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It's 2050: Can We Feed Nine Billion People Sustainably?


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
NASA and a Russian company will be mining the moon by 2020 for helium 3 just 1 ton will power a city of 10 million for 1 year no shit but still it will not fix the problem there will all ways be staving people and 3rd world country the fact is we need 3rd world country the 3rd world people they are a good source of human genetics if they get sick they just die we can go to a doctor take drugs and keep on having kids with the some fucked up sickness we have its inbreeding we are just getting sick and sick and the drugs company are love it.

I love life don't you.

Unfortunately, NASA has no budget, or at least the moon exploration program has been canceled. There are on a Mission To Nowhere for the time being.

It's a valid budget issue.


Active member
It's all good, nature will take care of any potential complications.

AIDS, "Global Warming", Inefficient Organic Farming, Hippies, Liberals, Green-Eco Advocates, Wars, Perverted Violent Religions, Humans who Breed like Rabbits, Natural Disasters, Undiscovered Deadly Viruses, Plagues, Genocide, Ignorant People, Greed, Socialism, Dictators, Systematic Corruption, the UN, etc. - - -

All of the above will ensure that plenty of people die in the future.


The world is steadily becoming filled with more stupid people. While breeding in advanced societies is on the decline, breeding in primitive societies is on the rise.

Their stupidity is not sustainable, and frankly, it's not our problem, they're stuck on stupid, and nature will sort it out for them.



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
The world is steadily becoming filled with more stupid people. While breeding in advanced societies is on the decline, breeding in primitive societies is on the rise.

Their stupidity is not sustainable, and frankly, it's not our problem, they're stuck on stupid, and nature will sort it out for them.


Are you saying our money is going to look like the movie "Idiocracy" money in the future.

Shit I'm saving up!




Eugene Oregon
Will we have enough other "crops", when the world goes into a state of panic Id like to smoke a fat one while I got my indoor crops and animals in my house.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Someone correct me if I'm wrong I'm not 100% on this.

Aren't we in an El Nino period with which brings higher than expected rain?

That's great to counter long term drought conditions, but it's bound to effect short term output.


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
It's 2050: Can We Feed Nine Billion People Sustainably?

It's going to be more like 15. million. 9 million in 25 years. This is at the current rate of 14 people every 5 seconds as the computer clock emits. My guess is in Early January 2035. I didn't bother looking out pass the 9 million people.


Would everyone please leave my planet?
I do my part, I do not donate to save haitins/africans/anybody else but me. I am fortunate to live in a 1st world country, I didn't choose the cards I was dealt but I play them the best way I know how too and let everybody else do the same; Your starving ? tough shit! Life sucks then you die.

I talked to a friend of mine who is a religious nutter, about population awhile back, he maintains that it is his god given right to "be fruitful and multiply" and intends to have at least 4 kids. Until dumbasses like this are either steriziled or some way of debrainwashing them is found, same shit will continue to go down. I mean if reasonable jane/johnny have 2 kids and unreasonable johnny/jane have 4-5 kids then the unreasonables while makeup a larger part of society, no ?
you are a real selfish SOB 9lives! not to mention ignorant and a little psychotic to say the least:

HELL NO! I'm not giving up meat because the ''sand people'' can't hold it in their pants... I ain't giving up SHIT!

Infact i would rather start shooting before i let them ruin my quality of life..

Soon it's time to start closing the damn borders..There will be a lot of migrating to the north..


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Well, hair follicle carbon testing shows you are basically made of corn.

Yep, most of an American's carbon structure comes from refined corn subsided by Uncle Sam. Corn fed beef to high fructose corn sugar replacing traditional sugar.


In the most basic logical breakdown; your carbon structure is subsided by the United States Governement.
face it we are all going to have to learn to eat algae paste and love it, whether you want to eat meat or not will be irrelevant someday because there will be no more to eat with all those people!
I wouldn't doubt it SG, in fact I think one of the reasons there are so many fat people today, especially fat women, is that there is some unexpected side effect to the genetically engineered food we eat that causes you to retain fat or water or gas or whatever else is bloating so many. :D Maybe it's a conspiracy, maybe the world is already secretly ruled by aliens and they are fattening us up for their big feast in 2012! :D :D
kidding of course, don't really believe that but I know some here would believe equally outlandish things.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
The ~30 year old generation is going to have a serious problem with diabetes. It may quite possibly be a tick down in the graph of population increase numbers in the US.

Ticks in charts can speak volumes in the halls of history.


Active member
Algae is the solution. It was seriously considered during the Great Depression as a cheap food. It's actually a superfood.


Active member
you are a real selfish SOB 9lives! not to mention ignorant and a little psychotic to say the least:

why should i quit eating meat to support uneducated baby machines?

can you answer that one? what's the carbon footprint on one child? how about 5 kids?

fuck carbon tax too. a tax on breathing. you might think he is selfish, but it's just self preservation. don't let yourself become brainwashed by propaganda and feel good meaningless acts of martyrdom. save yourself and your family. are you even accomplishing that? if so then i commend you on that and your philantropy. now pass the steak. enjoy the algae. I'll eat it when i can't eat meat anymore.

P.S. some of us have to eat meat to live. i can count on two hands how many things i can eat at all without major problems.

Bon Appetit

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