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Hows the life been working out for ya last 5 - 10 years?


Active member
I swear, if i was told that life is going to be soo difficult now, back in 2000, i wouldnt believe it.

And it is difficult not even due to my choices! Other beings controlling me, which is the problem more than anything else...

But things should hopefully slow improve over the next months...


You know... when I look back 5-10 years, sure there were tough spots - everyone has them.
But I can't honestly complain, I have what I need. I don't want for food or shelter, or even weed most of the time :)


It went amazing, even the bad parts....the task now is setting up a framework for the new stuff and have it be even better....right about now plateauing..& a pitstop to gather thoughts and plans...then it's liftoff again...woooooooooooo
Dont let those things control you desant, break freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


when life gives you lemons... make lemonade!

sounds stupid but i have been through some shit and my ol mom's advice is good. keep the chin up and something will turn up...


Active member
*sparks a fag*

I was watchign a doc. on history channel and there they went thro bums in some eastern europena country.. and one bum said something that stuck with me: "Dawn is coming, my darling".

And i too think it is soo.... good bye opression


Freedom Fighter
Life started for me, in 1996....the day I got out of prison the last time, and made the decision to not do heroin anymore--
14 years later....even with some ups and downs...it gets better every day!! I am not wealthy, I have the same everyday probs normal ppl do...but I am not a Slave (to drugs & prison) anymore...life as a "Free Man" is great!!:clover: :smokeit:


♥-_-~Praying the Lord my soul to keep~-_-&#9
I've been through ups, and I've had my downs, like anybody else here.
I have to say that back in 2000 I was doing alright, I was 3 years into my diagnosis of bipolar with rapid cycling... it was still new to me, new medications, new crippling side effects. Never even thought of medicinal marijuana. I always had bad experiences when I used to smoke pot, hence why I got into speed... i've had ppl take advantage of me when I was loaded with either alcohol or weed, so that caused me to take a defensive position and always maintained my awareness, even when I was spun out of my mind. by 2005 I had graduated with my bachelors in psychology... I dunno I just realized I couldnt listen to ppls problems day in and day out, especially in situations that THEY created.

however, by 08, I started school again in graphic design, had my son in 07, which changed my life completely. and now im ready for a new beginning....


Growing was fine the last 10 years.
Rest of my life not so much.
Partly because of people fucking me over and also because I get bored easily and even if I have a good thing (job, relationship) going, if it starts to be boring I move on to something else. Not always the wisest decison.


It's kinda fucked up remembering how much money I was able to scrounge up back in the day for my addictions, now I have enough to eat and that's it. It's like god or karma is telling me to kick the fuck back cause this shit is harder than it looks.


oh this is funny cuz yesterday the last 10 years of my life umm scratch that

the last every year of my life was sold at auction!!


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
last ten years are probably my best. had my daughter, best thing to ever happen to me. was a fat kat my whole life with glasses. now i workout every day, have a personal trainer, run 30-50 miles a week. got lasic on my eyes, one of the best things to ever happen to me.

been through several mishap's in the growing game. should of done time a couple times. but, by the grace of god, im here still doing my thing, helping anyone i can in the process.......

sometimes i feel like im the luckiest motherfucker in the world, last 10 years have been great!......:clover:


Active member
The last 10 years? Well that's almost half of my life, so a lot had happened. In the last 5 years though... I've made lots of mistakes, learned lots of lessons, and right now, I couldn't be happier. Hopefully going back to school soon for an engineering degree, and then I'm hoping to go to Korea for a couple years to teach english and put some money away.


Active member
Im up and down dumb shit will set me off in a rotten mood for no reason, but there is nothing in my life that stands out as bad like many I have alot to be thankful for living in a 1st world country. Anything to do with pests or salt build up will generally be about as bad as life gets for me ever. :clock watch:


cannabis enthusiast
pretty good i guess, have lost lots of friends and loved ones but im still here so i cant complain. its been a strange trip but i imagine in another 10 years i will say the same.
For me, I have some unfortunate auro over me where I leap between good and bad decades and this last 10 years have absolutely been the worst 10 years of my life. Whereas, the previous 10 years before that were the best I could remember!!

Now that I've done my 10 years of SHIT, (like magic) this year has started out great and I'm looking forward to 10 years of prosperity. But I have to make the most out of it this time because when 2020 hits, I know that hell will be back so I better prepare!

The only good thing that came out of the last 10 years of misery was that I learned alot. I learned alot about my friends, about people in general, finances, and the way the world works. Although it was extremely difficult, it wasn't for no-reason so I can't bitch and moan but I did miss out on a lot. Now I'm making the best out of what I can and looking forward to success! I've got it all laid out in front of me now, it's time to act on it.


Active member
back in 2000 i was a little punk runnin around SF with my friends tagging on buses, getting in fights, doing a bunch of dumb petty shit. now i consider myself more professional and calculated. i dont want to think about the next 5-10 years, it could go good but it could also go the other way real quick. *knocks on wood*


when life gives you lemons... make lemonade!

sounds stupid but i have been through some shit and my ol mom's advice is good. keep the chin up and something will turn up...

then you spit lemonade in lifes eye, , and get those sweet apples:tiphat: