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Passing a piss test - advice needed

I know the usual way to pass is to quit smoking for a few weeks while drinking a ton of water. Unfortunately for me, I can not quit. Period.

So, what other options do I have? I've read that synthetic urine is good but I'm afraid of the temperature issue. Anyone use synthetic urine? How did you keep it warm? Edit: I've read on other forums that Clear Choice Sub works and has built in temperature controls. Anyone ever used it with success?

I absolutely have to pass the test for work, but I absolutely can not quit smoking. At this point I'm leaning towards synthetic urine, any advice is appreciated!


Have you ever heard of "clear" I used it about ten yrs ago, I passed a piss test but the doctor said the stuff that is supposed to be in my urine wasn't there. they tested me again the next day while someone watched me....didn't pass:dunno:
What do you mean you can't quit?? you said you have to pass!!! You must not need the job that bad. Wait till you try getting a job if you get fired for it.
I've used Quick Fix before and it always worked for me too.
Detox drinks do not work, they are a waste of your money.
If it's for a job, no one will be watching you and synthetic urine will work fine.
They come with little heating pads, microwave it before you go and keep it in your pants.
If for some reason the temp gauge does not go up high enough, pee on the outside of the cup to raise the temp or rub your fingers together to get them warm then rub the temp gauge.
Makk - when you used clear and the doctor told you it wasn't kosher... what were you testing for?

All - is quick fix the same a clear sub solution?

enojadoperro- thanks for the temperature ideas, didn't think about pissing on the outside of the cup ;-)


New member
Don't personally know about addatives but, if no ones watchin why not use some one elses clean urine? strap it to your body to keep it the right temp. one time I tried heating it up with a handwarmer and it was too hot. don't do that.. experiment with strapping it to your body and check the temp.. I think I saw some equiptment for that in a hightimes mag once. be smarter than the man..:smokey:


Oldschoolfarmer.....I'm not sure what they test for. I'm assuming,pot coke,lsd,meth. They first do a screen, If that tests positive, they do tests for specific drugs. Now a days they use a gas spectograph (not sure of spelling) and you can't fool that test! It can detect a masking agent too such as clear or a detox drink. It's tough to cheat anymore.


Don't personally know about addatives but, if no ones watchin why not use some one elses clean urine? strap it to your body to keep it the right temp. one time I tried heating it up with a handwarmer and it was too hot. don't do that.. experiment with strapping it to your body and check the temp.. I think I saw some equiptment for that in a hightimes mag once. be smarter than the man..:smokey:
It goes bad REAL QUICK.


ICMag Donor
Get someone's piss that doesnt smoke or do drugs. Make sure they dont take any Dr. prescribed meds b/c many of these may also cause you to fail the test (ie:vicodin, xanax, etc.). Store piss in the frig, so it doesnt go bad. It will actually stay fresh for a very long time in the fridge, so if your getting tested often, ask this "clean" person to piss in a water bottle and keep the rest for future tests. On the day of the test, pour the piss in a large visine bottle (or other little bottle about the same size) and snap the eye-drop top off for easy pouring. Wear a pair of tighty whiteys and keep the bottle right between your balls and your leg and it will stay warm and should read at about the same temp as your piss when poured. If this test is for a job, they most likely will not be staring at dick during the test and this will work every time. If its a PO or drug testing center, then they will definitely be staring at dick!

Hooked on other people's piss!! It worked for me!!! :whee:


New member
SUR GEL! It is like cheap as hell at wally world and all you do is mix it with a gallon of water. Drink that then drink another gallon of plain water. Then just make sure that you pee a couple time before you go and that it is clear and you are good to go. If you are bigger like me I used two packets just in case. I heard that it coats the lining of the stomach not letting anything through to your urine. Im not sure about the science but it has worked every time my wife and i have done it. Oh and it will last around 2-5 hours after taking it so you have a pretty good window.


Here it is, Quick fix, comes with a heating pad and a temperature strip on the bottle, its foolproof unless you are being watched, i have personally used this and it worked great, just wear tightie whities to keep it in your pants


Here it is, Quick fix, comes with a heating pad and a temperature strip on the bottle, its foolproof unless you are being watched, i have personally used this and it worked great, just wear tightie whities to keep it in your pants

Keep the Hot pad on the side away from your leg! your leg will keep the other side perfect.

In a colder climate we microwaved them to a bit hotter than they needed to be, then if we were to hot we could add a lil water..

I like the peeing on the cup to warm it up though.

They key to this suff is the temp.. If you aint got a temp gauge on yer cup yer goosd as golden urine regardless..


I used Ultra Klean : Ultra Pure synthetic urine. Never failed a test using it. Costs about $30 on ebay, comes with a squirt cap, rubberband, and a heating pad. The bottle the urine is in also has a thermometer strip on the front of the bottle. You microwave it for around 8 secs, attach heating pad and go on your merry way.

I used to use this stuff when I knew A) I wasn't going to be supervised. B) The testers were only using the dip tests and not the analysis machines that detect all sorts of things in the urine. I walked in with it tucked in my sock with loose fitting jeans on.