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What's The Average Ratio Between Males And Females?

theres a seed bank in canada that says if during your veg your plants leafs dont touch that u should get 7 females out of ten consistantly. i think theres something to this to be honest.. id say be happy with fifty fifty though..
I'm trying to grow around 12 plants and I was either thinking about getting all females, but it would cost some quiet a bit, so I was thinking about getting the 10 packs.


I hate to post without proof, but I'd say it depends on the strain my man ;) (and various other growth conditions). With normal seeds, I've gotten 9/10 females, and as low as 3/10 females. (and even with the same strain!!!)

A possibility is to grow an auto, pollinate it with it's self. (feminizing the seeds) Then you'd get at least 7/10 consistently.
(Im going to try to do some feminizing when my seeds arrive :D)

UG :smokeit:


Well-known member
It depends a lot on the growing (environment). If you grow in soil rich in N, with no stress till flowering, then you'll get something like 70% females. If you stress the plants, especially when they are still seedlings, you'll see a lot more males.... up to 100% (hermies included).
I notice here on the forum how many people complain from high male or hermie ratios with different strains. And often it just comes down to their hydroponic systems where it's harder to keep the environment constant, compared to soil. Or newbies who over-water, over-fertilize and stress a lot.
I grow outdoors in a place with naturally rich-in-N soil, and my average is about 80/20 females/males. For example, last year I didn't have a male in the 4 non-fem seeds.
Another thing to consider is whether the seeds are "original" or bag seed. Bag seed is often a result of a hermie polinating its neighbours, and so bag seeds are more often female.


It depends a lot on the growing (environment). If you grow in soil rich in N, with no stress till flowering, then you'll get something like 70% females. If you stress the plants, especially when they are still seedlings, you'll see a lot more males.... up to 100% (hermies included).
I notice here on the forum how many people complain from high male or hermie ratios with different strains. And often it just comes down to their hydroponic systems where it's harder to keep the environment constant, compared to soil. Or newbies who over-water, over-fertilize and stress a lot.
I grow outdoors in a place with naturally rich-in-N soil, and my average is about 80/20 females/males. For example, last year I didn't have a male in the 4 non-fem seeds.
Another thing to consider is whether the seeds are "original" or bag seed. Bag seed is often a result of a hermie polinating its neighbours, and so bag seeds are more often female.

Ever had an unintentional hermie? I know guys who've had hermed plants before from bag seed. Especially from commercial grows(from what we suspected), Where the plants, like you said, are stressed they push off male sacks. I've read before that excessive 'natural' stress is more often prone to produce very susceptible hermaphroditic offspring. (and too, it depends on the strain, which essentially depends on the prior and current environmental conditions)


average ratio with all seeds is 60 percent females of course you might get higher or lower depending on your luck and certain conditions. with autos having some males are good though cuz you're going to want to make lots of seeds. also once you have lots of seeds its just a matter of growing many in smaller container till they show sex which is just a few weeks with autos


in my experience russian rocket fuel has a pretty high male to female ratio, but the blueberry i had that were supposed to be fem had males, but the offspring are around 90% female. as other posters have said it varies from strain to strain but probably around 50/50


Well-known member
In my experience female plants put out hermaphroditic flowers only when not polinated or stressed.
I have flowered hundreds of bag seeds in my outdoor where we have a lot of wild hemp and a little polination is enevitable (sometimes it's much worse). I grow sativas, some of which (like Thai) are known for hermie tendencies. Yet, I've seen ONLY 3 hermie plants, 1 of which put out only 2 sacks that never developed and opened. Maybe there have been other hermie plants that I've considered males if they showed male flowers before all.


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
i have no proof maybe just coincidence, but years ago i switched to 18/6 light schedule and my ratio has increased considerably from a 24/0..this grow i threw down 6 strawd, 4 sshf2 and 2 femmed beans..anyway the strawd's 3/6 and the sshf2's 4/4..that;s 70% ratio..


My answer is 50/50 to 60/40...anything outside th@range is poor genetics or breeding...

Some things CAN be done to increase the chance of the seed developing into a female...Ethylene may help in this regard...wikki it...google it...ICMagit!
I seem to remember there being an incredibly long thread on this subject, somewhere..but it may not have been on this site :(

Perhaps storing your seeds a fortnight WITH ripe and ripening banana's...striking [cracking] them with banana's and surrounding the seedlings with banana's for the first few weeks might help with the male/female ratio...ethylene is used commercially to ripen fruit...you may even be able to get some bottled...if you have the right connections:)

A possibility is to grow an auto, pollinate it with it's self.

you have to cause the plant to give female pollem ( turn hermaphradite, and then polinate the plants sister or a clone of the same plant) in this case a sister as auto's are not good to clone, NEVER use female seeds that came from the plant that gave off the pollem as theres a high chance of hermaphradites, but yeah a seed run is always a good option.


Well-known member
I cannot agree that anything other than 50/50 to 60/40 is "poor genetics or breeding". Because this ratio depends on environment just as much as genes.
The application of ethylene or something rotting upon the seeds mimics the conditions in soil very rich of decaying organic matter (and N). While I don't know how effective ethylene and banana peels are, I definitely see effect (more females) when the seeds germinate in soil rich in N. And btw, this soil is NOT good for germination as N suppresses root development, but the fact is it brings out more females from the seeds that manage to get it to plants.


When I look back on years and years of planting, and take into consideration that hermies are genetically female (and those are extremely rare here), I think overall I have got better than 75% females.

NEVER use female seeds that came from the plant that gave off the pollem as theres a high chance of hermaphradites...

No higher than the occurrence in the mother strain. I've used the STS method a bunch of times, and it never produced any hermies for me. I've even femmed fem beans with no effect on sex.
When I look back on years and years of planting, and take into consideration that hermies are genetically female

indeed bro but this is false im not attacking you btw but just recently i had 3 males that turned female, therefore they was males genetically hard to explain huh

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
environmental conditions that influence female growth are:
1. Blue light, use MH in veg stay away from hps during veg
2. Wetter soil is better for females
3. CO2 increases your females by 5%
4. Cooler Temps are better for females 70 degrees'ish
5. Shorter daylight cycle ie 14 to 16 hours per day of light. Watch as I have had plants turn under 14 hours of day light.
mj starts determining sex when its 3rd set of true leaves appear. So be on your controls early

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
Nature would say 50/50 but you can improve that:

Blue light increases females. Its a myth that HPS lights are as good for germing/growing as Halides. NOt true. If you plant 10 seedlings un der HPs and 10 under MH, you will always have more females if everything else holds true under the halides.

Also, I always get more females when i start them outside under the april/may sun.

Indoors, there is an increase in males when light cycles drops below 16-8 or above 18-6


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