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i need help!


hello !
i have a little problem with my big bang. pls help me! my ph level 6.0, used : biocanna. thx


Even in Arcadia I exist
Hmm, I'm not an expert, but can you get some different pics by chance? Those are a little washed out . . .

Can you give us some more details,, I'm not sure pH and nutes are enough to answer your ? . . .

It kinda looks like the light bleaching I've seen before . . . have you ruled that out as a possible cause? Different/better pics would be good.


Even in Arcadia I exist
hey man! more details please!


Distance from canopy?

Can you take some pics not under the HPS that aren't so washed out (too bright means less color)?

Again, this looks kind of like light bleaching . . . meaning too much light bleaching the leaves . . . .have you ruled that out as a possibility?


Looks like early symptoms of magnesium deficiency to me.

1/8th tsp epsom salt per gallon of water. If it is a magnesium deficiency the green will return to the faded leaves.


Even in Arcadia I exist
Looks like early symptoms of magnesium deficiency to me.

Yah i was thinking that too . . .

Magnesium is one of the easiest deficiencies to tell… the green veins along with the yellowness of the entire surrounding leave is a dead giveaway, but sometimes that’s not always the case here. In case you have one of those where it doesn’t show the green veins, sometimes leaf tips and edges may discolor and curl upward. The growing tips can turn lime green when the deficiency progresses to the top of the plant. The edges will feel like dry and crispy and usually affects the lower leaves in younger plants, then will affect the middle to upper half when it gets older, but It can also happen on older leaves as well. The deficiency will start at the tip then will take over the entire outer left and right sides of the leaves. The inner part will be yellow and or brownish in color, followed by leaves falling without withering. The tips can also twist and turn as well as curving upwards as if you curl your tongues.
Magnesium deficiency:


Zinc (Zn) Micro Nutrient and an Immobile element.

Zinc plays a lot of roles in the plants, first off zinc aids in the plants size and maturity as well as production of leaves, stalks, stems and branches. Zinc is an essential component in many enzymes as well as growth hormone auxin .Low auxin levels can be the cause of stunting of the plants leaves and the shoots. Zinc is also important in the formation and activity of chlorophyll. Plants that have a good level of Zinc, can handle long droughts. So that’s why Zinc plants an important role how it absorbs moisture.

Zinc deficiencies on some plants will have the Spotting and bleached spots (chlorosis) between the veins first appears on the older leaves first, and then goes on to the immature leaves. It will then start to slowly affect tips of growing points of the plants. When the zinc deficiency happens so suddenly, the spotting can appear to be the same symptoms to that of an iron and manganese, without the seeing the little leaf symptom.
Zinc is not mobile in plants so the symptoms will occur mainly in the newer growths. Having a plant that is deficiency in Zinc can cause small crops, short shoots and have a cluster of small distorted leaves near the tips. Between the veins (Interveinal) yellowing is often combined with overall paleness. Pale or grayish, yellowing between the veins; rosetted weak is the signs of a Zinc deficiency.
With a low level of zinc in your plants, your yields will be dramatically reduced.
Interveinal chlorosis is present in the small, narrow distorted leaves at the ends of really shortened shoots and the shortening between internodes. Leaf margins are often distorted or wrinkled. These nutrients will get locked out due to high pH: Zinc, Iron, and Manganese. These deficiencies will often occur together. Parts affected by a zinc deficiency are young leaves and petioles.
Zinc deficiency:


Could you give us more details about nutrients? How often you feed, when you last fed, what they contain . . . etc.

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
I have exactly the same going on in one of my grows, looks like Mg deficiency but doesn't respond ..... I'm in flower too, 6 weeks in .....

You could see if it is a zinc deficiency, mine are too far into flower to stress them anymore

Good Luck

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
Well I've found out what the problem with mine is .... root rot ....

I'm in coco/hydro so have my own problems ..... you need to let your plant dry out and be careful when you water, add some beneficials maybe
Thats a Mg deficiency, fairly textbook. I rule out light bleaching as some higher leaves are green and lower leaves are whiting, bleaching typically occurs top down, or least in a pattern that is visible. My vote goes to mg. The epsom solution already discussed is your best bet to start. May take two treatments - u r pretty far gone. Too late for foliar. Flowers look great..get the minors too 'em to keep the growth going.

Also, which plagron grow mix are you using..they have a 5.8ph 1.4ec; and a 6.2ph 1.6ec. I dont know what is in this stuff nowadays. If it is soil I would get your pH between 6.3-6.5. If it inert (like promix or coco) I would get it down to 5.8. You are kinda in between which can often lead to some lockouts depending upon media. If you are locking out majors like Mg...I would put money on needing to perhaps rise to about 6.3 pH.

If you are really concerned about other micros, I think the Earth Juice Micro Blast (pretty cheap too..and you dont need much...about 12$ liter, 30$ gallon) is the best FWIW. It isnt as high in Mg as the straight epsom. I would epsom at first. If by the next watering no results...then get some EJ MB and use the next watering, and then give 4 or 5 days to see. If they need more, drop the application rate to 1/5 and add at every water till flush.

Best of luck. Please give us an update in 4-7 days.



hi !
thx for every instruction!i give the first epsom today. I'll write the developments. 4-5 day.


hi !
thx for every instruction!i give the first epsom today. I'll write the developments. 4-5 day.

With an actual deficiency (and not maintenance dose) I'd go a little higher then 1/8tsp. In this situation 1/2tsp per gal would be better. IMHO


Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
I ld reckon you check the ph of the runout, it could be some nutrients accumulating that fuck up your ph, that could explain the def.

also as Dr Bush stated, i ve seen such deficiency on plants that were overwatered, be carefull not to water them too much...


Yes folks, is probably overwatered. If it is overwatered,i give it Esalt?Yesterday I gave him the first time, btw with 4 dl water. THX for everything!!! G.

Carl Carlson

One way you can always tell the difference between Zinc and Magnesium deficiencies is that Mg starts at the bottom of the plant, because it's a mobile nutrient.

Zinc starts in the middle of the plant.

Technically "starts" is the wrong word. If there is a deficiency of a more mobile nutrient in the new growth, than the nutrient is shifted from older growth.

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
My first impression of the pics is a watering problem, but it's hard to say without information about soilmix, container size, plant size, and watering methods.


i see this problem first in the middle of the plant.the bottom is relative healthy.i washed the soil, with 70 L water. when watering first? What should I give him? thx, bye