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Any Smoking or Growing Cops out there?

john cutter

hydro sun,

could we have a few more comparisons of marijuana prohibition and the genocide commited by the nazis? The two are so similar...

seriously, get a new analogy.


Active member
I agree there's a difference, and I agree that is a trap... but you've got to fall for it. When you get pulled over and they say you have to let them pull you over... that's a trap too. Don't fall for it. They're trained to lie.


Active member
You really should try to keep your nose in your business.
Cops job is to stick nose in peoples business.
If you want the job of sticking your nose in peoples business, you have lost my respect.
Everyone has different opinions on who is good and bad.
My opinion is Cops= Bad

Maybe not 100 percent of them, but close enough for me.

Being a Cop is a CHOICE people, its not just doing their job. They could have gotten a two year degree in something else instead.

Also comparing Cop hate to racism is a terribly flawed argument. You can't choose your skin color, but you can choose if you wear a badge or not.

If a Police Officer wanted to "serve and protect" they would have been a EMT, or firefighter, or lawyer(that protect you from over-zealous policemen).
Also comparing Cop hate to racism is a terribly flawed argument. You can't choose your skin color, but you can choose if you wear a badge or not.

If a Police Officer wanted to "serve and protect" they would have been a EMT, or firefighter, or lawyer(that protect you from over-zealous policemen).

agreed but I dont necessarily wish harm on any cops. That said if a cop gets hurt on the job I wont feel bad. Live by the sword die by the sword. Anyone choosing to defend this state loses my pity. Not even the Constitution has been valid since the civil war.


Active member
And the best way to change the way things are is to sit on your ass and complain. Change comes from within, if people understood this things would change.

Gandhi said:
Be the change that you want to see in the world.
And the best way to change the way things are is to sit on your ass and complain. Change comes from within, if people understood this things would change.

Personally I think we need a paradigm shift in society and it comming as soon as the only dries up. Good bye strong federal government and good bye suburbs. I dont need to do anything cause no one can stop it.


I love my life
hydro sun,

could we have a few more comparisons of marijuana prohibition and the genocide commited by the nazis? The two are so similar...

seriously, get a new analogy.

John C. go jump in a lake. Are you going to step up and debate or just be a little bitch?

Nazis are a great modern example. I doubt your knowledge of history would allow me to go back further than that, and I doubt you have much exposure to any non american thugs besides the Nazi, so how about the KKK.

These guys didn't like a certain group of people and selectively and sporadically tormented them.

Shall I move to KKK from the SS.

What the F is it to you anyway if you just sit there like a little bitch and do nothing but whine?

Peace, :joint:


I love my life

So no comment on the fact that you are a moocher and looter? You admitted to not having anything to contribute, called me kiddo and signed off.

Why are you on ICmag? If it is to slow down the Overgrow, you are some of the weakest propagandists a government could buy. If it is to change minds, you have a future as a teacher in the D.A.R.E. program.

Peace, :joint:
John C. go jump in a lake. Are you going to step up and debate or just be a little bitch?

Nazis are a great modern example. I doubt your knowledge of history would allow me to go back further than that, and I doubt you have much exposure to any non american thugs besides the Nazi, so how about the KKK.

These guys didn't like a certain group of people and selectively and sporadically tormented them.

Shall I move to KKK from the SS.

What the F is it to you anyway if you just sit there like a little bitch and do nothing but whine?

Peace, :joint:

Tormented them?? Do you mean, killed, raped, tortured, hung and brutalized?? How you could compare officers of the law having illegal grow operations to the fucking atrocities of the KKK baffles me. Are you insane or just hopelessly dumb?

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
All cops are bad. Any cop using cannabis is doing so in an attempt to arrest you.

Cops are people that work for the drug gangs and are there best employees. Their job is to ensure that the smuggled product is the only product available.

I recently read a study in a political magazine of police officers. 74% believe that americans have too many rights.

Lowlife trash/ traitors


you loose all credibility when you go comparing some local bobby to jackbooted Nazis or the KKK, it's silly and offensive

you also loose all credibility when you start name calling-which is silly and offensive too

obviously it's fun to shout 'fascist' at a traffic warden-when you've just got a ticket but thats all it is-a bit of fun to make youself feel better-

get a grip


this thread is crazy, can't believe we have so many police nuthuggers on here... I'm sure there were some Nazi Stormtroopers that weren't all bad, right? p


law enforcement? please...

continue with the BS...


Damn I bet if someone raped your mom you would want the police to do everything they could to get some justice,it works both ways.I've been a victim too and have had the police return my stolen property.I got busted for something serious once and when the cop arrested me,he threw the bag of reefer I had in the garbage.Some are shit and some are not

john cutter

John C. go jump in a lake. Are you going to step up and debate or just be a little bitch?

Nazis are a great modern example. I doubt your knowledge of history would allow me to go back further than that, and I doubt you have much exposure to any non american thugs besides the Nazi, so how about the KKK.

These guys didn't like a certain group of people and selectively and sporadically tormented them.

Shall I move to KKK from the SS.

What the F is it to you anyway if you just sit there like a little bitch and do nothing but whine?

Peace, :joint:

you just made all my arguments for me. your post proved everything i thought about you and your mindset.

there is no similarities between the two. one involves millions on innocent men, women, and children, being slaughtered. the other involves a plant and the legal system.


I love my life
you just made all my arguments for me. your post proved everything i thought about you and your mindset.

there is no similarities between the two. one involves millions on innocent men, women, and children, being slaughtered. the other involves a plant and the legal system.

You all are missing the point. Yelling facist at a traffic warden (we call them pigs, bacon, jonny, 50, popo, ect. but not traffic warden) is fine and good. Choosing to enlist in an army that systematically denies civil rights to people is an evil choice.

Just because the Nazi and KKK were more violent than the pigs, they still are not better. The pigs have killed many a smoker, grower, vendor, and transporter. Also the pig state allows criminal gangs to harass smokers and growers. In addition to killing smoker pigs also lock up our brothers and sisters for exercising their civil rights, or pigs lock them up on lies and faked evidence.

I personally would rather be killed than locked in a cage for decades, but neither action by the state would be moral. How can anyone on ICmag waste the effort to type in support of the pigs? Should I care if you call it a plant and the legal system, if I am still in a cage or killed?

The fact that you sheep sit back and applaud the wolves and thieves with sheers is beyond belief!

Peace, :joint:


Hydrosun, i did say that i understood that the US penal system can (in some states-don't understand that either) be harsh toward growers/stonners-but what you say does not apply to UKPLC, or much of Europe, where things are more liberal.

Eg-in UKPLC if you get caught bang to rights with, say, 500 plants in a fully converted growhouse you may get 18months-2years, of which you'll serve 9months-1yr if you're good. There are no death camps. No Eugenics. No lynchings.

Of course it is morally wrong to get nicked for, what i'd argue, is a righteous activity. And i'm not supporting Babylon in any way-personally i find them an inconvienent irritation-but lets gets some perspective. If you are a hobby grower over here-you can more or less grow with impunity. I know kiddies who have been nicked several times with their little grow cabs and frankly, unless you say something silly to the cops/courts they will slap you on the wrist until it really hurts-little more.

as for sitting back-i've spent today building silencer boxes for 12" fans. Have you ever seen a 12" fan?



Active member
So no comment on the fact that you are a moocher and looter? You admitted to not having anything to contribute, called me kiddo and signed off.

Why are you on ICmag? If it is to slow down the Overgrow, you are some of the weakest propagandists a government could buy. If it is to change minds, you have a future as a teacher in the D.A.R.E. program.

Peace, :joint:

Did you miss my huge 4 paragraph block of text response to your post, buddy?

What's the typing equivalent for being speechless? That's what I am here. gotta give you props for really playing your role with an oscar-worthy performance...you certainly have plenty of piss and vinegar, maybe that's what's getting in the way of the common sense. :whistling:

You can twist my words however you choose to, but I say what I mean and mean what I say. I can't count the number of times I have opened a thread posted by someone looking for help on this forum, read the first post, started to type a reply, and then realized that by the 4th or 5th post everything I would have said and then some was already there. I do not claim to be a master grower nor do I claim to be a card-carrying super stoner club member...lol...not sure why you're trying to consistently infer that I'm a cop because I don't espouse the whole hemp sandals and patchouli thing...or the ideals held by a certain few on this forum that I'm not necessarily interested in being a part of to begin with (that is, the paranoid, delusional, through-rose-colored-glasses viewpoint expressed by some here)

whoever said that there are probably cops on this board, I don't doubt that there are cops or people working for cops who have figured out that the latest and greatest in trends for anything, legal or illegal, is easy to find on the internet in forums...i'd like to think (hope?) that nobody's getting popped because of an undercover cop gaining their e-trust...but hey, hope for the best and plan for the worst right? So assuming that there are cops actively posting on this board, you make the inference that I am one of them based only on the fact that I have made it clear that I do not HATE ALL COPS. Am I right so far? Okay, if you're still with me, let me ask you a question - wouldn't you think even these pigs that you hate so much are at least intelligent enough not to blatantly go against the flow of public opinion by posting things that obviously are not agreed with by most of the forum? :laughing: I mean....seriously bro. I thought I smoked a lot of pot.....you are beyond paranoid and almost at wacko status

I would hope that this forum out of all of them would be one where the opinions of people are tolerated regardless of whether they are popular or not. Clearly that is not the case, and my saying that not all cops are bad people means just that, not what has been misconstrued by your ignorance.


as for sitting back-i've spent today building silencer boxes for 12" fans. Have you ever seen a 12" fan?

:laughing: jam on


I love my life
Didn't miss it, nor did I twist your words. I guess the quote below is your explaination of admitted non-contribution.

"I can't count the number of times I have opened a thread posted by someone looking for help on this forum, read the first post, started to type a reply, and then realized that by the 4th or 5th post everything I would have said and then some was already there."

However earlier in this thread you credited OG and to a LESSER extent ICmag for your knowledge. If this is true and you have been studying this subject since OG times then I would hope you could teach some of the newer people something, or at least help them along to the good threads.

There are a lot of non-growers who are great ICmag CONTRIBUTERS. I am just pointing out that you are a self identifying moocher, all take and no give.

Feel free to pull any of my quotes where I accused you of anything besides sponging from this community.

Peace, :joint:


Can It All Be So Simple!
If you're doing something that carries a risk of getting "busted hard" and then hold a grudge against the cops who busted you, you're an idiot. The laws aren't a secret. Whether you agree with them or not, they are what they are.

your fuckinn nuts dude if u think cops are cool then your one of those lucky people that never had your rights violated by one of those pricks example....i have some friends that smoke all there lives...and never been caught....but me and my friend the other day get in the car drive off get pulled over cause the COP said that my one pine tree air freshener was obstructing my view.... finds one joint roach in the aSH tray and puts us both in jail till we could post bail...long story short
total cost of one joint roach 5,000 dollars so far and I didnt even go to court yet.....one roach does not deserve to be busted that hard
they baiscally kidnapped us and held us for ransom