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Liquid Guano?


Anyone tried this stuff?
(Guanokalong Liquid Extract Taste Improver)

Any advice on dosage/frequency & time of useage?



i have... Works Really well... I dont add as much as it says in the bottle though. Adds crystal and flavor. Did nothing for yield for me though. worth it in my opinion.


Yeah im just adding 12ml per ltr every water, although my mate used lots (30ml/ltr) one one plant & it loved it, really boosted the flowering... expensive to use like that though


I thought id report back that this stuff is really worth it imo

Ok i havent smoked it yet, but ive eaten some calyxes lol

So far everyday after using it i get tricome explosion


I just wanted to report back after harvest & a few weeks curing, the plant that i used this liquid guanokalong excessively on, has a serious amount of tricomes & stinks much more than the other plant, it also tastes much more distinct.

Im actually suprised as the plant i used loads on was generally all round a weaker plant than the other one i grew, but in the end actually turned out looking much better & better tasting after harvesting & drying/curing

I HIGHLY recommend anyone using this stuff at 30ml per litre, next time im gonna use 30ml every watering in the late flowering stage, and 10ml in every watering upto that... expensive but worth it imo if you grow for quality & flavour

Im sure the canna bioboost helped the flavour aswell as i used that excessively on the same plant, but this guano exploded the resin like krazy, no joke
I never heard of that product before....but I know a few peeps that use "Budswel" which is a flowering guano tea. Supposed to smell like sewage...but work amazing!


I give it to my cat puss puss, he loves it over his dry cat food.


On my second grow now & used this liquid guano on my seedlings (which i didn't do last time) over night they've definitely shown brilliant growth.

I reckon this stuff is good to use all through the grow, not just in flowering, i just bought 5 litres off the stuff ;)

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