal reactor,Protein skimmer, Temp/PH/Ca probes and all return pumps. In the top Canopy there is 1000w of MH with some PC as well. This is a very expensive hobby. All tat you see there is in the range of 10k$

This is my new custom 90g cube. I started doing the plumbing.


Last edited:


Some of my tanks: :)

A small one:

Cold saltwater:

Big DIY setup:

Utricularia starting to fill the tank:

Bigger tank:



Retardo Motabon

ICMag Donor
Glad I stumbled in here! Superpedro your plantscaping of those tanks looks just wonderful. I'm a reluctant tank tender. My better half decided to get a tank a while back so I got to learn to care for them. I have 4 freshwater tanks up right now(85, 60, 25, 20 gallon) from a high of 8 tanks a while ago. Yeah, I'm obsessive! I'll try and get a few pics today for the thread. :smokeit:
i managed a store in la for a few years aquariums are very cool and teach you a lot. currently i have no aquarium my favorites are always fish only saltwater and a nice reef tank is always beautiful but more work than a standard salt tank. if you own a freshwater tank when doing maintenance save the water its properties are often times great for cannabis low ph and high phosphates and nitrates as well as beneficial aerobic bacteria etc..


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Times up :)

The mustard colored coral is zoanthid. The othe one is a watermelon zoanthid.


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
LOL the quiz ended before i could give it a shot :joint: i would have guessed wrong anyway haha! nice tank bro!



Hammerhead that is a very nice tank! Nice milli! Hell nice everything! What are your favorite corals?

Superpedro, I love natural freshwater tanks! Your tank looks awesome! I hope to try one some day. What kind of things do you have in your cold saltwater tank? I have been wanting to set one of these up as well. I think strawberry anemones are the coolest looking Cnidarian that isn't tropical.

Thanks for sharing guys and Keep it danK!


Thanks guys :)

Hammerhead that is a very nice tank! Nice milli! Hell nice everything! What are your favorite corals?

Superpedro, I love natural freshwater tanks! Your tank looks awesome! I hope to try one some day. What kind of things do you have in your cold saltwater tank? I have been wanting to set one of these up as well. I think strawberry anemones are the coolest looking Cnidarian that isn't tropical.

Thanks for sharing guys and Keep it danK!

Hey CE.

I'm a diver, and I collect everything from the ocean. This is a Danish saltwater biotope :)
I only borrow the animals, they are released back into nature and get replaced with new each summer.
It's a lot of fun to do some behavior studies on the native species i see on my dives.
I haven't got a lot to show this winter. I use to replace my macro algae frequently, but now the ocean is frozen solid, a very rare event.
Here is a few more pics:

Not a strawberry, but still (old pic):

Hermit crab:

Spawning sea urgent:

"Symphodus melops":

Baby "Scophthalmus maxima":

Closest we get to a Danish seahorse:

I've had a baby ray, hatced from an egg and many other things like soft corals and sponges.



It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
super super jealous :joint:

i think next time around i'm going to build my own plexi micro natural aquarium....there's no reason to spend $5000000000 on a premade setup :joint:

you guys' pics are super inspiring. some questions:

what is the "easiest"/starter coral or living rock to start with? i've never had a successful saltwater tank.

what is the minimum size tank for seahorses? also, what is a good "starter" seahorse? i know you need at least 4-5 for them to be happy :joint:

have any of you purchased fish online or mailorder? i did once, but it was for a fighting betta, and he was a tough motherfucker...but most fish it seems are way way way too fragile for the mail. thoughts? experiences?

thanks again for reactivating my thread and giving me so many awesome pics to look at :joint:



secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
Cool thread! :yes:
I wish I still had my discusfish tank!
I had pics at Overgrow.com..but lost them all :(
Damn! I interviewed Jack Wattley in 1996!

Clackamas Coot

Active member

Are you familiar with MarineDepot.com? I've used them for buying air pumps for making aerated compost teas and have found them to be well-priced with quick delivery on products ordered.

No association - just a link.



Clackamas Coot

Active member
Cool thread! :yes:
I wish I still had my discusfish tank!
I had pics at Overgrow.com..but lost them all :(
Damn! I interviewed Jack Wattley in 1996!

I first started out with Discus years ago. An interesting hobby to be sure.

Then I almost went broke trying to get a reef system up and running! Yikes!




Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
You can have a 20g reef you just need the right equipment. I had a 20 that was modified. The lights need to be strong for a reef tank.

That is a Rose Anemone and will kill most fish except for clown fish. You can see how big they get. Most will split when they get that big. The live rock you get will need to cycle in the tank for 4 weeks then you can put in soft corals like the pic I posted. The water u use needs to be RO/DI AND A SKIMMER is a must. My Favorite corals are

Acanthastrea lordhowensis

Anyway have fun