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living in Oz..


Hey everyone..i just wanted to know if i we're to look into the possibilities of leaving UK and coming to reside in Australia... How would I go about it?

You guys have the sun,sea and sand.. That natural vibe you rarely see down here...i feel breather would be lovely!

(i watch a bit of home and away and neighbours since its sometimes on lol)

Anyways suppose i was on a low budget,and no formal qualifications what are my chances of scoring a job?

I have a distant relative who owns a headshop in brisbane,is that to any value? I was thinking of calling her and asking if she had any vacancies...any advice would be valuable!

Thanks guys


better'n coco pops any ol' day o da week
there's jobs, just like anywhere, you just gotta be motivated and reliable

although it is possible to get positioned near beach the major city beach suburbs are insanely expensive to rent in

check free online jobs portal....



Cornflake,thanks for the link il spend some time on there

As long as the coast is within reach (driving distance) im happy..it doesnt matter too much where i reside as long as i can sustain myself and our hobby on my income. I could do an outdoor run while i sort myself out...

Ive got lotta exp in retail,sales,customer service and coldcalling...due to lack of formal qualifications,nothing a Oz national cant offer... So where do i stand being a brit,does the law make it difficult for an employer to employ me? Therefore is it safe too assume my opportunities are limited?

Squiggles Bro,thanks for the heads up! Are u willing to take on another? Im self motivated and comitted as a person...

I was thinking of barking around on a dry run too see if i could secure something but given the economy i didnt want the vacation to be a wasted trip as itl easily deplete funds!



better'n coco pops any ol' day o da week
was born here, unsure what requirements are

do consider squiggles offer too, the western australian beaches are some of the most beautiful and WA isn't as expensive as the other states :)


Visit Oz, please do. But if you want to live down under, I'd check out New Zealand instead.

Much nicer people!



Thanks guys,yeah im now looking at the working holiday visa and it seems as though i meet all the requirements.. just $230 to shell out on it and wait if they grant it or not...

It says AU$5000 is considered enough,is that right? I've got about that much in the bank...


better'n coco pops any ol' day o da week
$5000 for what? To live on, for how long? We just want your GBP's, bring more and spend it while here ;)


The minimum for the visa requirement.
Working Holiday Visa (Subclass 417)

The visa allows me to stay for 12 months working holiday.

Mmm i dont have that many gbps.. I'd say round about £4000. Im living on welfare which is £100 every two weeks (not much). If i leave UK i won't be able to sign for my benefit therefore i'd be left with just my pillow money...

Do you think i'd need to flip that or something is it enough for 2-6 months? at the very least? I'd like to work so i wont argue with the salary if my capital can pull me through.

SO what is minimum wage like?

So much to learn about yourbeautiful land! Ahh so much potential. It's like a prison here...


better'n coco pops any ol' day o da week
around $10AUD an hour I think, it depends on where you live for accomodation costs, maybe get a room in a decent share house in Sydney City for something like $100-150 pw, and WA is very very different to NSW, QLD is way different again, and each state is so large that we have so many different social groups that it's like another earth ;)

i'm probably not being very helpful, sounds like you need to marry an aussie sheila super quick so you can stay ;)


Not wrong Puffin. Its the best place to work rest and play.
grow all year round and get premium. its the place to be if you want to live.


Landrace Lover
you could score a job anywhere man, i've known a whole heap of UK peeps who end up in pubs, restaurants and the like, i mean it's not much for sure but it's something to initially get you off the ground and pay the rent. hit up any of the main cities and go to the hostels where there're heaps of other overseas kids and ask them about where the best jobs are etc. anyway best of luck buddy

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
Don't go by Home and Away and Neighbors, this place can be just as ruthless as other countries but I will never leave.

Donald Mallard

el duck
The minimum for the visa requirement.
Working Holiday Visa (Subclass 417)

The visa allows me to stay for 12 months working holiday.

Mmm i dont have that many gbps.. I'd say round about £4000. Im living on welfare which is £100 every two weeks (not much). If i leave UK i won't be able to sign for my benefit therefore i'd be left with just my pillow money...

Do you think i'd need to flip that or something is it enough for 2-6 months? at the very least? I'd like to work so i wont argue with the salary if my capital can pull me through.

SO what is minimum wage like?

So much to learn about yourbeautiful land! Ahh so much potential. It's like a prison here...
funny isnt it ,, we were the country set up to be the prison and now escape to here is a worthy idea , pretty ironic ...

Donald Mallard

el duck
I recall they thought we would want to go back to the motherland ,, but the first born aussies were born to a much better future .
im the same high country , very happy i was born here ...