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Root Aphids.... The worst of the worst bugs

I have had root aphids for a couple months now. Shit is straight destroying my plants.
I just got done dosing all my veg plants with 2 1/2 tsp/gallon of Bayer tree and shrub. I didn't water with any run off for 10 days. I am in coco.
I am still seeing signs of the bugs but not neer as many as before. Feels like 90% are gone.
But, now there is a white webby, moldy looking spots all over the top of my coco. And the plants are clearly unhealthy and stunted.
I cut open a couple bags down the sides to check the roots, and they look pretty damn healthy. Like nice and white/fuzzy, and a lot of them.

Now i have been growing the same strain for a few years now in Bcuzz coco, with exelent results. Almost 100% healthy, 100% of the time.

I use House and garden nutes, and beneficial bacteria.

Would the Bayer tree and shrub have killed the Beneficials? I use Myco Maximum.

I know the best answer is to cut down and start over, but i can't afford to do that right now.


SM-90...works great It elimanated the problem....and also go gnats works good aswell
Hope this helps.......ST
I tried SM-90, Zero Tolerance (as a root drench which killed any treated plants), along with Neem, Azatrol and nothing worked on my root aphid problem.... I ended up having to take clones and start over because I thought I had gotten rid of them when they were just hibernating over the winter..... There is a long thread here on IC mag that talks about them but basically once you have the winged aphids they will spread and there isn't much you can do about them. Good luck with those bastards!


Active member
merit 75wp will stop root aphids in one application end of story; same stuff as the bayer tree & shrub but less filler; it is absorbed by the plant roots and transferred throughout the plants; anything that feeds on the plant gets it and dies... i don't know about it affecting the microherd but i figure if u apply a nice ewc tea a couple days after the imid your microheard should bounce back in no time.

imid is 90 days systemic so its best for saving moms or applying to new clones at the start of veg

Lune TNS

I had root aphids last spring, I hope to whatever sort of god that there is that I never get them again.

I tried sm90, bug buster o, tree and shrub, all sorts of stuff. They always came back, and stronger. None of it totally killed them off, and everything but the sm90 messed up the plants very badly.

Unless you catch them early the only real solution is taking fresh cuts, put them in new medium, bleach everything and start over totally fresh. Trust me, NOTHING else worked, I tried it all. I hate telling you as much as you hate hearing it, I'm sure. Good luck.


I must have gotten lucky perhaps ..It was about 5 grows ago I got them havent had them since ..wish you good luck in defeating them ..I was only merely giving my opinion what worked for me ..I wasnt nor would I ever mislead anyone hope it wasnt taken that way
gl bud..kill those bastards............ST
I must have gotten lucky perhaps ..It was about 5 grows ago I got them havent had them since ..wish you good luck in defeating them ..I was only merely giving my opinion what worked for me ..I wasnt nor would I ever mislead anyone hope it wasnt taken that way
gl bud..kill those bastards............ST

No worries. Thanks man.

And thanks everybody else.


Active member
seen them in a nft once, never before and never after. dont know where the fuck they came from man but there was nothing that really killed them, only slow em down. worst of the worst in so many ways. they breed like no other fuckin bug, in 3 days could take over a whole system, vile creatures. triple bug bomb with doctor doom every 3 days for 10 days, then replant, d

ps, anyone know where the fuck these things came from?


Ok this sucks.. I think I just spotted some of these little bastards on the outside covering of a couple of my rockwool cubes. Say it isn't so! :nono: First it was the blasted mites, then the damn thrips, next came the P.M., and now these S.O.B.'s!? From now on, IF i ever accept any clones again, they're getting like a 6 month quarantine! Yeah, time to smoke a bowl ... and then, it's ON!! Death to all root aphids!! lol

Peace, and don't forget to quarantine those cuts, people!

Off to fight yet another battle of the bugs...



I feel your pain. About a year ago these things literally destroyed my grow. I tried EVERYTHING. Every single product available to me. None of them worked against those little bastards.

The only thing that worked was taking fresh cuts, rooting them elsewhere, and bugbombing (repeatedly) and bleaching every last inch of my place, and every inch of everything in it.

A friend went through the same thing last summer, and they actually came back after me moved the entire grow to a different location because he didn't bleach a couple ebb and flow tables (that he wasn't even using, they were in the corner in storage).

Cut your losses and start over now, trust me, you'll just end up doing it later anyway...
What is "merit 75wp" and how do you get it, I live in So.Cal.?

I think there is some confusion here about people claiming that certain "fungus Gnat" cures are working because there is confusion about whether or not they have "fungus gnats" or "flying root aphids" (Skunktoker) they look amazingly similar when they are in flying form.

I noticed that last harvest about a quarter of my plants went down in flowering.

I have to get this harvest in.

I grow with only HYDROTON/ EBB/ FLO nothing else but nuttrient and rapid rooters. I have seen that all threads have consistantly said that the "bayer tree & shrub" has given the greatest results, but still haven't irradicated them. That's where I need to be for now- maintaining and living with them until I can get a new place.

Another thing that I've noticed is that I keep hearing people talking about these bastards crawling on the leaves and stems........I just see a shit load of them going down the drain and swirling like a floating colony of fat, dark brown, aphid (pear shaped) looking, fuqers. They get flushed out with each ebbing of nutrient, and crawl around the white tray like they've almost drowned.

Have you ever seen regular small little, delicate, greenish, almost translucent rosebush type aphids. Well these are about 5 times as large and are dark brown, but every thing else is aphid like.

This is like finding out that you have a form of aggressive Cancer. I'm not dealing with it very well right now...

Thank you guys for this thread, and thank you in advance for any help that you may give me with this brown death..........

P.S. Today is my first time in any kind of forum. Am I in the right spot? Is there another forum for strictly Hydro that I should be at?
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Active member
once you've got fungus gnats you'll "never" get rid of them from that growspace. sand on all your pots and even every house plant in your house, is the only way too get a grow together. neem oil helps too, but does'nt get rid of them.:comfort:
and also i reckon all the pest and disease control companys like "bayer" and others are not doing enough too control these pests. there should be something too stop these pests ruining your grow. theirs effective control for most other growroom pests why not gnats.:dunno:

get your finger out your ass bayer ICI and other crop chemical companys.:comfort:


You guys I had fungus gnats.Same plants in there now I don't.Your steering folks wrong.They can be ridden of.Use GoGnats everytime you use new soil and the eggs will never hatch.


Diatomaceous Earth

organic control of larva and soil based soft bodied insects in soil applications


Go ahead and use your neem oil.Out west most medical growers don't use neem.To many other things that work so much better.


Active member
you wont get rid of fungus gnats. not unless your whole house is "clinically cleaned"

they only need a small amount of humidity too survive they lay eggs everywhere which you must bleach, if not they'll hatch out as soon as they get moisture and heat. :comfort:
their all over my house and i will never get shot of them. iv'e done about seven grows with them and tried almost everything too get shot of them too no avail. :dunno:


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