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Colorado Growers Thread

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For real, why the fuck would you stay in Highlands Ranch?? Plenty of Cougars I guess.

Has anyone actually seen any of these raids go to trial recently? It seems all you hear about is the raids (on the medical side) never trials or charges. They are out to intimidate.

This whole thing is putting my blood pressure through the roof. Anger (a good part of it going towards dipshit who decided to go on the news...but the majority at the DEA) and anxiety.

This is really foul.

And you're right about Highlands Ranch. There is a reason I have refused to go anywhere near that place for 20 years + now. The inhabitants just seem like the type of people that are constantly in competition with neighbors for the most toys. Obviously when an inhabitant heard a neighbor being successful, it was just too much for their frail thin ego. They then took the easiest solution. Rat them out to the feds.

In the asshole neighbors defense, advertising on TV would have probably brought the Feds down on this guy either way. It was a matter of time.

Still would like to know what the DEA will be doing in regards to small growers...say 30 plants or less.


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
This whole thing is putting my blood pressure through the roof. Anger (a good part of it going towards dipshit who decided to go on the news...but the majority at the DEA) and anxiety.

This is really foul.

And you're right about Highlands Ranch. There is a reason I have refused to go anywhere near that place for 20 years + now. The inhabitants just seem like the type of people that are constantly in competition with neighbors for the most toys. Obviously when an inhabitant heard a neighbor being successful, it was just too much for their frail thin ego. They then took the easiest solution. Rat them out to the feds.

In the asshole neighbors defense, advertising on TV would have probably brought the Feds down on this guy either way. It was a matter of time.

Still would like to know what the DEA will be doing in regards to small growers...say 30 plants or less.
Here's what CC pointed out in another thread;

Clackamas Coot said:
As an attorney told me regarding Oregon's MMJ laws and I'll quote him exactly: Quote:
"The Oregon OMMP law (i.e. the MMJ law) does NOT give you the right to grow cannabis. What it does provide you with is a defense argument and nothing more."
There you go - good, solid legal advice for free!




Saw a guy wearing a EZ clone shirt the other day.

And what does this mean? Now if it was an "EZ weed Clone" shirt... understandable. But the fact he's wearing a EZ clone shirt means nothing. Not everyone does hydro for weed... I myself am starting a Hydro Berry garden this year (prev grew organic corn, raddish, pumpkin, squash, carrot ect). Thats why im not worried about ordering online... Im not ordering "Weed" Supplies, or from any site associated with weed... So what evidence of anything do they have?

Now... the guy who came in my store wearing a "Dutch Masters" Shirt with "Support MMJ" and smelt like nug with red eyes - is a little more suspect... But i totally get what you mean. Not everyone works in a lawn and garden center and can rock Scotts fert hoodies or anything. :biggrin: Cause it is fun to put it out there when theres nothing that can be said or done; just gotta watch your ass...

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"

I am sure these guys were into hydro berries and squash and shit...

Stupid IMO. Cause I noticed it, and if I was a bad guy, well... you might have the DEA over there checkin out your berries.

Good on you for starting a garden. I love to garden, used to own a farm that was contracted to locally raise produce for a fine dining joint, back where I am from.
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This is just news media propaganda at its finest. They gave the dude a 2 minute clip where they highlight how dumb and egotistical he is. All he talks about is the money and how he thinks no one knows so he is ok. No explanation of who he sells it to, or why its legal. No talking about how his business runs or safety precautions for his neighborhood grow. He says its complicated and it makes him lots of money easily and that is all. The news built this guy up as a bottom feeder of society and a boarder-line criminal that is only in it for the money. The next day they have video of their "unethical money hound" all over the place. That guy is an idiot but they took advantage of him. Does it strike anyone else as odd that the news reporter came back the next day to do an interview with the agents busting this guy? This incident proves that the DEA is tearing peoples grows up without pressing charges to intimidate and discourage this industry from growing. They are afraid of loosing their jobs and they damn well should be.

9NEWS IS NOT ON OUR SIDE! We should boycott them and spread public awareness of their bullshit lies. If we could have commercials that spread public awareness about cannabis we would be on the up and up instead of the DEA.


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
And what news network should we boycott for the ballon boy escapade?

Blame the broadcasters, but that was a piece that could have been on any of the local channels.

Hopefully the BoZo types with the "Look At Me, I'm Special" mindset will burn out quickly,

look at the shit people post on the net - and competition to get that 5 minutes of fame - and when infamy becomes acceptable, it will get worse before it gets better.. Welll,,, I don't think it will get better in my lifetime.... lol

The guy that did the spot was calling 9News while the DEA was at his house, - they said they had a couple conversations with him until he declined to talk anymore

I'm betting the DEA boys had a hella giggle on the way back to the office.
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can anyone suggest at pump (hand pump or electric) for my 55g plastic drum?
im tired of having to fill up my 15 g res every couple days, id rather just top off a 55g drum weekly.
i just need a way to completely empty is.

it has 2 threaded plugs (if that matter for the pump)

Diaphragm pumps would be my suggestion. It doesnt sit in the res; and since its tubed into the pump, you can put the intake for the pump at the bottom of your 55g drum. Or even better you could lift the drum like 4 inches, and have it come from the bottom! The only downside is finding a low pressure pump...

Then you could even rig a float valve to it all and not worry about toppin off!


MMJ series in Coloradoan

MMJ series in Coloradoan

most of the front page and front page business section, the Coloradoan has begun a week long series on the subject of mmj in fort collins.

we're becoming mainstream. i don't think they can put this genie back in the bottle, but the war still rages... the head cop for the dea in denver said that ALL the med biz is federally illegal and subject to persecution. (altered for accuracy)
we're becoming mainstream. i don't think they can put this genie back in the bottle, but the war still rages... the head cop for the dea in denver said that ALL the med biz is federally illegal and subject to persecution. (altered for accuracy)

Here´s a link for Rob Corry´s letter to the Dept. of Justice:

Re: Rogue DEA Agents Violation of Justice Department Formal Guidelines on Medical Marijuana

Dear Office of Inspector General:

Please treat this as a formal complaint of waste, fraud, abuse, and misconduct against U.S. Department of Justice/Drug Enforcement Administration employees, agents, contractors, grantees, and others who executed an armed raid on or about February 12, 2010 in the Denver, Colorado area targeted against Medical Marijuana patients and caregivers.

These actions are in direct violation of the formal guidelines issued by the Department on October 19, 2009. http://blogs.usdoj.gov/blog/archives/192. The caregiver involved in the raid, Chris Bartkowicz, remains incarcerated after being arrested by armed DEA agents.

read the full letter here...http://www.cannabistherapyinstitute.com/dea/corry.dea.letter01.pdf

(originally posted by tokinGLX in another thread)


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
Yeah I read that. There was an interesting "follow up" article in the post today about that DEA guy and the Corry letter. He kind of backtracked a little. Thanks for postin that Medicann

Sweetin said he doesn't believe dispensaries are allowed under Colorado's law either but he's not going to be going "door to door" investigating them because there are simply too many. It's up to the state to decide what to do about them and lawmakers are trying to decide how to do that, he said.

But Sweetin also said that he keeps track of dispensaries and will probe any that raises red flags for him, such as any suspected ties to drug cartels, violence or the sale of weapons.

"I have to make sure that I'm not trying to become the enforcer and the regulator of medical marijuana because I don't have the resources for it," he said.

Read more: http://www.denverpost.com/ci_14401314#ixzz0feryGya8

FYI for all you dispensary owners with the showcase of Glocks next to the herb, better watch out.
Thanks for that link.

It´s nice to see Sweetin tempering his comments. I´m sure he got a talking to about the dumbass comments he made after the bust.

I´m still stunned that Bartkowicz was so stupid, but maybe something good will come out of this and dispensaries and growers will keep their mouths shut about their business and won´t invite any more scrutiny.
Here is more bad news: http://www.chieftain.com/articles/2010/02/14/news/local/doc4b77954dcf5de010620095.txt

A Pueblo jury took nearly eight hours Saturday to decide that a Beulah marijuana farmer was innocent of cultivating marijuana, but guilty of possessing it.

The 12 men and women were asked to settle the question of whether Thomas Sexton, 55, was legally growing 128 marijuana plants on his property off Siloam Road or whether he used the vague language of Colorado's medical marijuana law to manipulate the system into getting a higher plant count.

The past week was filled with testimony about the legality of medical marijuana, the botany behind growing the plant and a growing body of scientific evidence suggesting marijuana is useful for many ailments.

But for advocates looking to the Sexton case as a test for Amendment 20, they may have to look elsewhere.

"I think in regard to the medical marijuana law, there is so little guidance for somebody who chooses to use medicinal marijuana and cultivate it, it's almost a setup for failure for anybody who sticks their neck out and tries," said Sexton's attorney, Karl Tameler. Sexton expressed his own frustration, noting that he's followed every piece of legal advice he's given to stay within the law.

"I don't know how to be any more impeccable than to follow the law," he said. "I've taken every step I know how to follow the law."

District Attorney Anthony Marzavas said he respected the jury's decision.

"They certainly put a lot of thought into this, that's for sure," he said.

He also noted the difficulty presented by the law's language and said he hoped the Legislature would be able to clarify some of it.

Other's of Sexton's supporters were frustrated with the contradiction of the verdict.

"How can you be found guilty of one and not the other?" said Robert Love, one of three people whose extended plant counts were at the center of the case.

"I feel like this sets up every state-registered medical marijuana patient for prosecution," he said.

Tameler said he was disappointed with the outcome of the trial and believed that he had presented sufficient evidence that each of Sexton's plant would have been used for medicinal purposes.

The medical marijuana law allows patients and their caregivers to possess up to 2 ounces of marijuana and six plants.

The law allows patients and caregivers to defend their possession of greater amounts of marijuana if they can exhibit a justifiable medical need.

When Pueblo County sheriffs deputies raided Sexton's farm Aug. 14, 2007, Sexton provided them with a notebook containing medical marijuana registry cards for seven people and three physician recommendations allowing Sexton, Love and Angeline Medina to have more than six plants.

Sexton was listed as caregiver to Love. Love was listed as caregiver to Sexton and Love's wife was caregiver to Medina.

But Marzavas and Deputy District Attorney Steve Jones painted the caregivers as a social group and suggested the added plant counts were negotiated rather than medically justified.

They also argued that the medical marijuana garden was started before Love, Medina and Sexton got recommendations for the extended plant counts.

Sexton is scheduled to be in court March 1 to get a sentencing date.
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