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Switch From 10/14 To 12/12 ??! 18 Days Flowering!!

Wuz good people? I have some Blue Chronic,Cali Orange Bud,Nirvana AK48 plants flowering...today is the 18th day of 12/12...and yeah theyr all females and are covered in pistils,etc.Theyr under a 400 HPS/closet...coco coir...CNS17 nutrients..:artist:

My question is...theyr been under 10/14 (10 hours ON,14 hours OFF) cycle since I started flowering..in an attempt to make them flower faster...Im now thinking of changing to 12/12..to get the extra light hours..which is 14 hours EXTRA every week..

1.Should I change the cycle? If I do,will it stress the plants in anyway?

2.If I change it,should it be GRADUALLY,or just from one day to the next?

3.Will the extra light hours make them bud any LESS faster?

4.Will the extra light make them flower and grow faster,due to more energy and photosynthesis?

Thanks in advance :microwave:


1.Should I change the cycle? If I do,will it stress the plants in anyway?

2.If I change it,should it be GRADUALLY,or just from one day to the next?

3.Will the extra light hours make them bud any LESS faster?

4.Will the extra light make them flower and grow faster,due to more energy and photosynthesis?

Thanks in advance :microwave:
I would change the cycle if it was me, it won't stress the plants much at all.

Just do it, its not that big a change

No they won't bud any faster with 10/14, not sure where you got that idea, but its in their DNA not dependent on light hours like you are thinking.

They will probably produce a bit more bud. I don't know anyone that does 10/14, 11/13 yes but not many peeps, 12/12 is pretty much the standard.
Ahhh, the curse of remembering everything your read, but not remembering where...

If you search ICMAG, somewhere someone posted a study that THC concentration decreases with the hours of light. If I recall, plants harvested at 10/14 had somewhere around 20-30% less thc at harvest then 12/12. I am sorry I dont remember the thread, but I do know the thread was titled around light/dark hours and the light cycle.

Bottom line, run the 12/12 for sure in my opinion.


How exact does the 12 hours darkness have to be, I have always wondered.

Like if the plant is already in flower, and gets only 11.5 of darkness, or 11.75, will it still flower? I wonder how exact that is.
Aiit folks..Ima change it I guess..the way I see it,more light=mroe photosynthesis=faster growth..and Iv read that more dark means the plant produces more flowering "hormones",making them bud faster...

1.Will the sudden extra 2 hours of light,make them think is time to veg?Kinda like early spring flowering that reverts back to veg in the summer,due to the increasing light hours?

I just need a BIT more reassurance..if the sudden shift will confuse them,maybe make them veg or something?

pyite20v= as far as I know,some growers have finished plants with 14/10 (ON/OFF)...this increases yield SUPPOSEDLY..but increases flowering time...Iv READ that once the floweres all WELL into bloom..like 7+ weeks..you can even finish in whatever cycle..since the plant will just keep blooming..and NOT revert back to veg..since its already too far into bloom..remebr this is just what Iv read...

Thanks ya


No they won't bud any faster with 10/14, not sure where you got that idea, but its in their DNA not dependent on light hours like you are thinking.

this is totally false dude what kinda bs are you trying to spread... it is well known fact they respond to hours of light, this is why we veg with atleast 18 hrs of light and flower with less, and why plants outside finish in the fall as the light hours decrease, and why people see plants put out side early go into flower and reveg in the middle of summer, otherwise all strains would be auto flowering....PUT DOWN THE PIPE, YOURE HIGH!

DONT DO IT! at this point in it will undoubtably stress the shit out of it and cause some hermieing, likely nothing to major but you could end up with a couple beans...you would never want to increase the light after that many days flower its just ride it out and stick with 12/12 on the next one..

i personally have done 10/14, 11/13, 12/12 and other variations within and its strain dependent, a couple really liked the 10/14, never did see much difference with 11 or more hours but you can definitely manipulate finishing times this way if you start with 12/12 and work your way down, simulating nature. my best success has been starting with 12 full hours for 4 weeks and then take an hour off each 2 weeks after that...this way you will get the best yield possible while still achieving faster finishing times by a week or so on a 65 day strain. just flowered on 10/14 will se fastest finishing times but with 10-20% less yield.
Sick Skillz..good post..yeah thats how I normally grow..12/12..then go down ..once I even finished them under 8/16 for the last couple days...


this is totally false dude what kinda bs are you trying to spread... it is well known fact they respond to hours of light, this is why we veg with atleast 18 hrs of light and flower with less, and why plants outside finish in the fall as the light hours decrease, and why people see plants put out side early go into flower and reveg in the middle of summer, otherwise all strains would be auto flowering....PUT DOWN THE PIPE, YOURE HIGH!

OMG chill the f out! First off you mistook what I wrote/meant. I didn't mean that the plant will bud on its own, it is obviously light dependent. What I meant is that if its a strain that takes 7 weeks to get its max THC/finish budding you can't make it go faster by shortening the amount of light. How stupid do you think I am, and don't go trying to slander me and calling me out for nothing....that just pisses a guy off!!!!!! Anyway you obviously mistook my intended meaning so its cool.
DONT DO IT! at this point in it will undoubtably stress the shit out of it and cause some hermieing, likely nothing to major but you could end up with a couple beans...you would never want to increase the light after that many days flower its just ride it out and stick with 12/12 on the next one..

i personally have done 10/14, 11/13, 12/12 and other variations within and its strain dependent, a couple really liked the 10/14, never did see much difference with 11 or more hours but you can definitely manipulate finishing times this way if you start with 12/12 and work your way down, simulating nature.

I disagree with what your saying here, but Im not gonna say your full of BS like someone in this post did already! You won't shock the crap out of anything, and if your growing from good solid clones you shouldn't have any worries about herming. I have had to take crops down b4 half way through, put them in total darkness for 24hours then fired them back up, yeah they got shocked but no hermies cause it was good genes. If you don't know the strain b/c its from seed or new 2 you then you may want to step it up in 3 day cycles but I wouldn't be worried about it.
this way you will get the best yield possible while still achieving faster finishing times by a week or so on a 65 day strain. just flowered on 10/14 will se fastest finishing times but with 10-20% less yield.
do you realize you just proved yourself wrong in your own words? Best possible yield but 10-20% less? How is that the best?

I would just switch your crop to 12/12 and don't worry about it.
lessening the hours of the day definitely does make the bud mature faster, but you also obviously lose potency and weight. but it'd still be way longer than 18 days of flowering.

I go 12/12 throughout the whole flowering process and haven't been disapointed.


instead of stepping it down as you guys are saying, just leave it alone and when your all done switch the lights off for a couple days and leave them in total darkness. I don't like the idea of dropping the light less than 12 hours b/c you will definately be cutting into energy producing time at the critical stages of finishing. Try leaving it at 12/12 and then put them in total darkness for 2-5 days and see what happens. You maybe pleasantly surprised ;)
:violin: LOL..dam is funny how ALWAYZ some body starts a good debate in a post...we potheads are vicious..:smokeit:

So I guess the general opinion is to switch to 12/12? Gradually or right now?!!

And as for the finishing time debate..more darkness makes them bud faster..since the bloom hormones are allowed to "build" up ALOT more every night,before being reset during the day...I will expeirment to what effect the "flower" hormone has on


if more darkness makes them finish faster with better yield and better potency everyone would be screaming do it on these forums. I don't see that, and any super experienced grower that I know personally doesn't do that, but thats not to say you can't teach an old dog new tricks. Keep me posted on the outcome if you do some testing. I simply turn the lights off for a bunch of days when they are done, and I don't have any complaints. And I don't know any commercail grower that restricts the light cycle as they mature to finish. And for us commercial guys its all about getting it done as fast as possible, so I find that hard to believe IMO
IDK about better yields..but some MASTER breeders put plants in lower light hours and then couple days in dark before harvest...this does several things..and as far as Iv read over the years..the flowers are a BIT more potent right before the lights come on..so its common for growers to harvest after their dark cycle..and not after the light has been on..I strongly advise to put plants in 2-3 days dark before flower..

Also..look into stressing the plants before harvest..Iv personally done this..and Iv personally noticed a diffrence..

Just stress them any way you can think off..light poison..cold/hot water...vigorous shaking..mutilation..no water for the last few days..the plant will increses resin to keep from drying up..and to "insure" survival of the seeds from all this "stressing" environment..


this is all done by leaving the plant in darkness for 2-5 days before you harvest. And I can see changing the lite cycle in the last few days, but not weeks prior.
Just move it from 10 on to 12 on over 4 days. Half an hour a day. All this worry about herms...I dont believe 30 minutes of light difference a day over 4 days will do anything. I have done it a couple of times experimenting. In the wild, the hours of daylight changes slightly every single day as long as they are 10 degrees or more from the equator.


All this worry about herms...

yeah herms...the big problem these days is there are so many peeps attempting or claiming to be breeders or strain developers when they have no business doing so. I have attempted to buy 5 strains from several different breeders and seed banks recently, and all but 1 have gone herm on me. This is simply b/c they have not taken the time to stabalize their so called "new" strains and are selling inferior products. Any time I get a new strain from my network of friends I have never had a problem with herm plants, and we have put some serious stress on them in the middle of bud from time to time for different reasons that were unpreventable. A solid strain should never herm and should always show only the desired traits for the most part. I currently am growing purple kush and although some seed banks may say they sell it, it is impossible to find the same exact strain that I have unless you get it via clone from someone in our circle, which once you go a few degrees of seperation is probably over 1000 growers. All these new strains popping up just piss me off since there just hasn't been enough time to really stabalize them. Anyway, just a rant as I have been burned too many times from seedbanks. Any seed you buy that goes to herm on you is simply b/c it was botched from the beginning IMO.
Dark Sith very true...too many pollen chuckers nowadays..claiming to be breeders..even Iv made a few crosses..does that make ME a breeder?Good enough to sell seeds?No..I believe seed breeder's strains should be tested for herms,issues,etc before theyr even offered to the market..but some people are just in it for a quick buck..

Yesterday I added an extra 25 min...and will gradually increase the light hours..
Dope Boy Magik: This should work fine for you. Good Idea.

DarkSith: I would agree that herms are much more a genetic factor. There are stressors that tend to encourage herms if it is in the genetics, but I think the length of light as long as it isnt whipsawed (12/12, than a day later 15/9, then 14/10, etc) and is 30 or less a day will not negatively effect the plant. At least in my experience which is all i have.
Back again..didnt want to start a new post..so hopefully ya same folks came help me again..

When the lights turn off..I have to close the door..put blankets,etc...today I overslept,and didnt close the doors until like 13 minutes AFTER the lights went off...I quickly woke up,and closed them...So today they got around 13 min of VERY diminshed lgiht..

I didnt have any lights on..my room was dark..except for cracks in my door...but there was def light...so will the extra minutes of light stress them,hermie them?!

Confuse the little buggers??!! Thanks ya..and yeah I AM a worrying bastard lol

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