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I've reached my exclamation point with women's periods.


It just dawned on me today that I've heard way too many excuses associated with that infamous time of the month.
Today my wife and I were horribly snowed in. Both of us were up at the crack of dawn trying to clear off our cars so we could get to our respective jobs.....to no avail. The dooshy plow guy still hasn't shown up and there's a wall of snow everywhere. But I digress: we come into the house, and now she's on the phone with a taxi company so she can goto work. She's planning on walking down the driveway and getting a ride. There's no problem with that....we've got the $ to afford a ride....so the entire morning is really not much more than an inconvenience at best.
As soon as she gets off the phone she's bawling...crying like someone close to her just died. I say "Hey...what's the deal? Why are you crying...everything's cool...". And she emphatically states: "It's my period, I'll cry if I want to". Then she storms out of the room.

So we've been married for about 10 years, and been together for twice that time. I started thinking back to all sorts of stuff I've heard about the dreaded red spot:

Eating lots of junk: It's my period.
Acting like a big baby: It's my period.
Acting irrationally: It's my period.
Not doing what is required/being lazy: It's my period.
Not having sex at any given time: It's my period.
Heightened emotional states: It's my period.
Generally anything: It's my period.

So where do guys get to cash in on all that? I mean where is the analogous excuse we get to use for practically anything? Let's face it....whether it's psychosomatic, real or imagined......you chicks get away with murder practically because you've got different levels of hormones flowing at different times?
Teenagers go through this at puberty and they don't get a pass....in fact they get a bad wrap those little whippersnappers....
I think it's a brilliant plot started forever ago so dames can pick and choose what they'd like to do without fail.
Let's just say that the "." apears to be a virtual skeleton key that can unlock any door of opportunity or exploitation. I want that kinda jazz.

So in closing, I've decided that today I will be the first man on the planet to enjoy the benefits of "THE EXCLAMATION POINT". That's the point I reach where I'm tired of being asked to do things I don't wanna do:

Take out the trash: It's my exclamation point!
Come help with the shopping/groceries: It's my exclamation point!
Acting Lazy: It's my exclamation point!

I think you get the point...

I got hormones in my body too. They flux and flow and cause physiologic and psychological changes equivalently. I just don't make a big deal out of it usually. Today, I claim back the right of men to be just as cavalier about their inner states without repercussion or retribution.

Oooh....I feel bloated...I think I'm going to go eat a pint of Ben & Jerry's....then I'm gonna burn a giant bone of Big Bud with some Bubblegum Bubblehash. Maybe watch some Oprah. :p


I feel ya, really I do.

I just tend to keep my one nice and stoned when it's her womenly time. Tends to shut her up


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
lol Im using the exclamation point too damnit. As soon as we gave girls a scientific answer for them damn periods its turn the floodgates open...
Just another thing that we have to deal with and just take for no reason..




Great thinking, I'm all over it! ( ! intended!!!)

I think maybe just calling it "exclamation" rolls off the tongue better.

I'm having my exclamation! Damnit!!!
The exclamation mark- A man's time of the month !
I just told my girl this and she gave me the weirdest look ever!
It depends on the broad though man. Some flow crazy, some don't!
Obviously, yours is a wee bit over sensitive!


Happy almost birthday Abe!!! You're gonna be 201 years old tomorrow bro!!! It's good to hear from you....been very quiet since you freed all the slaves.....
I know people were a bit chapped about that.....shot your ass and all....but I think it was a good move honestly.
I'm gonna burn one for your birthday! :)


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
It looks like you got a psychobiotch on your hands..

My girl was always completley normal..that time of the month lol..


I wish I could manage to make such an ass out of myself every month, just for spite's sake, but I can't.

Reason kicks in before I go full fledged psycho for no cause whatsoever. That sucks cause it seems like fun. :D
Happy almost birthday Abe!!! You're gonna be 201 years old tomorrow bro!!! It's good to hear from you....been very quiet since you freed all the slaves.....
I know people were a bit chapped about that.....shot your ass and all....but I think it was a good move honestly.
I'm gonna burn one for your birthday! :)

Damn JWB! Coward shot me in the back of the head!



Just re-read my last post, and decided to clarify: I think it was a good idea that the slaves were freed and all. I do not think it was a good idea to shoot honest Abe. Hopefully people don't go off the deep end with that one. ;)
Just re-read my last post, and decided to clarify: I think it was a good idea that the slaves were freed and all. I do not think it was a good idea to shoot honest Abe. Hopefully people don't go off the deep end with that one. ;)

Thanks, and I didn't want to be shot ;)

Little known fact. Lincoln's bloodline ended a long time ago. The last known lineal descendant died in 1985


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
proven fact: men can and do suffer a form of male menopause..forget the exact term.but it usually hits men in their 40's..

Flying Goat

As the only lady yet to comment, I can say that I, as a female, don't appreciate the drama around other ladies' "moon times." I've always managed to conduct myself in proper form & they should, too.

I've always felt that the "it's my period" excuse was a bit like "I'm a victim of society" excuse...

Ladies, I KNOW we all feel miserable & rotten that time of the month, but let's not take it out on our menfolk...

Eat some cannabanana bread, take a tincture, have a smoke - but BE HUMAN. The guys don't appreciate verbal/behavioral attacks any more than we do...


Thanks, and I didn't want to be shot ;)

Little known fact. Lincoln's bloodline ended a long time ago. The family was survived by no one!

That may be why we don't see alot of folk that are 7 feet tall with snazzy black stovepipe hats anymore.​

If I saw a cat that looked like this these days I'd do a triple take.

Look at how they're lookin around to see if people see them passin' the joint! That guy on the right is palmin it so you can't see it...guy on the left just coughed up a lung. Lincoln never loses his cool...nor does he bogart! :)


I would say let the girls go.

Some do really push. those one's may have similar bitch/lazy/idiotic trates even when not in there moment... sometime it's just an excuse belive it or not.

Check for these traights before sigining the dotted line.

The ones that arent faking it are doing everything they can to just be normal, no girl wants to be in agonizing pain every month, not able to move. some just want to be happy like everyone else! I have to watch my GF suffer, it's sad really... She wants to go and do stuff, put on a happy face, but I know she is in pain!

Have a heart for these ladies, be a man, you might get credit for it someday...

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