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is there a way to mask the taste of butter?

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Lil 'o Me you just gave me a mission for the day, fudge! :biggrin: I'm gonna get fat!


Let me know how it works out! Canna fudge is so yummy! I make mine with bubble hash butter. I prefer to cook with bubble hash these days. Tastes alot better than cannabutter made from trimmings or buds.


MediUsa I think the black stuff is clorophyl,

Gonna test th@ theory....got some bud watercuring as I type....will try th@ and see how it turns out. :)

Got to purge my system of thc a few days before I try th@ oil...



So does reboiling butter in water really clean it to where it looks supermarket fresh like in this pic? I have a nice amount of vape crumbs, fan leaves, and plant stems from this grow I want to try and extract. Anyone think it'll be worth it?

I want to try the other oils mentioned but butter seems like the only one I can "clean" by reboiling and resolidifying it on water. I also hear it helps to clarify the butter beforehand.
I was going to grind them up in a blender first. Some of the stems have quite the odor to them along with a bit of frost, so hopefully it'll turm out OK.

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Wow, not tried the finished product yet only licked a couple of spoons (still have the pot to lick) and I'm wasted :dance013: Not sure it's fudge exactly, seems more like toffee or caramel but it's good anyway.

I think the extra heating time makes it stronger through decarboxylation, 20 minutes in boiling sugar will do something for sure. Didn't think I made the butter this strong at all, pretty sure i didn't.

The green flavour is still there but it's much nicer than the butter on it's own or even in chocolate, tastes more like the smoke flavour than cannabutter. Man this is strong, think I'll do this more often.

Let us know how it goes Medi-usaA.

Awsome! Glad it turned out for ya! Yea, canna fudge is da bomb!

jamie fox

New member
Hi there,
Well I would like to suggest you that you should boil it in the water, this will remove approximately all of the weedy taste from that. The main factor responsible for the weedy taste in the butter is chlorophyll, after boiling the grass in water plant proteins, sugar and chlorophyll gets dissolved and after that you can prepare a butter which is having a better taste and try it any dish you want to prepare.



Active member
I just mix my cannabutter with melted dark chocolate and then pour it in to little chocolate moulds and leave to set :)


New member
wow can't believe nobody has said this... MINT is the answer...

Try making some choc cookies with crushed andes mint chips. Can't taste it at all...


Active member
I actually kinda like the taste of cannabutter, but I know most people don't. Let's just say that if the end product does taste a little green it doesn't bother me at all.


New member
Does anyone ever separate the trichromes before cooking, like you were gonna make hash but instead of pressing it you'd cook with it? I've never done it, wondering if anyone else has and if that helped with the taste?


Yes,clarify the butter first. I am going for that fudge recipe,goddam I love that stuff. Don't laff,but I even rubbed some on my sore hands.
I also do not care for the taste of cannabutter. I have used pretty pungent cannabutter in the black sticky gingerbread recipie I found on foodtv.com (make sure to use a larger pan than the recipie calls for or you will have a big mess on your hands) and it almost totally hid the flavor of the cannabutter and was super potent. People who smoke like it's going out of style and have a high tolerance ate one small peice of gingerbread and went to sleep for 6 hours about an hour later, but said 1/2 peice of gingerbread was a nice stoney time. I only replaced 1/2 of the butter in the recipie with cannabutter and the other 1/2 was regular butter, so keep that in mind too.
chocolate. chocolate. a million times, chocolate.

I made chocolate chip cookies with sugar trim, the normal kind and they tasted completely of bud. I later made fudge brownies with used vaporizer material in greater proportion and the brownies tasted far, far less of bud. Or even vapor shake.