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Warmth vs. light


Active member
Starting an early outdoor crop inside under flouro's, putting them outside during the day. Now at about 8 to 12 inches and dealing with the cold is it better to keep them under the low light of the lamps and warm or under strong sun and 31 to 65 degree weather.? Thanks...


Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
I'd keep them indoors if you're still hitting below freezing at nights, even with the sun those sorts of temps can reaaaaly slow growth.
if the ambient temp outisde is 35 lets say, if you put a digital thermometer in the sunlight, it will register around 50degrees. so, i think u'd be fine to leave em out as long as its sunny. but, id bring them in at night regardless. without the sun, anything under 60, will stunt growth IMO/E.

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