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I have anxiety/depression and I have found that strains that usually make other people more paranoid and anxious actually helps to calm mine. That racy head feeling actually makes me feel more calm and focused almost trance like. Can't wait to grow out that pack of Mosca C99's I just ordered. Gotta have a good indica though to help go to sleep.
I have three Blue Heaven females and one Blue Heaven male from original DJ Short stock that I purchased many years ago. These cuts are almost ten years old now.

There are two or three others that also have Blue Heaven from what I've been reading in the DJ Short forum.

I just put two of the females in to flower with the third going in a few days, so it'll be about three months.

Bullshit. Don't believe this guy. I gave him the cuts, he hasn't even had them a year... The oldest one is about 8 years, the others are a year old but form original stock.

I met this guy locally and would have never given him any thing if I knew this is what he would do with them.

Sorry for the neg, just have to put the truth out there.


Active member
Lately, for some reason.. I have been feeling very "off" or on edge, I won't lie I have a beautiful family and everything I dreamed for but its hereditary.

Everyone in my family has anxiety and depression.. and I of course inherited it.

Now comes my question, since my script is renewed.

From personal experience what is a great strain for anxiety and depression, I prefer a sativa dominant strain and like to think clearly and be at a euphoric state?



Bro I know what u talking about here.

The best way to cure depression and anxiety is CANNABIS HEMP OIL with high thc %

U can make ur own oil, which will definitely be HIGH GRADE QUALITY OIL. sativa are indeed better agains anxiety and depression. Using oil will be better than smoke herb to cure anxiety and depression and whole lot of deseas!

2 to 4 small drop by day and u will start feel better in a week space.


Panic Disorder....

Panic Disorder....

Just a word of caution to anyone who has been diagnosed with "anxiety."

Make damned sure what you have is NOT panic disorder. That's part of my issue (and I have had this for 35 years.) First 20 years went without diagnosis, (no wonder I smoked so much in high school!) but when I became TOTALLY agoraphobic, I hospitalized myself-twice.

I went back to the herb a couple of years ago.
A reasonable percentage of any sativa sends me straight to hell. And I do mean holy hell.

I am also bi-polar with PTSD. much more on the depressive side of things, but just cannot handle the sativas, they cause break-through panic attacks-BRUTAL panic attacks and sends PTSD through the freaking roof. I won't go into details, but it's something no one wants to go through, it sucks like nothing else.

I do take pharms daily and have for 15 years now (current cocktail is Zoloft and Klonopin) but I have been able to decrease the Klonopin by more than half by medicating with good quality Indica dominant strains. It stops a panic attack in it's tracks. My shrink is STILL pissed as hell at me that I smoke, but ya know what? Fuck him, he doesn't have to live with this illness-I DO. I also have to live with what these freakin' pharms are doing to my liver.

My other doc is all for it, (less benzos are ALWAYS a good thing.) I hate pills-just detest 'em, but I've come to accept that I may be on some form of pharms for the rest of my days.

Strains that will put me into chill are: Lavendar, Oaksterdam Purple, as well as some of the old school true Afghani kushes (when I can find them, easier said than done)

It will make me sleepy and stop an attack from coming on pretty quickly (better than chewing up another fucking pill and still waiting a half hour for any relief if at all, and I DETEST having to take the Xanax, but will if I have no choice)

Or if I am in the middle of an attack (sometimes I wake up in the middle of one) and can't catch it fast enough with a toke, so I'll smoke enough to knock myself out, which stops the symptoms.

Sometimes couch lock/sleepiness is a good thing...for folks like me. I'm looking for a narcotic punch.

I'm putting this out there so that if anyone is like me-you won't send yourself into the stratosphere- literally feeling like you are going to die-because ya used the wrong strain of meds.

Shutting my mind down is best at times, and when I wake up I can have some hint of what a normal life is like...until the next one hits.

If you are that miserable, go to a good Psychiatrist, not a Psycologist.

Psychiatrists are MD's, Psychologists are PhD's, big difference.

HUGE hug to all of you dealing with anxiety disorders, they truly do SUCK!!
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What a great thread. I am glad someone kept it going after all of its initial interest. I completely agree about the fine line between depression and anxiety. They are two different things but they sometimes get treated the same way, by just knocking yourself out or numbing yourself to reality. While this might help anxiety in the short run, in the long run not so much. Great advice throughout this thread, exercise, diet, etc! Thanks everyone for sharing so much valuable info. I do want to second the idea that if you have any anxiety related issues beware sativas. It took me awhile to figure out that some times my herb was causing me to take xanax! That kind of defeats the purpose in my opinion, so now I stick with indicas.


F13. Clear, up, motivating, happy thoughts.

Apollo 11, Satori

Blueberry, even tho it has a slight indica edge to the previous strains I listed..


Eugene Oregon
OU812- Thanks a lot! Good post, yes I have panic attacks that can happen from a lot of different strains.. some sativa's, but mostly those Indicas that knock you on the couch they just make me feel like I have a problem correctly functioning.

Just popped four feminized beans of.. Granddaddy Purp x Mnt Lapis Indica x Mandala <--
Should be absolutely perfect for me, I send my love to everyone here that sends seeds to patients!

Keep on helping me and other patients like ourselves out!


OU812- Thanks a lot! Good post, yes I have panic attacks that can happen from a lot of different strains.. some sativa's, but mostly those Indicas that knock you on the couch they just make me feel like I have a problem correctly functioning.

Just popped four feminized beans of.. Granddaddy Purp x Mnt Lapis Indica x Mandala <--
Should be absolutely perfect for me, I send my love to everyone here that sends seeds to patients!

Keep on helping me and other patients like ourselves out!

Having something knock me on the couch is what I need...true panic disorder is a brutal, heartless illness that stops people dead in their tracks. If you have it, you know! The last thing I need is any type of stimulation, especially my mind, that is a large part of what I am trying to shut down. Sativa is the enemy to me... I have to shut my body down as well because the physical symptoms are so bad. Again, heavy Indicas...

Can't handle light, sound, someone touching my skin, moving, etc. or I get more violently ill.

I just need to crawl into a big, dark, quiet hole and go to sleep. I'm a laid back person really, I just happen to have a "fight or flight" response that misfires badly. Hope that isn't the case for you.

Hoping your new beans bring you some relief!!


Eugene Oregon
Its really strange how strains effect people differently.
Some people probably could smoke a pure haze and go to bed.. its weird shit.

EDIT: New strains!
Joey Weed Blueberry F3's
(Blueberry x Lapis) x (Grandaddy Purple x Sadhu)
Blueberry x Aurora Indica <-- Stoked
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Eugene Oregon
Bump, currently looking for some more answers to my problems.
I have a herniated disc sending shocks down my back and down my legs causing severe pain and discomfort.. its stressing me out and making my anxiety attacks a lot worse.

Anyways any recommendations?

Flying Goat

Bump, currently looking for some more answers to my problems.
I have a herniated disc sending shocks down my back and down my legs causing severe pain and discomfort.. its stressing me out and making my anxiety attacks a lot worse.

Anyways any recommendations?

My spine has been broken in 6 places, my neck in 3, results of being hit by a drunk while I was on horseback many years ago...

You don't mention whether you have any peripheral neuropathic pain...

I've tried some really great strains for back pain. One of the best is MasterKush. It is especially effective when infused into a good olive oil or coconut oil. When baked into bread or cookies, a single dose makes it possible for me to go 1/2 day or more without my 7/10 level of chronic pain, lowering it to about 3/10. For breakthrough pain, I rely on tinctures of the same plant.

Other strains I have had good success with are:

Killer Queen, Queen Bee (neck & spine pain), Green Queen, & White Widow. Medicine Man is good for neuropathy -- the shooting, tingling, electrical pain you are experiencing.

I'm working to develop strains that reduces spinal/nerve pain both with & without sedative effects, one which is ready for harvest around 60 days from seed.

Hope you find one of the above strains useful. Best wishes for a pain-free tomorrow!

Herbglaze, I would have to agree with Throwgar that DJ Short's varieties are excellent for anxiety and depression.
Top of my list is DJ's F-13. A 60s/40i, blueberry x flo carried to the 13th filial generation. Holy smoke! With 14 other varieties of herb jarred up waiting, F-13 is literally the one thing I never tire of consuming. In fact, the more time that passes, it is steadily becoming my all time favorite herb. After a proper cure, the buds smell almost like leather, or fresh baked bread, and tastes of chocolate, or coco, with musky undertones like weird coffee... the flavors are hard to place for me on this one.
Not skunky, citrusy or fruity. Or any of the other typical flavors and smells associated with powerful herb these days.
The high is trippy, uplifting and vibrant, no couch lock unless you are seriously smoking. Minimal drowsiness, and very social. I love this herb.
Not a big producer, but I would recommend it to anyone that seeks truly fine cannabis.


Eugene Oregon
Herbglaze, I would have to agree with Throwgar that DJ Short's varieties are excellent for anxiety and depression.
Top of my list is DJ's F-13. A 60s/40i, blueberry x flo carried to the 13th filial generation. Holy smoke! With 14 other varieties of herb jarred up waiting, F-13 is literally the one thing I never tire of consuming. In fact, the more time that passes, it is steadily becoming my all time favorite herb. After a proper cure, the buds smell almost like leather, or fresh baked bread, and tastes of chocolate, or coco, with musky undertones like weird coffee... the flavors are hard to place for me on this one.
Not skunky, citrusy or fruity. Or any of the other typical flavors and smells associated with powerful herb these days.
The high is trippy, uplifting and vibrant, no couch lock unless you are seriously smoking. Minimal drowsiness, and very social. I love this herb.
Not a big producer, but I would recommend it to anyone that seeks truly fine cannabis.

Thanks man, I can't afford any of DJ's genetics its a shame.
Always wanted to grow out some of his stuff, I'm wondering if anyone has any strains by him but F2's.
Keep the strain recommendations going people it means a lot!
Bump, currently looking for some more answers to my problems.
I have a herniated disc sending shocks down my back and down my legs causing severe pain and discomfort.. its stressing me out and making my anxiety attacks a lot worse.

Anyways any recommendations?

I know your pain and I hope you find relief. I agree with the recommendation for Medicine Man, but it's hard to find someone that has it in stock. Dr. Atomic's Shiva would be my choice for what you describe. I'm surprised that it doesn't get more attention from other members. It's potent, 8-9 week finisher and a reliable yielder. The price is very reasonable as well. Shiva, without a doubt, is my medicinal strain of choice for the problems you describe.


I myself have been feeling uneasy after smoking the shit that's been going around my parts. Event the mexican brick weed I have to smoke every once in a while does it to me. I was never sure if it was me, or the bud. I think it's both.

I've been smoking some Bananna Kush this week, and it makes me paranoid, which leads to what I think is an anxiety attack, and like everyone has said, depression goes along with it.

I too am looking for a strain that will just leave me feeling happy go lucky. The last time I remember smoking something that made me feel this way was supposably Sour Diesal, but who really knows if it was really it. I just gotta go by the word of the dealer.

With that being said, for one, I cannot get any Sour D because it's always either sold out quicker then shit, or it's way out of my price range. I know that there is no price on happyness, but I just cannot afford it.

Recently I've ordered Cannacopias' Lapis Mountain Indica to get a 100 percent Indica outlook on things, I've never had a true Indica, so maybe that'll be a change. I also have a C99 cross called Tsi Fly that is C99 x C4, to try to get a feeel for what a c99 strain gives me. And, because I can't afford the true Sour D, i decided to also try Chuck D from Cannacopia, which is Sour Diesal mixed with deep chunk.

But currently, i have some Cherry bomb II, Power Plant, and AK48 going that will be done in roughly 50 days. I wonder what that'll bring me. If it doesn't give me the shit I want i'll just sell the shit and continue my journey.

One quote that I really like that I had go into my horoscope long ago that has really tried to keep my spirit uplifted and positive is in my signature. Whenever I start feeling down and out, i TRY to think of that.

The post above that someone said "if you think of your life negatively, it will be negative,and if think positive it will be positive", is really good advice, if only it was that easy to control.

Hope you find what your looking for everyone.


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