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Tell Google/You Tube how you feel

Tell Google/You Tube how you feel

The event that google/Youtube solicited questions from you the public and failed to relay your questions or concerns about marijuana reform. If google/You Tube want to be taken seriously they must consider the votes of its participants.
Let Google/Youtube know how you feel about their failure to ask the most voted upon questions.
Feedback & Suggestions - YouTube Help:smokey::prettyplease:


Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
It doesn't need to be mentioned because it sticks out like a sore thumb, but...

Do you judge a whole community (ICmag) based on one post?

Fuck us all because one member got online and said his piece?

Check out the word 'prejudice' in the dictionary; "a preconceived belief, opinion, or judgment made without ascertaining the facts of a case. The word prejudice is most commonly used to refer to a preconceived judgment toward a group of people or a single person because of race, social class, gender, ethnicity, age, disability, political beliefs, religion, line of work or other personal characteristics."

Now, it is my personal opinion that no one should be boycotted for NOT standing up for Cannabis. The world is a dangerous place for tokers and growers, sometimes it is best to just shut up and not pursue.

If anyone should be boycotted, it is people or organizations that promote or enforce a Cannabis ban based on faulty, misconceived information, anyone who lies or deceive the public on this issue.

You don't have to agree with me, and if you don't I won't curse you and cancel my IC account,

And by the way, SoloGro57 was right, and your nick is still registered.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
Yeah because a couple thousand pot heads are going to slow down the google giant. Do you actually believe obama was going to actually DO ANYTHING?

The only place that our voice is heard is in the voters box and even that can be tampered with especially with those electronic polling machines WITHOUT printable receipts or counts.

I doubt google, twitter or any other b.s. company is going to even notice a slow in traffic even if EVERYONE who smokes weed doesn't use their services from here on out. There are too many sheep around to fill in the gaps and instead at yelling at THEM for doing this to us why not wake up more americans versus speaking to the choir.

All Affiliates of GOOGLE need to be boycotted as a result of snubbing us on the questions of legalization to our president. They completely ignored our pleas for legalization and avoided the questions altogether.
I know I am new around here, but I have been on the Cannabis scene for about 30 years now and a member of a few other forums for quite some time. Please help America out on this fellow smokers/growers/dealers/admirers/patients/anyone who gives a shit about freedom. It needs to be done. Twitter, google (make your default search BING), youtube, and countless other small BS companies affiliated with the above need to be boycotted effective IMMEDIATELY. Show them that we will be heard. Convince your small business friends to stop advertisement with them. Write gOOgle. Our president did not do it this time.

Thank you for listening


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
The event that google/Youtube solicited questions from you the public and failed to relay your questions or concerns about marijuana reform. If google/You Tube want to be taken seriously they must consider the votes of its participants.
Let Google/Youtube know how you feel about their failure to ask the most voted upon questions.
Feedback & Suggestions - YouTube Help:smokey::prettyplease:


lol if only the OP had phrased it like this...



Throbbing Member
All Affiliates of GOOGLE need to be boycotted as a result of snubbing us on the questions of legalization to our president. They completely ignored our pleas for legalization and avoided the questions altogether.
I know I am new around here, but I have been on the Cannabis scene for about 30 years now and a member of a few other forums for quite some time. Please help America out on this fellow smokers/growers/dealers/admirers/patients/anyone who gives a shit about freedom. It needs to be done. Twitter, google (make your default search BING), youtube, and countless other small BS companies affiliated with the above need to be boycotted effective IMMEDIATELY. Show them that we will be heard. Convince your small business friends to stop advertisement with them. Write gOOgle. Our president did not do it this time.

Thank you for listening

Hey John when are going to release another album??? I have been watching your old cuts on YOUTUBE and just loven them.

BTW, I listen with my ears and read with my eyes.... :)
What is this? This is the most ridiculous forum I have ever been a member of. Consider me gone. PROOF??????? Try... I watched the whole thing on youtube when the President of the united states was doing the old QnA. Questions were submitted, then voted on, and the number 1 question pertains to marijuana legalization, yet it never gets asked by the YouTube guy there feeding the questions to the Prez. how does that work? Censorship, thats how. Work for microsoft? Why would I troll a fucking weed forum for that shit, I could get a better response with better tactics than this you. I am gone. canceling my membership. Fuck ICMAG

I've been smoking weed for 44 - 45 years now. I remember, with longing, those laughing fits when i first got into smoking weed. They are so much rarer now.

Although rare; there are occasional moments of absolute, uncontrollable mirth; I find myself missing those 'early daze' laughing fits and marking the occasions they do come. There was some green Thai-Sticks back in the mid 70's and early '80 that was consistent in that respect. I got a couple friends that can make any buzz that kind of thing. They're good to have around, but usually don't smoke much and are usually hesitant to repeat whatever foolishness they did last time.

The quoted post came at just the right time, and was posted in just the right manner. Made me waste a perfectly good Hash hit; I Laughed, I Coughed, I cried. Thanks for a great laugh


Active member
They didn't ask the question because Obama has made it CRYSTAL CLEAR that he is not interested in the legalization movement. You're treading water and making yourself look like a fool son.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show

Also, I dunno how much it's youtube's fault, As I'm sure the questions were screened by Obama's faculty. I really doubt YouTube did anything besides provide the "venue" as it were.

It was nothing more than a political move. Try and ask republicans to speak about gay rights or ask democrats to talk about gun rights. There is a reason why they only hit main talking points that will gain the most overall votes.

Obama is nothing more than any other politician we have ever had (minus a few who were true constitutionalists) and with that comes the ability to outsell other politicians saying and doing whatever they can to WIN and after that really isn't the publics business because they WON and now can do whatever the hell they want to.

During the beginning of MOST new presidents the nation is excited for the change to come BUT in the end the polls always and I mean always end with a president getting shitty reviews and with good reason BUT dumb ass americans still keep voting for the MOST LIKELY TO WIN candidate like fucking morons.

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
Hey John when are going to release another album??? I have been watching your old cuts on YOUTUBE and just loven them.

BTW, I listen with my ears and read with my eyes.... :)

The real deal JD crashed his single engine plane into the Pacific Ocean in 1997 Bacchus, our JD is an impostor!


Throbbing Member
The real deal JD crashed his single engine plane into the Pacific Ocean in 1997 Bacchus, our JD is an impostor!
NNNNNNNNNNNNNNOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo say its not true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


admit nothing, deny everything, and demand proof.
Boycott youtube and google?

What are you, fucking retarded? You might as well boycott the whole fucking internet.

Get this son - Obama doesn't give a shit about weed users, he already laughed at them and brushed off the question, when asked about it in the past, even though it was the single most popular question which was asked.


google= big brother


Just Call me Urkle!!
It was nothing more than a political move. Try and ask republicans to speak about gay rights or ask democrats to talk about gun rights. There is a reason why they only hit main talking points that will gain the most overall votes.

Obama is nothing more than any other politician we have ever had (minus a few who were true constitutionalists) and with that comes the ability to outsell other politicians saying and doing whatever they can to WIN and after that really isn't the publics business because they WON and now can do whatever the hell they want to.

During the beginning of MOST new presidents the nation is excited for the change to come BUT in the end the polls always and I mean always end with a president getting shitty reviews and with good reason BUT dumb ass americans still keep voting for the MOST LIKELY TO WIN candidate like fucking morons.

I couldn't have said it better! :smokeit: Seriously man if Youtube was so against Cannabis they would take down every video related to pot growing and hash making that's just my 2 cents..




HAHAHAHA I can understand your frustration at waiting patiently for the question on Cannabis Legalization to be delivered to Obama, and then when the question didn't get asked you must have been pissed off. So I understand why you came here to make your point and I understand how you intended on making a mass statement to Gxxgle-but by losing your temper over one members post seems a bit excessive, he only questioned your integrity-you should have just answered him you donut!


Goodbye and I hope you enjoy your other forums!

Peace. RED.


Active member
What is this? This is the most ridiculous forum I have ever been a member of. Consider me gone. PROOF??????? Try... I watched the whole thing on youtube when the President of the united states was doing the old QnA. Questions were submitted, then voted on, and the number 1 question pertains to marijuana legalization, yet it never gets asked by the YouTube guy there feeding the questions to the Prez. how does that work? Censorship, thats how. Work for microsoft? Why would I troll a fucking weed forum for that shit, I could get a better response with better tactics than this you. I am gone. canceling my membership. Fuck ICMAG

sheesh, over 1 user's reply?

grow some thicker skin man, seriously

also, you should provide a link. you should always provide some sort of backup for something like this, it would be easy to do and would further clarify what it is that you are trying to communicate


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