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It's 2050: Can We Feed Nine Billion People Sustainably?


Garden Nymph
They need to start having CRV programs in every state..gives people an incentive to recycle, to at least make their money back on plastic that they bought.

We all have to start learning how to adapt better to our rapidly changing environment...


Bush Doctor
There are these people called Freegans, who eat food that grocery stores throw away,and its perfectly fit for consumption. Maybe that needs to catch on more.

Edit: screw global warming, lets find a way to get rid of the giant plastic dump first.


Active member
Were going to create a blackmarket for human meat and make a killing off of body parts. Sad but true its gonna be a sick state of affairs. Anybody wanna farm there own chickens when that happens?
once we kill off all the whales with pollution and radar we can eat Krill Salad with squid soup. Idk about the camels? don't they take big shits and eat like cows, same enviro. effect?


Active member
Horse meat is also an option. I don't know why it is so taboo in America.
There are many out of the box protein options if we really look.


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
Now is a good time to start buying agricultural land. It's the future...

Man i'll start killing people before i stop eating meat. Europe should be cool if we stop this stupid muslim immigration. It's goint to end in an ethnic cleansing sooner or later. Europe is getting older, we have farming land..no problem. We could be self-sustainable. It these developing nations we gotta worry about. That's where all the population growth i coming from.

If it comes down to all people starving vs. native people being well off...i know where i stand..
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The Voice of Reason
Maybe we will be able to genetically modify ourselves with a pill that will allow us to digest sticks/tree bark/leaves etc. and get tons of nutrition. lol

we'll need more stomachs...

I'd rather genetically modify to photosynthesize, like some sea snails have genetically modified themselves.


Active member
the question will be can YOU feed yourself sustainably , cuz that's the future , growing your own food , keeping chicken so you have proteines and vegetables to keep going


Im never one to throw my hands in the air and give up but it really seems like we are fucked.
We'll need a combination of birth control and technology to save our asses, but when will this happen?

Nobody places due economic value on the environment, it's always what the problem boils down to.
How are we going to offer the incentives necessary to make people practice various of birth control their whole lives and not have babies....
Charity..no...free market, not right now, because what is paying for it, nothing. If the environment was valued monetarily at what it was really worth,
we'd have a source to fund things to protect it but it's so hard to get people to assign due value to it.
We have to wake up before the value skyrockets for the sole reason that there is next to no more environment remaining.

I still run across well intentioned people who think for example that it's crazy to turn off a light when you're not using the room...
...Or turn the water off when you're brushing your teeth, or seal the windows, or turn computers off at night or when they aren't being used..
Western civ has a stench of waste to it that has to be squashed, it was born in earlier generations, has affected the newer ones, but is slowly dying, thankfully..
It's incomprehensible that the planet can absorb what we throw at it...shit, just a single highway fragments the ecosystem it's in and forever alters the way things play out there..now look at everything that's been done..mind blowing


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Can We Feed Nine Billion People Sustainably?

Can We Feed Nine Billion People Sustainably?

if they're willing to stand in line w/out any pushing and shoving you can send them by my restaurant bro.......



Active member
Lets not forget who is reproducing and who isnt. Advanced societes are not prone to reproducing so much. The ones already starving though, are the kind who have 6 children or more.

I find it stupid that we reproduce so much. There really isnt a need for more people. More people means we drain more off of earth. And when it comes to development, consider how a country like Sweden has a world top 5 university with a population of 9 million. Then you have countries like Liberia, where a woman averages 6.8 children, only a fourth of the population has a secondary school education, and to see it with your own eyes: http://www.vbs.tv/watch/the-vice-guide-to-travel/the-vice-guide-to-liberia-1-of-8

It's genetic...but nobody will admit it...


Guys,not to give a buzzkill,but humanity today...is lacking lots of the virtues a HUMAN BEING should have,too much EGO out there.You guys will see,humanity as we know it is self-destructive,and one way or the other something will happen that will severly geopordise humanity as we know it,and when that happens,i hope people will see and realise that we got a second chance,and from there its either step up or shut up as they say...I believe in humanity as an ideea but not the kind we have in our days.