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Tired of washin your balls? Hydroton Vs. Sure To Grow


I love my life
I gave STG a run or three. I call it Sure to Death now. My plants are MUCH bigger with rapid rooters, rock wool, and hydroton. I wanted really bad to move to STG, but it just doesn't support my trees as well and I receive several ounces less per plant.

On an environmental not STG has MJ roots growing all through it, I don't think it will be a bad thing in a landfill or buried anywhere. If it can have roots grow through it can't be bad for the earth, and it is already stopped the plastic bottles from being thrown away.

Peace, :joint:


I gave STG a run or three. I call it Sure to Death now. My plants are MUCH bigger with rapid rooters, rock wool, and hydroton. I wanted really bad to move to STG, but it just doesn't support my trees as well and I receive several ounces less per plant.

On an environmental not STG has MJ roots growing all through it, I don't think it will be a bad thing in a landfill or buried anywhere. If it can have roots grow through it can't be bad for the earth, and it is already stopped the plastic bottles from being thrown away.

Peace, :joint:

LOL, sure to death, hehe, bummerz, what type of system do you grow in, were you using the inserts in a dwc system or something. Only ask cuz I am only using the new hail in 3" net pots growing in a sog method. I can definately see a problem with the STG when growing "TREES", as even in the 1.5g buckets I have using the media, the plants seem stable for now, but once in week 6-8 when weight starts packin on I can see stability being a prob, hence one of the reason I switched back to sog method. Now you got me all scared and ready to go pull out the new cuttings and throw them in hydroton....


Well sorry ya'll been super busy with school and trying to set some other shit up. But thought I'd post some pics of the progress thus far...

Green Crack Cola In hydroton

Green Crack in STG

And here the two are side by side....

Couldnt leave with out postin a pic of the Agent Orange, she is just an amazing plant to watch flower, the smells that she emits are so fragrant its insane. Til Next time y'all, Peace!


Just finished hittin them with the gravity for 7 days, so hopefully we'll start to see them pack it on in the final 2+ weeks....


Looks like you're having good results with the STG.

Umm, ye, in the drip system it's working out nice (I'll snap some updated pics of them later on.) however in the aero system, the ones that just went in. There is new nasty shit growin on the cubes themselves. Root systems look very very nice, I'll make sure to take pic's of them as well later. I think I have some updated pictures of the progress just have to get them off the camera. Been incredibly busy for the past week in a half or so tryin to get everything nailed down for the LED grows... So it's pretty fun around here atm, hehe...

I'll get some more pics of these girls later.



Update time....

So here they were on 1/25

and here they are today 23 days later

pretty nice even canopy

Nice lil'chunklets startin to form all over

The Green Crack from the round ahead is lookin great! Nugs all are bending branches....



The Green Crack's came down today along with the Soma A+ in stg. The Soma A+ in hydroton just never really came around and I somehow forgot to mention it. It finished up in my bathroom, lol, under 3 13w cfl that were probably a foot away.... Everytime I put her back under the HPS she flopped over, would bring her back under fluroscents and she'd perk back up. Weird girl. Anyone else ever seen or heard this happen or just know what causes it. I dont think she ever recovered from the transplant shock. Damn hydro store, kept stringin me along sayin my lid would be in any day. Took them over a month and a half before I finally had it. The next round is in it. I have 3 more of the 2x4 lids on order and picking them up tomorrow. So no more 1 gal buckets in drip systems, only 3" netcups in aero trays. Sorry to ramble on and on, but here's a few pics of the girls I took down today.... Peace

The weakest link: The Soma A+, didnt impress me much at all but she had a rough ride, gonna give her another go in the next round.

The Green Crack in STG: Performed great, all the nugs were fallin over from weight.

The Green Crack in Hydroton: definately didnt turn out as nice as the one in STG, but I sincerely believe that the one in stg was much thicker and nicer in veg and when it went into flowering.