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state of the union adress 2010. look how many questions are still about weed.


When you get to the point where you have to debunk death panels because they're actually being taken seriously I think you get pessimistic about the average American intelligence.

Yeah... it's kind of shocking to know how some people have such strong opinions on things they know so little about.

One of my friends is pre-med at a prestigious university, and she's gotten more and more religious as she's been there. She's really smart, but we were talking about she brought up something that Christianity doesn't allow. I (an agnost/taoist I guess) questioned her where that came from in the Bible (and I've read it, the passage doesn't exist), and she told me she never read the bible.

We're a country of sound bytes. I don't educate myself enough about things like elections and I'm committed to change that, but when I ask people who they're voting for and why, the reasons are ridiculous. They just repeat catch phrases and stuff.

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
the problem is not most Americans are dumb or under educated in general, but the uneducated when it comes to making informed decisions. We as amricans look for a general consensus than whats on our mind. We rather partake in what everyone else is doing than stand the odd one out.

I wrote a question to the SotU and think Obama really is a dick. He doesn't wanna talk about Marijuana because he believes it just a bunch of online kids, however when it comes to other questions they are of more importance because in no way would a kid write about anything other than marijuana, right?

Just another politician who made his way into the office by lying to the people who are looking for the unusual change of helping others.


I'd think it'd be a better idea to ask him about industrial hemp- the side against it is pretty much nonexistent, it like universal health care is something we stand alone in not having amongst developed nations, and there's zero political stigma in supporting it.

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
I think industrial hemp is something else that should become legal(as stupid as that sounds). It has the potential to dominate the bio fuel market and has many other uses that we could all benefit from.

However it doesn't mean we should stop trying and continue to stand ground. I don't know how you can say that universal healthcare is nonexistant either, look at the UK. When i was in Ireland if i was to get hurt while over there not only would they pay for the doctor and medication, but they would probably subsidize me for the time i lost while on holdiday over there

I think its only a matter of time till we finally prevail, i mean seriously 15 states in the past 15 years and theres still more coming. What happens when more than half of the nation has MMJ, they'd have to change their ruling on it to atleast make it Schedule II since the majority shows it has medicinal purposes.


Active member
I really think this government structure does not work correctly.
Check the link in my sig.... It'll give you tremendous insight as to why we're dealing with the issues we're dealing with right now and how they became possible.

The issue is that not only have all of your rights been stripped away.... you never learn about them in the first place anymore.

Have you ever noticed how many people don't vote because "It doesn't do any good anyway."? That's why.

Stay Safe! :tree:

p.s. Yeah... you should be pissed!


**snip** What happens when more than half of the nation has MMJ, they'd have to change their ruling on it to atleast make it Schedule II since the majority shows it has medicinal purposes.

That is it right there in a nutshell my friend. Combined with outside lobbyist influence, that is why states that have MMJ bills are getting any resistance at all! Really, who in their right mind would deny a person with a serious illness whatever they want for medicine... weather or not science says it works! People in general are compassionate. I think even those who doubt the actual benefits would not deny someone who believes it will help them, the right to us MMJ.

The question is getting to be more about social acceptance and legalization than Mmj, because the people in power know that it won't be too long before whoever left in society who still believes it is a dangerous substance is going to be like "Wow... maybe that isn't such a big deal." Then all the sudden, everyone wants to know why it isn't legalized, or at least a schedule II drug. Like you say, just a few more states and they will have to!

I think we are getting there now even. I'm talking to more and more non-tokers who are wondering about this and would like to see the increased income, reduced spending, influx to the job market, reduced crime, reduced prison/incarceration costs and even the benefits of hemp. I bartend a night a week and this comes up a lot. I'm pretty good about directing conversations subtly I guess, since it has been heavy on my mind the past few months.

I think it will be very soon that everyone is asking the same questions we have been for years.


big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
I agree the times are changing fast. Just like the first black president, people opinions change( not to be racial). I remember looking at old issues of HT and seeing the original legal states and we have come very far so my hopes of Schedule II aren't merely just a dream.

My question to Obama was why isn't Marijuana Schedule II if almost 1/3 of the the states adopted it for medcinal purposes?


It seems Obama is supposed to field questions from a live youtube webcast today Feb.1 2010. I just can't seem to find it even on the youtube website. Can someone help post a link or am I wrong about this?


I agree the times are changing fast. Just like the first black president, people opinions change( not to be racial). I remember looking at old issues of HT and seeing the original legal states and we have come very far so my hopes of Schedule II aren't merely just a dream.

My question to Obama was why isn't Marijuana Schedule II if almost 1/3 of the the states adopted it for medcinal purposes?

And something like 75-95% of the people approve of medicinal marijuana. That should be all that matters, considering this is a democracy/republic. In a democracy, we'd directly vote on it, and in a republic, we'd elect people to do this kind of voting for us.

Not to sound too crazy, but this is closer to a dictatorship that takes requests except around election time, considering how no one seems to be listening.

I listen to debates and stuff (like that WI one), and I've not once heard the opposition (pro-prohibition) mention the popular vote. They say stuff like "I don't want to say marijuana is okay to take." If 3/4 of your constituents believe it's okay to take, there had better be some serious evidence against legalizing it, and even then it's shaky. I'm not even sure it's constitutional. There have been other cases, not marijuana-related but victimless crime-related, and the judge has ruled that, under the 14th amendment, a man can do whatever he wants in the confines of his own home granted it doesn't hurt anyone.


im trying to be optimistic about what obama is gonna say, but i think we all know what's coming...."hahah, stupid online stoners, u dont represent the population"....yeah...right....just another stupid politician and his politricks

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
im trying to be optimistic about what obama is gonna say, but i think we all know what's coming...."hahah, stupid online stoners, u dont represent the population"....yeah...right....just another stupid politician and his politricks

He basically already said that which is most likely why he's not going to go in depth on our views on the subject. I think Xfargi was right about us living in dictatorship. If populus mattered we''d already win this battle.


He basically already said that which is most likely why he's not going to go in depth on our views on the subject. I think Xfargi was right about us living in dictatorship. If populus mattered we''d already win this battle.

Don't make it sound like we don't have power though. Even if it is a dictatorship in between elections and our voices are only heard every other year... we can still elect politicians that (although they won't listen to us) will legalize marijuana. We gotta make sure that happens!


It seems Obama is supposed to field questions from a live youtube webcast today Feb.1 2010. I just can't seem to find it even on the youtube website. Can someone help post a link or am I wrong about this?

link is in the first post and it starts in 1o minutes!


seriously? after all the questions, it was ignored?!

yup. Not a peep. Makes me wonder what is going on with this. I think that mj legalization is definitely coming and probably sooner than any would have believed a few years ago. In Obama's defense, I can only imagine the consequences of taking a side on this matter right now. I don't think it is possible for our government to justify the prohibition at this point. Our government has a pretty long track record of lying about it starting with Reefer Madness.

I bet in the next year we see both sides ramping up for this, and if it isn't resolved before his term is up, it may be a major election topic. Maybe he is saving it for then, or maybe he is thinking that once the economy is back in line there will be less people thinking about this as a way to save/earn tax dollars.

The point made earlier about the Schedule 1 classification being inaccurate for a drug that the government condones for medical use is a big key in this, because if the clasification is lowered to where it should be then MJ would almost have to be decriminalized, and I don't think the government wants that since it doesn't solve the crime/blackmarket issues and infact would probably make them worse. That only leaves legalization and regulation which is a very big issue and seems to be coming to a head as we speak. This thought pattern came to me when I heard a local politician say this was why he was against MMJ, because of the ensuing social acceptance of MJ. I wonder if it isn't too late for him to think he can change that!



I think Obama is pretty convinced that the vocal internet population does not represent the general population. I also think he's right in that assumption. Still, it's pretty stupid to ask the internet exactly what it is they care about then ignore the majority of it.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
what the fuck is he wasting our tax money on the internet questions board if he is not going to answer them. seems pompous to me.

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