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How to train our plants for vert?


Grow Clean.... Go Fast!
So this is our first vert go around, and my first go around period. We vegged our plants horizontal and now have them surrounding bare vertical bulbs. Last night we put up a screen to start training them up instead of out more. We are not sure exactly how aggressive we should be doing this. Should we pull all the vegetation that we can through the screen and then tie it to the screen and direct it up? Or can we simply pull it through the screen and then let it naturally start growing up? My thought was to aggressively tie and train them, but my partner thought I was torturing them a little too much. Truthfully I have no idea, so I thought it better to check. Here are some pics:

The other "non screened" plants in the room for comparison:

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Here is the result from the front and then from the back:



Grow Clean.... Go Fast!
Yeah, I just feel like everything should be tied out and then anything that can't make it from the back just become clone fodder....


Grow Clean.... Go Fast!
So some torturing and manipulating won't stress them too much right? Heading back out there to finish the job later....


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
it wont hurt them at all! i bend and manipulate my plants into some crazy ways, im amazed the plants grow so well. i end up snapping lots of branches and repairing them when i do my manipulations. just try to get all the vegetative in front of the screen. and manipulate the branches to take up every inch of non plant space. try to create walls of weed..



New member
I am doing the same thing as Krunch, pulling everything that I can into the screen to fill out the screen. Everything else is clones! Since these pictures I have done even more trimming and tucking to get rid of any branch that is not getting direct light.




Grow Clean.... Go Fast!
Ok, I am about half way done. Just stopping for some dinner, so I will post some pics soon. A couple of questions though.

First, I broke one large branch, right at the main stem, 3/4 of the way seperated. I basically used twist ties just to secure it back to the stem. Anything else I can do? Will this branch live?

Second. I am obviously stressing these girls to the max right now (myself too), branching are being bent and broken. The main stem is being pulled, I am sure resulting in stress from the roots. ETC. They are about 2 weeks into flower, should I foliar them with maxicrop to help them overcome the stress?



I've used electrical tape on broken main stems before and they heal up no problem.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Ok, I am about half way done. Just stopping for some dinner, so I will post some pics soon. A couple of questions though.

First, I broke one large branch, right at the main stem, 3/4 of the way seperated. I basically used twist ties just to secure it back to the stem. Anything else I can do? Will this branch live?

Second. I am obviously stressing these girls to the max right now (myself too), branching are being bent and broken. The main stem is being pulled, I am sure resulting in stress from the roots. ETC. They are about 2 weeks into flower, should I foliar them with maxicrop to help them overcome the stress?


as long as the branch was reattached to the stem and has a good hold, it will be fine, dont worry about it.

foliar if you want, plants are resilient to many stresses, i would use some silica to relieve stress... pics?


Grow Clean.... Go Fast!
Ok, I "Krunched" em! I had to finish the last one right after the lights went off. I think they look pretty good. I will be running back out in the morning to grab the pics and see what you guys think. It actually took me about 4 hours today to finish putting up the screens and then get them all settled in.


fuckin a man how tall is that room, looks like your second shelf is like 6 feet off the ground?! crazy vertical haaaaaaaa

the training looks great btw. are you on 12/12 yet?


Yea boy!! Nice room I love those racks great for stacking lots of clones.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
badass room! you did it perfectly! wish i had a double decker....

now, as the plants grow, train the branches to fill up every available space in the netting you used. pretty soon you will have walls of weed! :clover:


Active member
yeaaaa boyyyyy!!!!

nice vert room

do you guys prefer 1 row of 6' trees, or 2 rows of 3' bushes?

looking to maximize yield while keeping plant numbers relatively low, coco run to waste, 2 600's, 4.5'x8'

take care yall


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
is that a joke krunchy?

shit, no it isnt. guess i was really stoned when i posted that, already have a double, just not one on top of each other. would be cool though, a double vert, double decker room....


Here's how I train for vert.

About 1/2 way through veg I mount a trellis, then I weave stretchy strains through it. With shorter stiffer plants I use the trellis as an anchor for control.

Everyone reach for the light.


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