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Any Smoking or Growing Cops out there?


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
The PIGS are indoctrinated pawns in a much bigger game. The War on Drugs is like their damn recruiting call. You get a bunch of juiced up cowboys and give them guns and then let them loose busting down door of pot heads.

There are a lot of real pieces of shit in the world and that idea is appealing to them. They are living out the Cowboys and Indians game they played when they were kids.

The international modern day police force is a militia of monkeys serving the Washington propaganda machine.


A friend of mine is a cop and we share blunts all the time. When I first moved out to college, my neighbors were cops and they would have their apartment smoked out 24/7. They were the coolest cops, they had a fucking owl in their closet LMAO!

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Ever wonder why there are divisions of police? Why there are normal police and then drug police? The worst thing about drugs isn't that they fuck you up - it's that they make you money or at least have the potential to. Tax-free money. This is the crime that is so fucking hated. The thought that subjects might actually be independent from the system is what really stirs the shit. When you think about it - growing dope and selling it - if that's what you want to do - is more or less the same as growing fucking strawberries and selling them. People like strawberries and those who do will buy them from folk who farm them. Weed is a produce and it's in demand. Who the fuck is any government to tell the people what they should or shouldn't want or what they can or can't have? Apply these stupid laws to strawberries and you begin to see just how ridiculous they really fucking are man.

We don't live in the fuckin 50's any more. Almost everyone knows that weed isn't the evil drug it's been made out to be and still we have these arcane fucking laws in existence. Is that because the people decreed it? Or because it doesn't suit big business? Again we come back to the fact that having money means everything - the will of the people, justice and cops (by default) mean nothing. Cops these days are the tools of big business - especially cops saddled with the job of tackling the drug trade. Yes, TRADE - this is the real battle. Some fat cats somewhere are truly afraid that we slaves will manage to break free from their grip and actually be able to get by without them and this is what the likes of the DEA exists to prevent. They're not upholding the law. They're upholding corporate policy - they're working for banks at the end of it all whether they realize it or not. They're basically out to ensure that people don't farm a particular crop and don't make money - or barter - outside of the regulated system. Weed represents freedom in more ways than one. That's why it's illegal. That's why I, for one, got no time for cops who enforce these arcane fucking laws.

Excellent post alflud!

.....and how do we combat these draconian laws that put innocent people behind the wrong sort of bars for a victimless crime......that then makes a victim out of the phony criminal?

Myself being a victim of this total B.S.....I managed to figure out how to get my own back for the time they locked me up for bringing a bit of hashish across a border for my own personal use.

...well I have found a way and I perpetrate it everyday and have done for many years.... with a website such as this where I can grow more growers and breed more breeders and spread more seeds around all over the planet and get them into the hands of those that will grow them then show all the world how beautiful this PLANT is.......yes a PLANT....not a weapon that kills people....a PLANT.....not a thing that robs people....a PLANT not something that hurts or harms, mugs, murders or rapes people.... a PLANT that actually is a medicine to millions and acts in a theraputic way to alter the conciousness for a very desired effect......


Well fair fucking play to you Gypsy, that's the fucking spirit man. They didn't break you anyway. I know you can't ever get back the time they took from you man but at least they didn't fuckin break you. The bullshit only made you more determined and that truly is something to be admired. You done real well - the light shines brightly on you. This place, this awesome fucking place, it's a treasure trove of information and information truly is power. I've said it before in other places that acceptance is better right now than legalization and I really do believe that. The more we can get people - ordinary people like our families - to accept what we do as the harmless thing it is, the easier it will be then for others to pick it up and do the same.

The more people grow their own the better it really will be for all people because when you get right down to it smoking hemp is a great benefit to society in general. I already said it - I am angry on this thread but that's not my usual trip. My usual trip is far more positive than this. Smoking hemp is a joy - it makes people happy and more sociable and thus makes for a far more positive society so fuck the legislation that tries to ban this and fuck the cops who try to enforce this legislation. I have every right to be angry about it because it's so fucking unfair.


Getting pissed at cops for busting you is childish. It's like getting pissed at a meter maid for writing you a ticket. If you're speeding, you deserve a ticket. If you park illegally, deal with the fine. If you're willing to break the law, you're willing to accept that you can be caught and are willing to face the consequences. Would you rather have no police, and no laws?

i see now. it was a mistake on my part to post in this thread without clarifying myself and i sincerely apologize. To make things clear:

I don't believe in fucking parking meters
i don' believe in paying speeding tickets
i am willing to break the law but i do not willingly accept any god damn punishment if caught
yes i ride a motorcycle built by a multinational corporation and i put gas in it made by another evil multinational but its a tool of this world i live in and i ride it recklessly and at high speeds when other people aren't around

when i was born, nowhere did i sign or was i asked, "would you like to become a servant of this government for the rest of your life"

i just dont believe in it

and yes i live comfortably because of society's rules and laws but i realize what a spiritless disgusting and circumsized continent we live on. just because i live in it and "sort of" take part in society doesn't mean i advocate all these bullshit rules and laws.

ok, i will concede that we have yet to understand the human psyche and why people rape/kill/steal, etc. (and dont tell me that only certain people can do this, history has proven again and again that every single person on this planet has some part of their mind willing to do desipicable things.) but i think society has taken a step in the wrong direction somewhere along the line and there are various factors causing people to act out in these ways. life is just too boring. going to school, getting a job, becoming a productive and law abiding citizen is just so dreary and shitty. everyone should just learn to grow food, raise animals, and take care of their health. we've created a world with skyrocketing health problems, new cancers, all bullshit created as a result of "technological advances". ok, computers are awesome, tv is fun to watch, cars are cool, but i think we really have got to a point where its all just bullshit and most of us get jobs that just contribute to this. the stock market is a prime example. money and jobs created for nothing. there is no physical value to any of it,its just all made up numbers to keep people employed.

i will accept that i am who i am because of modern society and its advances but i know where to draw a line. a cop has no human right to come up to my property (see, i do abide to society's norms: I might own property. see how contradictory and fucked up this is) and poke his nose up to my window and snoop around. he has no right to detain me or threaten me or ask me questions. but the law , (which i never signed up to live under) dictates he does have this power.

people have forgotten what real freedom is. a couple cops in the lower mainland just beat the shit out of an "innocent" old guy a couple weeks ago on a domestic violence call that went to the wrong door. the cops reply? "we are sorry for beating up the wrong person". as if they had any right to beat up anyone. they will likely get desk duty and/or a paid vacation. if the old man had fought back and shot one of the cops he'd be doing 10 to life likely. right? that disgusts me. that cops have the authority to harm a person and a person can't defend themselves with violent force or else they risk going to jail or letting the incompetent courts with their big books of law and fancy latin words that not even they can understand the meaning of sort it out (hopefully) over the course of the next 5 years and at the cost of your life savings.

i disgust myself for living off the fruits of this fucked up world but at least i realize it and i can get some sort of joy from my almost reconciled apathy

its not my fault, there just isnt a practical place in this world for people like me. except jail, im sure some of you wiill say. well fuck you! i dont wanna go to jail! i never hurt anyone! i never did anything on purpose in my life to detract from someone's safety! (my motorcycle riding is a calculated risk and its very doubtful my crashing would ever harm anyone but myself)

and thats why i dont like cops. because they defend all this shit i dont believe in. plus they are usually dumb rednecks who would just as soon put you in prison for a large chunk of your life and then go home to sleep peacefully with their wife & kids. none of this makes sense to me or you but thats my life. none of this shit makes sense. cut 80% of the laws, fire 80% of the cops,require them to get college degrees, pay them more, and execute the ones that are crooked. i dont believe in it but i guarantee that would be a freerer and better system than what we have today

p.s. i cant believe those private prision kickback judges only got 7 years. they should have been exiled or executed if government was truly interested in a fair legal system

pps i dont care if you fancy smart pants guys on here think that none of this makes sense and im a dummy. i might not be good with word games and fancy laws and book learning but i know my distaste for cops is justified


With the speeding situation, you're breaking a law, and a cop is a witness.

In the hydro store situation, there are no laws being broken. Even if they were staking out a hydro shop, so what? They can't do anything with that info, they need more than that to get a warrant. (If they can get a warrant based on that alone, then yeah, the cops/legal system in your area is fucked and you should move.) The only person that can give them enough info to get a warrant is you. :dunno:

It's not a valid comparison.

There are many examples of people getting busted as a result of going to a hydro store and getting their plates run. If they could bust you for visiting a hydro store alone, you bet they fucking would. Damn the government , if they could, wouldn't let you grow your own food. Its just that they know thats one button they couldnt push and public opinion just might accept a revolution in that case. you think they wouldn't if they knew they could and get away with it?

p.s. yes i lied i didnt quit the forum forever. and i apologize for being terse with you. it was wrong.


Some day I'll have money too and then .... then I'll make you pigs pay! Muuuahahahahahaaaaaggghhhh!

This story made my day. There has to be balance. If the system is corrupt and we can't escape it, lets corrupt it more and speed its demise. I think the communists used to talk like this (maybe it was a greek anarchist i overheard one day) but i think where they got it wrong is they forgot the best way to fuck the system is from the inside out.


I hate to start this whole argument up again, but based on the fact that you said he threatened the cop with his dog...while he was passed out drunk BLOCKING TRAFFIC...by your own admission...I can't say that I'm 100% sure he didn't instigate some of what may or may not have happened to him. ;)

Police brutality can never be advocated by anyone that believes in the nobility and goodness of government. They are supposed to uphold the law.


alflud - you admit yourself that cops are "tools of big business" and that "fat cats somewhere" are behind things. Does it make sense to resent the puppet, or the person pulling their strings? It's just like current politicians. It's easy to hate them, when you really should be angry at who is telling the talking head what to say. There are major law enforcement groups working towards ending prohibition right now. But hey, fuck the police it's totally their fault for our laws that they have nothing to do with enacting at all.

and we can use that played out SS argument again. If dumb redneck idiots didn't sign up for this shit the corrupt evil government couldn't enforce their fucked up laws. you got to be a real worthless person to obey orders from above when you know in your heart they are wrong. Apply this analogy to soldiers in modern armies at your discretion. You'll probably get called a freedom hater.

"You mean you've never even fired that rifle?"
"Fire it? What for? I ain't shooting no Vietcong! No VC ever done anything to me!"


By and large, cops are fine with doing whatever they're told, just like members of our military, regardless of whether they're personally for it or against it.

You are a worthless nothing if you live your life doing things that you don't believe in.


A foot without a sock...
On my way home from work today I saw the cops had a speed trap set up. We were due for a heavy snow storm and the industrial park needed protecting from the folks speeding to the grocery store for milk...

You give love a bad name...


Whatch the video - never get busted - and you get a bether understanding. they are doing a job that criminalze every citizent . The police sould be there for the people, not the law they f...ers made, thats hurting the hole world. Only stupidoes does not understand.:hide::bis::bis::pointlaug

great that x cop got out and told this story
get money and fight!

Love tha weed:biggrin::kos::D:smoweed:


Active member
I want to bang a cop.

I don't know that this was the thread to admit that, but its a fantasy of mine. I had a really hot cop arrest me once and ever since then I have wanted to bang a cop.

I recently fucked a cop....

Kinda didnt want to, but same thing, the whole lil fantasy thing, you know cuffing a cop and then fuckin em wild.


To be honest, I'm betting that half the people here have called the cops on someone for one reason or another, lmao.... Fess up to it, lmao....

I've never called the police, and I never fuckign will. cops are pigs are pieces of shit. i would rather swim in E. Coli infested sewage than ask a pig to help me change a tire


On my way home from work today I saw the cops had a speed trap set up. We were due for a heavy snow storm and the industrial park needed protecting from the folks speeding to the grocery store for milk...

is this post for real? i hope not... can't tell cuzz i'm on that Kush

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