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3x4 cab lighting


New member
Hi all. Got a question or two.

I plan to build a cab around 3x4 ft. and was wondering about the right light.

I am thinking a 400 w hps. Venting will be with a Dayton blower i already own, (have to check the rating on it again.) The intake side is 4 inches.

Does this sound about right, or could I move up to 600w?
I don't want to run AC.
What hood would you folks rec.?
Any and all replies welcomed!!

Also, i saw the lumatek/quantum thread.

Would u rec, lumatek or nexgen from discount hydroponics?


Active member
If you can keep a 600 cool, I'd recommend that. I've got a Yeildmaster Classic 6" that works perfect.

I won't start using digital ballasts until the commercial vegetable growers are using them. Recently saw a 100k sq ft mixed vegetable grow and every single light still had a mag ballast. I've been running mag ballasts for over 10 years w/o issues.

Treetroit City

Moderately Super


I got a 600 digi in my 3x4 tent and it's cool right now, but it is winter so we'll see come summer. I'll probably need a/c.


Weedomus Maximus
A 600HPS is the way to go. You'd need to upgrade the Dayton, as well as the intake area, depending. I'd suggest a Vortex600 with a SS2 hood. A Cool-Sun is also a very good hood. A Radiant 6 is said to be an excellent reflector, but I have no personal experience with it.


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