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Kush, Clones, Coco, H&G, Why me...


The info:

Coco, compressed, washed to 40 PPM, Add H&G to coco at week 1 strength, veg.

PH 5.7
Temp 70
RH Clone chamber 70%
Veg room 40%

Lighting t8's 5 inches from canopy.

These well rooted lemon kush plants look perfect when they come out of the clone chamber. I prep the coco as stated above, squeezing all the water from it prior to putting it into the baskets / pots. Within 3 days the plants start yellowing out. I cant figure what the hell is going on. Seems they always struggle in veg. 2 weeks into flower they take off and finish fine. WTF. Anyone? Thanks, t


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I've had similar problems with starting in coco, wtf, to say the least. You ahead of the problem as you are obviously getting flush results, stay with that. Next try starting in smaller pots, an excess of nuted coco the plants can't actually get to and use, seems to result in over fert-like problems. And try and keep your coco on the dry side, not sopping just moist. Same as you, my plants would stagger for two weeks, then take off and finish like champs. Those two staggering weeks were spent trying to fill the medium with roots, once the roots were established, filling the medium, it seems like you couldn't go wrong. Until then, it seems hard to get it right.

If you find what works for you, let me know, I'm still trying to dial it in.


yea, I figured it out. We moved the garden and with that came a new water supply. The old water was at 85 PPM and the new supply at 38 PPM. Since I started using CalMag to bring base water up to 200 PPM before nutes, everthing is greening back up nicely. I know exactly what you are saying about pot size and small plants in coco. I agree totally. I have been starting in 1/2 beer cups to root clones and then into 1/2 gallon. Seems like with the lemon Kush strain if I leave it in the cloner extra long and develope more roots they do better at transplant. T


I agree. I think H&G recommended sechedule is week for some strains anyway. Mostly in the younger veg stage. The test plants that I have given 7mls A+B do much better


I just found the same thing myself, I split my veg plants into two groups, and the ones that got a stronger feed earlier are doing dandy, and the ones that got week nutes keep waffling between looking good and looking yellow. Strong nutes = 700 ppm, weak nutes = 500 ppm.


I agree. I think H&G recommended sechedule is week for some strains anyway. Mostly in the younger veg stage. The test plants that I have given 7mls A+B do much better

im running h&g, are you running 7mls per gallon? at what week?


Active member
im running 750 ppm or 1.5 ec in early veg and they still look deficient (yellowing between veins, necrotic lesions as well)

10ml calmag pergal. 9-10ml canna coco a+b per gal. with starting well water of ~180 ppm that brings me to about 750ppm or 1.5 ec. ph'd to 5.8-6.0. what gives?

2 much calmag not enough nutes?


No Jive Productions
i've experienced the same thing. kind of a stall the first week and then they take off.

i've been using flora nova bloom at 750 ppm or ec 1.5, 100 ppm calcium nitrate, and 50 ppm magnesium sulfate in veg for a total of 900 ppm. i have also been soaking the medium (atami coco) in it before transplant. seems to work.


The info:

Coco, compressed, washed to 40 PPM, Add H&G to coco at week 1 strength, veg.

PH 5.7
Temp 70
RH Clone chamber 70%
Veg room 40%

Lighting t8's 5 inches from canopy.
increase day (lights on) temps to ~78-82*f...
night temps ~75-80f...

too cold for such healthy cuts. they thrive better in higher temps. greater metabolism.

such high rh makes harder for plants to transpire... as more water in air is more pressure on leaves & more force to press against to expel internal water.

decrease rh to ~45-55%%...

though higher rh [~60%+] (low vpd) can be+ @ certain moments during flower & veg... as long as LOTS of air circulation over/under canopy & preferably thru media...
These well rooted lemon kush plants look perfect when they come out of the clone chamber. I prep the coco as stated above, squeezing all the water from it prior to putting it into the baskets / pots.

they require water (& moist media) immediately after transplanting. & as posted ^, full strength nutes.
Within 3 days the plants start yellowing out. I cant figure what the hell is going on.
by squeezing out all water from coco, have made plant dry.
coupled w/ high rh, plant is starving for water, though seems they have plenty.

also, calcium deficiency shows @ top of plant 1st...
is not easily translocated in plant (immobile), & becomes even less available to plant when water stress happens.

calcium is also more available @ slightly higher ph... maybe 6.2-6.7... so, ok to apply cal supp @ that ph... also, foliar w/ cal supp+...

though many product mix cal & mag, they are assimilated differently & mg+ is mobile, while cal is not...
Seems they always struggle in veg. 2 weeks into flower they take off and finish fine. WTF. Anyone? Thanks, t
after cutting is rooted, they seem to do very well given full strength nutes.
maybe ph drift from 5.7-6.5...

maybe correct by foliar feed camg+ @ ph 6.5-7.0...

hope this helps. enjoy your garden!


Ok, the garden is looking much better with room for improvement. Main difference was treating 38 PPM base wtr. with cal mag to 200 PPM prior to any chemicals. The other difference is for my rooted cuts I have been putting my washed coco in a 5 gal bucket and mixing H&G nutes @ week one ph'ed to 5.5. I let it set overnight and put my rooted clones and small transplants into it. Seems to help??? I am starting to see signs of a different kind showing up on one strain. I am starting to wonder if the base treatment with calmag to 200 PPM and the increase of nute strength is causing lockout or burn. It dosent really look like burn to me though. Mistress, my RH is only 70% in the clone chamber. The veg room stays 35 to 50%. This time of year it would be hard to increase F temps due to the fact that the veg room is vented passive FROM the 5000w flower room and with 1,500 CFM exhaust. Take a look at the pic's peeps and I welcome feedback. Overall the garden has done a 180. Like we all know, with short finish time crops of this nature, 1 or 2 weeks lag time in veg kills the final volume. Thru in a shot of the newly built flower room. That is part of my problems, everthing is brand new so it's almost like starting over.


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tip: that dead looking growth is similar to mine, you also have the purple stems too

I thought we werent suppose to be adding a calmag to H&G coco because the A part already has sufficient cal, am I wrong?

I have some freshly rooted sour d clones that look a bit underfed, i fed at 5 mls today, but i'll try 10 mls of A&B and see what happens over the next few days, I'm really hoping its a deficiency problem on all parts, I've heard of purple stems being some kind of deficiency as well


Active member
Hey Tip 302.......First, I like your setup, although I'm not sure why the MH bulbs. Other than that, vertical is the way to go gpw wise. That dark blotching has nothing to do with cal/mag. Not sure what it is. Tell me exactly what you are/were (when the pix was taken) feeding them.


I had the EXACT same problem. They are starving. I was using the AquaFlakes for recirculating coco. My ppm was at 5-600. AS SOON as I noticed and upped the ppm's to about 1000 they took off! Surprisingly I have had to feed much much more with coco then I had with hydroton, or silica stone (dynarock). Try it and get that Vert goin' I wanna see!


Yea, I lost a ballast and had to put a MH in for the time. Believe it or not, that one bulb is a HPS. Anyway, I dont know what to think. This am, things are looking worse. The pic's were about a 3 days after I started the addition of CalMag @ 5mil pr/gal which = 200 PPM base water. This leaf condition is new and different. For a few days the plants all looked happy, you know when the main shoots stand straight up reaching for the light. My last feed was at 750 PPM total. I dont f-in know what to think. I am going to put some into the flower room today even though they are smaller than I would like for this set-up just because I know they will snap out of it within a week. Makes me think that since you change from Algen extract to Multi zen in flower it has something to do with the different chemical make-up. FUCK!


i havent fed yet today, but yeah my plants arent looking that much better either, hopefully a boost will do the trick but yeah that dead looking leaf material is so strange


Active member


hey tip. my handle hear is different but you know me from the local avid support group...kidding..anyway, i thought i'd chime in hear..iv;e been having great success with the coco for awhile..seemed the water/nutrient brand compatability issue was giving me trouble for some time. after finding H&G to work the best with my well iv'e hit it. i do feed at 1.2-1.5 ec from the begining..i'll even water some of the rooted clones with this while still in the cloner, and for sure if clones are bursting with roots they take off so fast i only veg for 10-20 days, i would go RO water if i could afford to..i'll bet it's something to do with that. we should get together anyway, i want to burn some stinky cheese with yu bro. j:biggrin:


yeah im having success with a nute boost, also i fed once in the morning and once before i went to bed and the plants definitely liked it

what does it take to give these guys a nute burn in coco? it seems like everyone is having success with more nutes

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