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1st Grow, 600w MH Lavender


Guest 121376

Latest Update:

Week 8 or something:

Week 6: Update: 15 day Time Lapse Video:

Week 5: 2/26/20010 1:32pm

Week 4: 2/18/2010 12:39pm

Strain: Lavender
Age: 55-60 days from clone, first day in veg.(3/1/10)
Medium: Fox Farm Ocean Forrest (soil)
Nutrients: Fox Farm Grow Big/Big Bloom
Room: 5x5 with another 5x5 next to it. The main room has mylar on the wall, tile on the floors, and it also reinforced by black plastic for extra light seal-ability.
Lighting: 600w Ushiho Hilux MH for Vegg, and 600w Hilux HPS for 12/12, with a Sun System air-cooled hood, connected to a NextGen ballast.
Cooling: Inline fan with ducting connected to the hood for negative pressure, and a standard freestanding oscillating fan.
Temp and RH maintain at mid to high 70's and 30-45% humidity.
Picture from the outside:

More pictures of the room: http://www.icmag.com/ic/album.php?albumid=15384

Here's the plants as of Febuary 2nd.

and more recently:


Here's the second room I'm using for cloning, and soon to be bonsai mother:

More to come later if anyone gives a hoot about this thread.

I would last like to mention that none of this post is actual, it is fictitious, and any reference that is made to that of medical marijuana, and its purposes, vices, and growth mechanisms, is to be under the supervision of a legal medical marijuana card holder.
Last edited:

Tarus Bulbar

Those Lavenders,although fictitious,look great man!!
They are very compact right now but not at all too
leafy!! They will start stretchn and new shoots will
appear as they develop more n more!!
Keep up the good work


If it is soma's lavender you wont be disappointed. i had a couple outdoor last season. not the biggest plant in the garden but probably the stinkiest. good buzz too, just dont burn before you go anywhere cause this shit is stinky while burning too and everyone will smell it on you. I was asked to go ventilate out by one of my professors, apparently he smelled me from the front of the room.
Your plants look good!!

If it really happened...I dunno...I tell lots o' stories..

Guest 121376

Thanks for the inspiring comments!

Some updates: Moved the plants into Foxfarm soil and 3 gallon containers, they looked some-what dwarfed at first, compared to the old pots, but they're quickly growing in. :)

I added the CFL's to the mix since they're currently not being used, 300w equivalent CFL's mounted about 4 inches away from the plants. Not sure if they'll help, worried about the temp as it is. Is 82* F too hot? I don't think the CFL will burn them directly, I'm using a 24/0 schedule for now, might consider switching that.

Pictures explain it so much better:

Shot of the room in general:

CFL Setup:

Pride and joy(the biggest one):

I'll keep updating fairly frequently if people want, I suppose this is the right forum for it. I'm an avid photographer, so most of my images are high res. at least, also have them scrubbed of meta data :D

P.S. Don't mind the flower in the corner, just wanted to see how it would do.

Tarus Bulbar

Lookn pretty good Sardistic!!
You should try n raise your humidity a little bit more tho!
Id say take out the heated humidifier and just add a
cool mist humidifier. This will probably help out the heat
inside your room as well. Ive never had water spotting from
misting my vegging plants!! I use alot of CFL lighting in veg
But have burnt my plants a couple times misting them under
a 600 watter!! So u should be fine to mist yours,and help
add a little humidity at the same time.


Active member
Congrats on your first grow and great choice of genetics.:) Good move on switching soils too.Did you go with Ocean Forest? That can be pretty hot too.If you did go with OF I'd hold off on feeding until you see some signs of needing nutes..
Less is more when it comes to watering and feeding.The drier the soil is the more fresh oxygen it'll get during watering.Good Luck..peace BL
looking good! i've got "the Lav" as we call it as well! i got a few cuts of this about 2 1/2 months ago.

a have a mom going and because they didn't pop until i was too far into my cycle i only ran one in a 4" pot with organic roots soil and never gave it any nutes really. popped it from the cloner right into flower and it is only 6" tall. harvesting it in a few weeks and will get the chance to compare it to the other strains i have and see if i want to keep it.
fyi mine didnt purple up at all! i was thinking if i run it i may get some Purple Maxx from Humbolt it is suppose to help the purple come out in purp strains. just a bag appeal item but what the hell i'd buy it to try it out once.

Guest 121376

Congrats on your first grow and great choice of genetics.:) Good move on switching soils too.Did you go with Ocean Forest? That can be pretty hot too.If you did go with OF I'd hold off on feeding until you see some signs of needing nutes..
Less is more when it comes to watering and feeding.The drier the soil is the more fresh oxygen it'll get during watering.Good Luck..peace BL

Indeed Ocean Forest it is, thanks for the warning and tip.

I'll look for a humidifier next time I'm in town, I'm surprised at how dry it is, considering outside is raining.

I'll probably re-begin low stress training these with the new pots they're in, I wanted to give them a day or two to get situated again, but they've taken off, and I have no time to waste with as fast as these gals can grow, 24hours will have to do.


fyi mine didnt purple up at all! i was thinking if i run it i may get some Purple Maxx from Humbolt it is suppose to help the purple come out in purp strains. just a bag appeal item but what the hell i'd buy it to try it out once.

Mine never was "purple" but if you looked at it just right there was definitely a shade of purple in the bud.

Guest 121376

Lets see what I've done in the past couple days.
Have a 6inch inline fan installed to the light hood, with ducking going out (no ducking going in at the moment). Which has helped a bit on the temperature enough where I can (almost) completely shut the room! I was even able to eliminate a fan in the process. Here's how it looks(sorry for imageshack again, icmag doesn't want to upload my images >.< :

Currently sitting at somewhere between 76* and 81*, and 30-37% humidity, which I'm happy about.

Here's how the plants are doing:


Guest 121376

Well I haven't updated lately, not a whole lot is going on except some growing. I did have some nute burn on one of them, I think. It's healing up now, and never stopped growing through it all :chin: Flushed it with distilled water and held off on nutes, and then halved them next feeding.
Other than that, taped two bailing twine wires across the top with an intersection in the middle to bend stems down; almost a scrog style training. Have some tied, and some just under the ropes. It seems to be working really well with the Lavender, and within hours I can check on it again, and see it has rehabilitated and ready for another change. As you can see I temporarily removed the CFL's - plants are getting too big, and I don't want to waste room adding more lights that might be unnecessary. They'll be used for seeds/clones soon enough.
Here's some more pictures of the room:

To stop my self from spamming pictures daily, I inclined for a more enjoyable approach, timelapse.
Here's the last 5 days in about a minute:
YouTube - Lavender Strain 5 Day Timelapse

Guest 121376

Heh, been a week, feel like I'm talking to a wall, but for posterity sake, I'll update. Feedback always welcome.

Anyway let me think what's been done since last time I updated, got a hanna HI 98129 Combo pH/EC/TDS/Temperature Tester with Low Range EC, *phew* one huge purchase down. Probably unnecessary, but a pH tester that was accurate was needed, and this is one step closer to going hydro, if I do. I've been thinking a lot about future plans, and coco is a big possibility.
Put linoleum tiles on the floor. It's pretty much completely waterproof now, but plan on getting a large tray later.

Let's see, oh yes, nute burn persisted! and I'm more convinced now it was pH lockout coupled with N overfeeding. It's been flushed and flushed again, and is doing well with pH balanced water, now.

Still LST'ing it up, considering topping one or two, but I would like one big cola, just once

I'm not sure when I'm going to go 12/12, soon probably. They're getting pretty big, but I wanted to wait for this burn to clear up and be finished and give them some time to catch up due to the stress, then give them some molasses for the rest of the cycle, with nutes at half strength this time.

Here's a pic, I'm still doing a complete timelapse, and plan to have more video of that later. I'll post more pics later if people want close ups or what have you.
I'll have to check the calendar, but I think this is like 5 weeks old, give or take a week.

Tarus Bulbar

They look nice and healthy to me bro!!
They sure blew up in the last week or so!!!
Be sure to take a few clones off each plant!!
Keep up the good grow


night time temps BELOW 60f degrees will bring out the purple color if the strain has it in it at all, cold nights will do it.

the color has NOTHING to do with flavor, or potency, but it IS pretty cool to look at.

your plants look really healthy, your doing a good job, can't wait to see the flowers/dried buds.


Where am I?
Yeah some strains are purple dominAnt and turn purp regardless sometimes no. I got some grand daddy purps other day that weren't purp at all. An the lav one tome I got was def purp. Sometimes temps do it maybe sometime pheno

Guest 121376

Ya, I'm not worried about the color coming out; just went 12/12, and temps are in the low 60's. I think that's low enough where it'll bring it out.
Original post was updated with new/better pictures, and the HPS light!
I wonder if I can/should get this moved to the Grow Diary forum?

Tarus Bulbar

Hey Sardistic,the only problem with lettn your
growroom temp so low,is that it can also slow
down the plants development!! Perhaps you
should keep your room at a more ideal temp
throughout your day n nite cycle....and then
in the last ten days or so,let your nite temps
drop down to the 60's to induce the 'purpling'
Just my 2 cents bro

Guest 121376

Small little update with a half of a picture, heres how they look 2 weeks into flowering: