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Recommend 1000w CoolTube brand that is QUIET


New member
I got a 1000w Cooltube and when I turned it on it was WAY to loud. The buzzing sound was unbearable. I know you probably can't find a completely silent light, but can anyone recommend some quality brands that are quiet?



Active member
is it your ballast or airflow thats bothering you. get speed controll for fan or go digital ballast for stealth.


New member
Sorry I should have been more specific. It is the electronic buzz of the ballast that is way too loud. I had not even hooked it up to a fan yet, I had just turned it on to test it.

What I am looking for is a 1000w Cooltube with a very quiet ballast. I know they all make some noise so that doesn't need to be mentioned. Anyone out there with a cooltube setup who is happy with the noise level of the ballast they have, just name drop the brand.

Thanks to anyone who can help.


I've got the quantums... nowhere near silent... the fans make a decent hum... just like two computer fans cranking. You only hear it when the all other things are off, I'll grant you... but you can hear it cranking just as you can hear the c&c hum... side by side.

voyager, sorry to say, the ballast is going to get entirely drowned out by any vent/circ fans you will be running through the cooltube.

GL~ gardens are noisy. Peace.


Digital ballasts are silent unless a fan is added. Just make sure not to buy one with a fan and you are good.

You will need to control your fan speed as well if noise is a concern. Many people buy the speed controllers and are disappointed that while they slow the fan they create loud motor noise because of the method they use to reduce the power.

What you need is a "variac" which is an "autotransformer" and allows you to dial the fan right down without creating motor noise. These are more expensive than the cheapo "solid state fan controller" units such as the speedster but worth every penny if you want to truly quiet your fan. Variacs are readily available on ebay.

Hope this was of some help. :)


Idle hands are the devil's dingaling!
ICMag Donor
Mine starts off buzzing loud, as it heats up the buzzing gets quieter
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I should add that sometimes the buzzing is worse than it needs to be due to loose components vibrating in the box.


New member
Digital ballasts are silent unless a fan is added. Just make sure not to buy one with a fan and you are good.

You will need to control your fan speed as well if noise is a concern. Many people buy the speed controllers and are disappointed that while they slow the fan they create loud motor noise because of the method they use to reduce the power.

What you need is a "variac" which is an "autotransformer" and allows you to dial the fan right down without creating motor noise. These are more expensive than the cheapo "solid state fan controller" units such as the speedster but worth every penny if you want to truly quiet your fan. Variacs are readily available on ebay.

Hope this was of some help. :)
this is very useful information. thanks!